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African Union Continuous to Fail Peace

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Why the African Union Continuous to Fail Peace, but Opts to Create War in Somalia Instead



African Union Fails to end the Uganda and Sudan Civil Wars which still go on, which have displaced more than 4 million people combined and which continues to kill a similar number of people for more than 2 decades to 2005.


It has turned a blind eye to enforcing Ethiopia’s chronic violation of UN Arms Embargo Resolution on Somalia for the past 14 years

It condones Ethiopian Belligerence in East Africa to go unchecked

And now wants to further destroy Republic of Somalia and any peace that might have arisen with new Transitional National Government (TFG) by approving the IGAD “Axis of Evil†programme of mayhem!

The African Union is nothing but a disgraceful club of dictators and former criminal warlords who should be prosecuted immediately for their past and continuing atrocities and crimes committed against their people. They have done nothing and will bring do nothing, no peace will they bring for Somalia people. These monsters turned “presidents-for-life†such as the despot in Ethiopia Zenawi(now in his 14h year of his dictatorship over Ethiopia), his partners Museveni (currently in his 18th year of dictatorship over the Ugandan people and shows no sign of letting go) and their other bloody neighbour to the north who needs no introduction whatsoever for his gruesome campaigns in Darfur, Southern Sudan and against his own people generally, Al-Bashir of Sudan— ever bringing peace to Somalia is not only ludicrous, but tantamount to the highest degree of black comedy!


These men— taken together as individuals and collectively— in their decades long history of misrule over their countries have contributed nothing other than instigating and continuing more bloodshed, displacement of civilians, fomenting ethnic war, deliberately creating a climate of pervasive instability and turmoil in neighbouring countries in the region, a good case being Somalia, but also including Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Chad(and it goes on and on) than any semblance of peace and order that has been known in the whole of East Africa since the end of colonialism in 1960s. They continue to oversee their own civil wars and kill their own people.


Taken as whole this African Union of Despots, be it in East, West, North or South has proven to be a futile exercise of its predecessor Organization for African Union(OAU) and continuous to ignore the pressing problems facing the African continent and the people of East Africa in particular. It continues to serve as a venue for drunken cabals and stupors involving Ethiopian prostitutes; the dismantling of human rights, national sovereignties and constitutions; as a centre for continuous laundering of Western aid money into private accounts; legitimatizing illegal usurpation and theft of national wealth and offices; hiding place of murderers turned presidents; and most reprehensively of all serving as forum for this dictators to create new wars as they are currently planning for Somali Republic.


A good example today is the fact that it, the African Union and its sham of a “Peace and Security Council†unashamedly turns a blind eye to Ethiopia’s belligerent activities towards peace, the Somali people, those it holds captive within its bloodstained borders and those now residing in Somalia and never ending desire to deprive the emergence of Governance ever returning to Somalia. The African Union knowing full well Ethiopia’s central role in manufacturing and keeping the “status quo†of warlordism and clan strife, knowing all the destruction its violations of UN Arms Embargo, which amazingly still is flooding into Somalia to create war in Bay and Bakol provinces with ammunition and weapons as well as troops contrary to all laws—this African Union has the nerve today to approve an invasion force made up of this despots’ militias to Somalia!


This proves the African Union is engineering and canvassing for more wars, genocides, “status quo†of instability and bloodsheds across Africa for the benefit of co-pillagers like Zenawi, Museveni, and Al-Bashir. They are the enemy accomplices for Africa’s stagnation and strife.


The very fact that it is based in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa seat of one of the most heinous, repressive and primitive dictatorships to ever exist within Africa and that along with being the only country in Africa with a established tradition of ethno-based colonialism, it has further its unique reputation of using “hunger and starvation†as a legitimate means of political and social control—proves this is not even worthy to be called a “talkshop†since it is more like a contest of wild hyenas for who can be the more vulgar!


It has done even very little to publish the massive human rights violations, killings, beatings taking place right NOW outside its offices in Addis Ababa against the Oromo people and especially against the brutalized Somalis of ******ia, which just last week Ana Gomes the European Union’s chief observer to that farcical comedy of an election stated in the best of diplomatic language amounted to state-sanctioned repression. In an interview on 11 May 2005 with the United Nations Integrated News Agency (IRIN) she stated that†“I myself have spoken to people who have been beaten, and we have other evidence and suggestions of a pattern of behaviour of disruptions of rallies and harassment… we had reports of murderâ€. The international respected and independent New York based Human Rights Watch was less diplomatic in its report on the situation in Zenawi’s dungeon, it stated concerning the many captive peoples(including over 6 million Somalis tortured in the eastern region daily and made to suffer the worst kind of state-sanctioned barbarism and forced deprivations since the days of Pol Pot).


According to Peter Takirambudde, executive director of Human Rights Watch’s Africa division, “The Ethiopian government claims that the elections demonstrate its commitment to democratic principles, But in the run-up to the elections, the authorities have intensified the repression they have used to keep themselves in power for 13 years." As for Uganda which continues to suffer corruption and political violence orchestrated by Museveni’s thugs as they seek to once again amend the constitution to make their Big Man president for life, following the footsteps of long entrenched African bloodsucking tradition, who as the U.S. state department states of Museveni


At home, Museveni government has been unable to end a brutal insurgency in the north and west of the country. Under his rule the Lord's Resistance Army(LRA) rebels have killed and kidnapped many thousands of people than before. Along with Museveni’s militias they have displaced more than one and a half million Uganda people into camps. And as


Mavis Makuni of the Financial Gazette states in regarding African dictators that it is “Only Museveni, who has been in power for 18 years, managed to bulldoze his way into having the amendment accepted. God knows how long he will now remain in power.â€


Al-Bashir who single-handily now oversees a “genocide†in his troubled country does not even know what “peace†means, there is no need for an a introduction of this sinful man who has tarnished the image of Islam globally and within Africa apart from that since its independence on 1956 Sudan is still going through a 21-year civil war that has cost 1.5 million and since 2003 under Al-Bashir’s rule and his militias have killed more than 1.5 million people have fled their homes and tens of thousands of people have been killed


The African Union since its inception has done practically nil to either end Africa’s many sordid wars or pressing problems such as development and HIV/AIDS. The fact that it has overlooked to end Uganda, Sudan Civil Wars; the Zenawi Dictatorship, and now wants to further bloodshed in Somalia, proves that Africa is once again betrayed by none other than its myriad of bloody one-man shows, Dictators! In light of this and the fact that not one single conflict has been resolved by the Africa Union, but only new wars have been created under its patron war mongers, its peacekeeping (if it can be even called as such) will do nothing but a exacerbate the fighting in Somalia and serve as vehicle for plunder of Somalia as has occurred in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Congo all under African Union peacekeeping adventures. Thank God the United States of America and European Union have opposed this deviant concotation of “axis of evil†of IGAD dictators Zenawi- Museveni Al-Bashir and may they continue to help the poor Somalia people regain sovereignty and real PEACE through reconciliation and governance in TFG.


Yusuf Ali Qoryoley

Berlin, Germany

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