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Battles rage - War broke out: This time its Eritrea v Djibouti

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eritrea is the poster child for why the world does not recognize new countries in Africa. Sense its inception, its has either went to war with or hosted rebels groups of all its neighbors all the way up to Yemen.

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surwaalku yuun kugu dheeran, garkuna yuun kaa gaaban. Hadaan kuu sheego labadanba wey kugu dhacayaane.

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Kashafa, Ina adeer anigu waxba kaama sheegaayo, but what I gota say to you is one thing, you need to work on your behaviour and qaab-dhaqan...

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Emperor thanks for the update. So far its only a minor clash on the border. Eritrea if they chose to do so could over run the tiny Djibouti army, but I dont belive they are that dumb.


Its not good news, Djibouti was attracting foreign investment because of its stability and strategic location.

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Eritrea waxay ka xanaaqsantahay Djibouti is going to buil the Bridge between yemen And Djbouti. This is a inside Source han hayo.

Listen Eritrea cant play the game no more.

The isbahaysii is in Djibouti the t f g is in Djibouti they are no irrelevant now In siyaasada geeska africa thats Arinta labbaad.

Ninkan isiyas afarweyrkii wa nin walaan. the guy dagaal bu ku qaaday yemen dagaal buu ku qaaday sudan dagaal buu ku qaaday Ethiopia dagaal bu ku qaday mantana Djibout.

Eritrea cant over run Djibouti ha ku fakiirin taa

Millatary Djibout mutch stronger then Eritrea

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Duke, they have pushed the Djiboutian forces a little towards Dj border, but not much... SBC reports...


Indeed Djibouti attracts great forms of investment, the bridge that connect Asia and Africa is an amazing project that would pour money into their Economy....

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Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf:

Millatary Djibout mutch stronger then Eritrea

Bfffffffffffffffffffffffffff! Xaaji Xayraan, waad iga qoslisay. I thought your strength was waving some weird flag oo tidhaa jamhuuriyad xor ah ayaa leh!


Mutch iga qoslisay!!

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Xaaji_xundjuf, you made some valid points. Eritrea while bussy fighting everyone has lost out to little Djibouti in business.


Djibouti will win this, because it has the world and all its people behind it.


Aferwarki is a hated despot who's troops are defecting daily.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

Ina'lilaahi Wa inaa ilayhi rajicuun, reports on the Djibouti side casualties are already in, two soldiers have already fallen.... Has this nation ever fought a war horta? I am not sure how they would take this. It's serious now, Djibouti is a small country, Eretria must stop its aggression or the UN, America and France have to intervene...


The mad-dog Afawerki needs to be overthrown, time for a regime change in Eritrea, the people of Eritrea are living hell under this beasts dictatorship, they deserve better...

This is coming from who? Haha.


What a clowns. Carry it own

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^You want Djibouti to be defeated by Eritrea?

When is the next clash between the SL and PL do you think? Ramadan is I'm assuming another Ramadan Brawl?

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^^^I hope they never have any clashes, nothing is gained by it.


But again whats with the haha? Djibouti is a Somali nation and Eritrea has no right attacking it.. Here is Ismael Omar Gulleh.. ;)


“Eritrea waxaa ay diidan tahay nabad loo helo mushkilada Soomaaliya waxaana colaada ay hada nagusoo qaaday loo sabababeynayaa ka xumaasheheeda ay ka xumaatay heshiiskii dowladda federalka iyo is bahaysiga mucaaradka ah laba habeen ka hor ay ku gaareen halkan”ayaa lagu yiri war saxaafadeedka kasoo baxay maanta wasaarada arrimaha dibada dalka Jabuuti.


Dowladda Eritea waxaa aad u dhibeysa nabad laga helo dalka Soomaaliya sababtoo ah hadii Soomaaliya ay nabadi saldhigato oo ciidamada Itoobiyaamnku baxaan waxaa dhab ah in Ciidadamada Itoobiyaanka ee baxayaahi ay si toos ah u abaari doonaan Eritrea oo aana lahayn awood dagaal oo rasmi ahaan ay isaga celiso Itoobiya.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^I hope they never have any clashes, nothing is gained by it.


But again whats with the haha? Djibouti is a Somali nation and Eritrea has no right attacking it.. Here is Ismael Omar Gulleh..



“Eritrea waxaa ay diidan tahay nabad loo helo mushkilada Soomaaliya waxaana colaada ay hada nagusoo qaaday loo sabababeynayaa ka xumaasheheeda ay ka xumaatay heshiiskii dowladda federalka iyo is bahaysiga mucaaradka ah laba habeen ka hor ay ku gaareen halkan”ayaa lagu yiri war saxaafadeedka kasoo baxay maanta wasaarada arrimaha dibada dalka Jabuuti.


Dowladda Eritea waxaa aad u dhibeysa nabad laga helo dalka Soomaaliya sababtoo ah hadii Soomaaliya ay nabadi saldhigato oo ciidamada Itoobiyaamnku baxaan waxaa dhab ah in Ciidadamada Itoobiyaanka ee baxayaahi ay si toos ah u abaari doonaan Eritrea oo aana lahayn awood dagaal oo rasmi ahaan ay isaga celiso Itoobiya.

Afewerki is just as bad as Melez. This the man that is responsible of so many Muslim Eritreans disappearance (look into this) Haha was for the hyprocisy. If Afewerki was supporting your uncle..I don't think you will be saying all that stuff about him.

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^^^Adeer my uncle has the support of the international community.

The UN security council, IGAD, AU, and has even managed to foster good relations with Djibouti which for a while was not his favourite Somali province/nation.


Aferwarki is a confused enemy of Somalia and like all enemies of the state his demise I welcome.


No hypocracy adeer, I dislike all those that fight my national government. thats why I have time for the secesisonists they are not much of a warrior class, talk they do though. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Adeer my uncle has the support of the international community.

The UN security council

When you say this what do you mean? Why do they allow Israel to shed the bloods of the Palestinians?

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