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Change of heart - the Somali way

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Change of heart - the Somali way

Waxa-la-Yiri editorial

By Wiil-Hoog


The cycle of idiocy continues. Mogadishu has changed hands again and the TFG is holed up in Baidowa still. Nothing has changed as far as the big picture is concerned. As before Mogadishu the real price of Somali politiking is under the control of group that's not on the same page with TFG. The Somali tragedy is not over as many might have hoped.


TFG has made gains in the UN, Arab League, AU, and other concerned parties centers. By the same token it has committed a self-inflicted suicide at the home front. If the latest reports of Somali xaafado on the net are something to go by, refusing to negotiate with the real power that controls Mogadishu is a political plunder in highest degree. By refusing to participate in the preplanned peace conference, the TFG is choosing to appease foreign forces who don't have the interest of the Somali people at heart.


Waxa-la-Yiri editors would like to remind the TFG top brass the age-old wisdom that you only make peace not with friends but with enemies. To choose Aideed camp over IUC camp is not only ****** but it is also a declaration of war against the very folks who control the much priced Mogadishu.


The courts have made some wise moves. They denounced terrorism and distanced themselves from Osama and his associates. They are willing to open up their homes for inspection if that's the price they have to pay in order to avoid uncle Sam's wrath. Above all, and I'm impressed by their shrewdness, they are willing to recognize the TFG and hand over Mogadishu to them. All they are asking is a matual recognition.


There is a room for negotiation still. One cannot have both ways. The IUC have to understand that TFG is a government, a transitional one with a "mandate". They may not like the top dog of the TFG but still he is an elected man. As such TFG cannot accept to come Mogadishu as a guest for the powerful IUC. TFG should have authority and muscle to to back up that authority.


Likewise the TFG should not have a sudden change of heart. Moreover it should rethink bringing FTs. to the country. If IUC agrees, in principle, to accomodate the government security plans, the TFG top brass should consider seriously to incorporate IUC militia into the so called national army as it has done to Puntland militia that are now part of "national army". It is not easy proposition but it is doable project.


Waxa-la-Yiri is getting feeds that are not that much encouraging. It seems that both sides are not open for compromises and compromise, as this age-old profession suggest, is an essential ingredient of practical politics.


On a side note, the IUC's credibility is in question for good reason. The inclusion of Indhacade in the ranks of IUC is preplexing to say the least. It could be the case that he now supports their bid to bring normalcy to most of the south. We don't why that is the case but the assumption is that he shares clan affiliation with forces behind the IUC. If that is the case then to give other likeminded warlords two choices: surrender or else all the while this man is allowed to keep hos weapon and territory is not a good start. Their current attitude toward consolidating control of the city defeats the purpose.


All in all, Somalis in the south will have peace of mind when the two sides are talking to each other in order to end the civil war. Anything short of that will only exacerbate the suspicion and animosity and the risk of all out war looms...


Waxa-la-Yiri News Desk

Warsan iyo Weersan ii soo wac

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Morning Mr. Oodweyne.


What do you make of the process of elimination UIC is engaged of? Wise? Necessary? Strategic? How about the selective approach in which supportive warlords are spared from the knive whereas other warlords are given an ultimatum to submit or else? Is this a short term strategy?


Where does Hargeisa see itself in relation to the events in Mogadishu? Does the new found understanding btw the West and TFG pose any diplomatic backlash against the separatist enclave? Or do the emergency of UIC and the prospect of another deadly round of "uncivil" war strengthen secessionists' cause?


How about the boys that crossed the border with military hardware that belongs to SL what do you make of that? I understand that tough-talking and hawkish vice-president made provacative statement he can't follow through whereas Cadde Musse reply to the charge was dismissive in tone and briliant in diplomatic lexicon!


Awoowe Oodweyne igu akhri waxii Ilaahay ku baray :D Ya heard me! An anaylsis from the meastro of the house is in order!

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Baashi wrote

Above all, and I'm impressed by their shrewdness, they are willing to recognize the TFG and hand over Mogadishu to them. All they are asking is a matual recognition.

hashu maankeed gadaye, ma masaar beey laqday! War baashiyoow waxaad joogtaba ma sidaas buu fahamkaagu noqday? Walee tani waa amuur aan moogeyn.


Keep up the spin, gentleman! :D

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Waryee Qasaaro :D , saaxiib waa adiga fariidka ahaaye fadlan bal wax i fahamsii oo dee ii xoog warran sxb.


Waxan moodayay in heshiiskii Suudaan uu qodobka ugu wayn ahaa in laba garab ay is aqoonsadaan awalan deetana wada xaajoodaan. Awoowe maalmahan safar baan ku jiraye maaneey sidaa arrinku ahayn?

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^^Caaqil Baashiyow, koley is badal weyn baa dhacay, Ina Qeybdiid kuma yaqaano, dowladii waa hadashay oo gocaan cad bey saxaafada gaarsiisay ineysan la shiri doonin Midowga Maxkamadaha, Itoobiya si toos ah ayey Baydhabo usoo gashay teer iyo shaleyna waxay kolonyo kusoo gudbayeen baladxaawo iyagoo C/laahi kusii jeeda dhankiisa.


Waxaa intaas ku darsan laheyd adaa yaqaan, laakiin safarka aad ku maqneyd ayaan kuugu cudurdaaray khatifkii yaraa. Xaqiiqaduna waxay tahay in marnaba aysan Maxkamadaha Islaamiga aysan sheegan in hadafkooda ugu weyn uu yahay in la citiraafo qaab siyaasadeed ama qaab xookeed intaba. Inaa xasuusatid ma aqaano ajandaha shirkii khartoum wuxuu ahaa in loo gogolxaaro wareega 2aad ee 15-ka bishan, kaasna waxaa jabshay dowladda, oo aheyd iney raacdo qodobadii lagu heshiiyay mid ka mid ah oo ahaa inaan saxaafada afla-gaado iyo jaa'ifo la isku marin.


Ilaahey kheyr haka dhigo, aamiin.

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Bashi, not a bad analysis at all. Though you seem to belive in this mythical power of these courts. Much is made of them as was of the warlords before them. I still doubt they are interested in attacking Baidoa any time soon.

In Baidoa they will face a totally different adversary, one who will fight..


Ooodwene, I must say for once you have impressed me..a question for you, Who benefited most from this agreement? The TFG, or the courts.

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Magnifico! Last paragraph is what is expected from an accomplished budhead :D Just briliant :D


Many thanks Mr. Oodewene. Awoowe meel shishe bay ka degaysaa. For the first time Tanks will be taking part in this "uncivil" war! Awoowe mar labaad diirad saar oo nagu akhri waxii Ilaaheey ku baray.




Armed to the teeth TFG vs. Public supported Courts – a decisive showdown

Waxa-la-Yirri up to the minute war iyo wacaale

By Sheeko Xariir (Cyber-ku-Dirir vet and Waxa-la-Yiri trophy winner)

July 14th, 2006


Fadhi-ku-dirir crowd went ballistic as they tried hard to get the latest feeds from their groupthink-oriented circle of buddies. Both sides of the aisle have friends on the ground helping them in the war iyo wacaale department. The latest word is that TFG’s so called “national army†is on the move. The target? Balli-Doogle, Somalia national air force base now in shambles.


There are three arrows on the plan layout hanging on the war room. Surprisingly enough they are all pointing to far away cities of Qoryooley via Diinsoor, Bu’aale, and Balli-Doogle. Our dept. has received sensitive and highly classified information from high-ranked official in the TFG’s upper echelon circle. The idea is to draw the courts out of Mogadishu into the Southern theatre.


This will facilitate the propaganda agenda of TFG. TFG wants to paint the courts as aggressive and violent Taliban-like regime expanding its circle of influence to the rest of the country. The TFG will spare no effort in order to define the courts as clan-based courts. Attacking Qoryooleey from the North West will compel segment within the court system to rush Indho-Cadde’s aid at the Qoryooleey offensive


The sagacious Sheikh Sharif, if he has his way, is trying to fortify Mogadishu’s security and focus on improving the courts’ enforcement muscle within the city limits. He is also trying to invite reporters to Mogadishu. Our feeds report that the Court’s delegation will go to Khartoum regardless of TFG’s plans. The idea is to underscore their pacifist attitude and their willingness to talk to the TFG for the peace’s sake..


There are other elements within the courts’ executive branch that want to preempt the TFG. They want to make their stand at Belli-Doogle theatre. If they have their way, the TFG’s military muscle will be tested thoroughly and the outcome of Balli-Doogle upcoming showdown will serve as useful indicator for the viability of foreign troops in the area.


Waxa-la-Yiri Khabaar Desk

Spinning the ball like the one and the only Zidane

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