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ICU are they Safe within..?

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Cambarro..! If you were clever enough as your writing portrays you would have noticed that the phrase of my topic nds with a question mark, hence anything written under that topic is asking questions or otherwise.

But since you your last assumption is that it is allegation , it shows you are unwilling to delve deep into the queries presented.

Therefore my dear sister dismiss as you may, as am sure it will rise as a matter in a time of not your choosing, markasna gember gaban aan kugu fadhiya.

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Originally posted by Juje:

Disregarding the rest of your inuuendo, can you please tell me the good work? Apart from waging war on their peers in the name of Islam, creating peace and security. Anything else sxb?

Why do I get the sense that you are not sane with those comments?


"waging war on their peers? then creating peace and security in the name of Islam?"


Well buddy I believe the name of Islam,is in good use in this situation and the warlords were the peers of the devil.


Cause if that is your good work, I have all day to talk about it and prove it is a orchestrated cover up and hides a dangerous plan.

Okay, let me hear you talk about Mr. Juji? tell me exactly how this is cover,may be you know something we don't know after all!


And as you said the courts unity can only be damaged by tribal difference. Hello, are we on the same wave in here? The courts are established in tribal frame work, each clan has its own 'maxkama' thus making the Middowga Maxakamadaha Islaamiga. The effects of tribalism is not absent sxb

I didn't say such thing buddy,I am well aware of what the ICU is,but still I see their goodwork beyond anything else,hence that is part of not thinking superficially.So do tell me something other than Qabiil buddy.

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Juje alaysis was not bad, but what evidance do you have for the divisions between what you termed as moderates and as extremists?


Also are you saying that Indacade , Sharif and Cadaane's are in the same camp?


Please expand your argument a little.

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Cajiib..! Kuwana waxay yirahdaan 'orod nagala tag qurafadkada' kuwa kalana waxay leyihiin no bal-balari sheekada oo yacni wey ku socota.

Anyways Red sxb I think there is lack of comprehenssion amid you and me, so lets leave it at that. As for Ugas Duke, Yes saxiib there is diversity in application within the ICU and it is not healthy.

Indhacadde at the moment is more leaning towards the moderates, cause he has made enemies within the hardliners particularly with Cayro. And for heavens sake Duqa dont ask me to define to you moderates and extremist in any organisation.

Cadani is backing the leadership of Sharif, firstly on the basis of clan wise secondly he has invested a lot in here and wants his man in there until he can recuperate his financial investment plus profit, which explacing why his brother is the financial secretary in the ICU.

The Sharif camp are willing to negotiate with the TFG initially in restoring peace and gradually into changing the constitution and so forth, not forgeting also into bargaining for decission making posts within the TFG. The radicals dont recognise the TFG, dont recognise regional organisations or even either International ones, as far as the TFG is concerned for them it is a gaalo created government in expanssion of gaalo influence with Ethiopia at the helm. This latter group also advocates in eradicating by force those that oppose the introduction of the ICU in the whole of Somalia. Their moto being Somalis are Muslim hence the total introduction and interpretation of the Sharia is a must, though arguebly toi some but clear to others that it is a ploy.

If you remember in the early days there was public flogging in the streets of Mogadishu and justice wat at the mercy of the militant soldier in the street who had the power to flog you if he deemed you were commiting a sin. Well that had stopped and was publicly announced by Sharif in order to insert his authority. The power dispute among the ring leaders does not end there and if you dont blindly follow it or utterly hate it principaly or tribaly you will notice it.

Ngonge was saying lets give it 18 months, my money is on less than that. First the out of Khartoum meeting , the radicals will be pushing for total war, the moderates for more diplomacy.

And actually now as it has been brought to my attention Turki and Cayro are furious with the Sheikh who annouced that there will be a committe set to investigate the fatal scandal in Kismayo.

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MUQDISHO: Maxaakiimta Muqdisho oo isaga soo horjeeda inay baydhabo weeraraan iyo inkale


Waxaa socda fadhiyo aan loo meel dayin oo ay Maxaakiimtu uga arrinsanayaan dagaal lagu qaado xarrunta DFKS, taas oo lagu kala qaybsan yahay oo aan weli la isla meel dhigin. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in Guddoomiyaha Shuurada Maxaakiimtu uu ka biyo diidan yahay in Maxaakiimtu ay waqtigan qaadaan dagaal aan loo meel dayin oo dhibaato u keena siyaasada Maxaakiimta , taas noqonaysa mid lagu fashilmo.


Horjoogaha dhinaca Amaankada ee Maxaakiimta Yuusuf Indhocadde oo horay uga mid ahaan jiray Qab-qablayaashii Soomaaliya , gadaalna uga biiray maxaakiimta kaddib markii uu taageeray Siyaasadaooda, ayaa isagu qaba in weerar aan gabasho lahayn lagu qaado xarrunta dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya, inta uu wadanka ka maqan yahay madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo waqtigan ku sugan dalka China.


Xubno kale ayaa qaba in Maxaakiimta ay si fiican u dhigaystaan hadalada ka soo yeeraya Guddoomiyaha Fulinta Maxaakiimta oo isagu ku baaqay inaan dagaal lagu deg-degin intii Maxaakiimta ay soo gaarayaan taakulooyin aad u baalan oo ay ka helayaan kuwa ay gacan-saarka la leeyihiin.


Arrintan ayaa waxay ku soo beegan tahay Waqti uu magaalada Muqdisho uu soo gaaray Xasan Daahir Aweys oo ah matoorka maxaakiimta ayaa lagaran karin juwaabtiisa ku aadan ku duulitaanka magaalada Baydhabo , inkastoo xubno ku dhow-dhow Xasan Daahir Aweys ay sheegayaan inuu aad u taageersan yahay weerar lagu qaado magaalada Baydhabo.


Asbuucyadii la soo dhaafay ayaa Shariifka maxaakiimta uu aad u danaynayey in Dagaal lagu qaado xarrunta Dowlada , waxaana hada aad looga yaaban yahay waxa bedelay go'aankiisii hore ee ahaa in dagaal hubaysan lala galo DFKS ee fadhogeedu yahay magaalada Baydhabo.


Dhanka kale dhaq-dhaqaaqa Saraakiisha dowlada iyo Ciidamo farabadan oo ka tirasan kuwa dowlada ayaa maalmihii ugu danbeeyey dhaq-shaqaaq ka waday aagaga difaaca goobaha ay kaga sugan yihiin gobolka Bay, waxaana aad looga dareemayaa daafaha magaalada Baydhabo guuxa baabuurta gaashaaman ee ciidanka DFKS, taasoo muujinaysa astaan colaadeed oo ay isaga horyimaadaan Ciidamada Dowlada iyo kuwa Maxaakiimta.


Arrin sahlan maaha , hadii Maxaakiintu sida xaqiiqda ah ay ku fududaadaan dagaal ay ku qaadaan Magaalada Baydhabo , waxaana dad badan oo ka faalooda siyaasada Soomaaliya ay ka muujinayaan walaac aad u balaaran oo ku aadan dagaal ka qarxa Soomaaliya.Waxaana la saadaalinayaa in dagaal ka qarxa Soomaaliya uu yahay mid aan wax badan aan ka duwanaan doonin kii ka dhacay Soomaaliya waqtigii madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya kursiga laga tuuray bilowgii 1991-dii.


Isha Warka : Qaybta Wararka deg-dega

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