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Both Ilka-Jir and Donyale can't override Maakhir Elders' Position (High Risk there)

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^Fyi, if he does muster all the manpower and resources of his community, it would just be small potatoes compared to the major battles that Makhir region had endured. It is these battles that the Commisioner of the Secretary of the State for the British Empire recommended his colonial troops to withdraw from their "observation [military] posts by condoning the rebellious attitude" (his exact words) of the Makhiris. :D:D


I have just highlighted or rephrased what your president said on air.

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Originally posted by Nassir:

^Thankful, your leader is a crook and sociopath. A former corrupt official and alleged "pirate chief" according to the UN Monitoring Group. His arrogance has no limits. You can not cover the stench of Farole's coward appeal and divisive tactics on BBC radio. At least his predecessors of the clan had wielded an illusion of invincibility and they enjoyed showing it to the peaceful clans of the South.


Despite Farole's shabby and vulgar terms at the media against the region, Mr. Atam denied to be a member of al-Shabaab. He said that he and his militia are from Galgala with grievances against both PL and PIS. He also said that it was his region that Puntland attacked and all he did was defend his land and people. And he vowed to defend himself should PL mount another round of attacks. He is orator and appears to be very confident with his defiant position against PL's authority.


His main goal is to fight--and perhaps reverse--the long injustices perpetuated by PL's security sector in Bosasso and environs where his clan call home and form majority.



What are you talking about being objective, he said "we are Al Shabaab and Al Shabaab is us." It wasn't a written interview, but it came out of his own mouth. Believe me, I can't wait until Faroole is out! But right now, he has been given another life line by defeating Atam and sending him back to the mountains. The walls were closing in on him with all the deportations of southerners, but Atam's interview justified it all.


Also, it's funny that you will use the UN Monitoring groups report, but when it came out you completely disregarded it and called it corrupt. But most funny is that same report found both Ilka-Jiir and Atam responsible for criminal activity. But you would probably ignore that part, right?


I truly have no idea why you would possibly use that UN report to attack Faroole knowing that it condemns both men (ilka-jiir and Atam) harshly, it's absolutely mind boggling! You are shooting yourself in the foot by trying to attack Faroole with that report, because it attacks the people from your region that you support!


But yeah! Please, stop defending him and saying that he is not Al Shabaab because he is trying to back track. He already said it, and the interview is there for everyone to hear! He can come out with 1000 interviews saying he is not, that one interview sealed the deal!

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No one cares about Faroole, as an individual he will be held accountable for his failures. However we will not allow Part time Puntlanders out of misguaded clan envy to destabalise the state.


Now Ilkajiir is bad, Doonyaale is bad and Attam is good? One wonders how this is so.

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Puntland leaders (from Badhan(Ilka-Jir) and Dhahar (Donyale) have contributed nothing to the wellbeing of Maakhir regions other than reinforce the structural disadvantage of the community as far as the electoral seats of PL is concerned. They are the hidden figurehead leaders of the two main sub-clans of the community, a long myth of the Makhirs' composition and their territorial distribution. I expect from them nothing much as far as overcoming the demands of their boss to toe his line. They should have better resigned than parroting Farole.

Very well put. Ilka Jiir and Donyale will be held accountable for parroting this corrupt administration. Faroole is a pirate, warlord and an opportunist who poses a danger for peace and clan co-existenc.

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Ilko or Doonyaale, can't change the situation on the ground, Niether Faroole, It is up-to Maakhirs to decide their faith.


This Puntland sh!t is crap, and Maakhirs know it is not working. I warned here when Ilko returned , the Maakhir Movement should not be derailed.

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