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General Duke

Warlords order Sharif Xasan to come to Mogadishu

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Afhayeenka Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan oo laga codsaday

inuu magalaada Muqdisho yimaado


Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa laga dalbaday inuu yimaado Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimadda dalka Soomaaliy,iyadoo xilligan meel xasaasi ah maraya khilaafka u dhaxeeya Labada qayb ee dowladda federaalka soomaaliya.


Shariif Xasan oo la sheegay inuu qorsheystay in Maalmaha Ciidul-fitriga ku qaato Magaalada Nairobi oo kol hore u ahayd xarun Ganacsi inta uusan loo dooran xilka Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya sanad ka hor,laakiin Wasiirada hubeysan ee Muqdisho ayaa ka codsaday Shariifka in uu sida uga dhaqsiyaha badan ku soo gaaro xamar.


Maxamed Qanyare, Muuse Suudi iyo xubnaha kale xamar ku sugan ayaa xiriir teleefon la sameeyay Shariifka waxayna ka dalbadeen inuu soo gaaro xamar si loo gudi galo howlo badan oo horyaala dowladda federaalka soomaaliya.


Xilligan ayaa warar lagu kalsoon yahay waxay sheegayan in Shariif Xasan ka caga jiidayo inuu yimaado Magaalada Muqdisho sabab aan la sheegin, waxaase jirta in Shariifka ka fog yahay halkii uu shalay joogay markii khilaafka soo dhexgalay isaga iyo Madaxweynaha soomaaliya, saas oo ay tahay ayaa haddana jirin niyad wanaagsan oo uu ku qabo kooxaha Siyaasadda ee Muqdisho.


Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho Soomaaliya

Midnimo Information Center

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Duke, even if Sharon of Israel gives a support to your uncle, warlord turned president Yusuf, you show your love and support without a question, while at the same time you spread your lies and hate against PS shariif hasan.

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Originally posted by haruun:

Duke, even if Sharon of Israel gives a support to your uncle, warlord turned president Yusuf, you show your love and support without a question, while at the same time you spread your lies and hate against PS shariif hasan.

Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Axmed's worst enemy isn't Shariifka or other opponents. His worst enemies are his tireless attentive devotees. His accomplishment so far is zilch, and here we have devotees desperately trying to portray him as a saviour and an idol already.

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^^^Now Mr moderator of the political section. If President Yusuf is zilch then who has achieved anything? In a year he has managed to do what Abdiqasin failed in 3 years. He has outlined a policy to restore security back to Somalia.

Today the government is in Jowhar and so far has been untouchable, its recruiting a new police force. It has the support of the international community, namly IGAD, Arab league, Italy and Belgum. The opposition are in disaray as proven by Boqoore.


Every day things become more clearer. And dont worry we will forward the news to you as it happens..

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If you are mentally enslaved and can't think on your own, you praise whomever A/Y likes and hate with passion whomever A/Y dislikes. I had seen this mentality before and it is not unique to A/Y's loyal clansmen. Soomalida dhan waa la qabaan.


We left a small town in a hurry with our meager personal belongings and went to Baadiye to escape from the onslaught of vicious tribal troops. We stayed in the Jungle for weeks till we were assured the town was safe. We came back and not more than two weeks, the town's people had good things to say about the same leader they were cursing weeks ago who was in charge of the tribal soldiers they fled from. I had no logical explanation for those people's short memories other than that they had cavities in their skulls for a brain. Consequently, whoever was/became a friend to their warlord was a friend no matter what had transpired the days before and happened to them, and whoever fell out of favour with their warlord became THE enemy. They vilified other tribes day and night insessantly, called for the support of their warlord who was supposedly defending them, collected money and spread hate among people, yet, when the warlords(theirs and his opponent) agreed with each other, all animosities and bad mouthing suddenly stopped. I guarantee, we shall see a lot of changes here in the future when these tribalist's perception of reality changes again according to A/Y's whims. If he becomes happy, they will be happy as well. That is sad.

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A culture of a vis-a-vis tactic became the norm techneque nowadays in SOL, response based and directed on the messenger rather than the message.


Where in the topic posted above was mention A.Yusuf.


Knowing that Duke is on the list of Yey supports gave the other three participants a clear indication on how to reply and as tit-4-tat who to question? A regular and on going tactic recentley introduced to SOL, nevertheless was practised as part and parcel of Somali politics in general.


Naive am I being? or do I not see any relation whatsoever of the posted topic to the corresponding replies.


Rap off, off to sleep

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^^Read the bottom quote from Duke and tell me he is mentioning Barbara Bush and not A.Yusuf.

And I believe Xoog was responding to that, now who has deviated the topic the inniteater or Xoog.



Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Now Mr moderator of the political section. If President Yusuf is zilch then who has achieved anything? In a year he has managed to do what Abdiqasin failed in 3 years. He has outlined a policy to restore security back to Somalia.

Today the government is in Jowhar and so far has been untouchable, its recruiting a new police force. It has the support of the international community, namly IGAD, Arab league, Italy and Belgum. The opposition are in disaray as proven by Boqoore.


Every day things become more clearer. And dont worry we will forward the news to you as it happens..

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^^Can you see how the tale was unfolded


Frist my reply was not aimed for Xogsade specifically but rather to all the ones in this topic and generally to all who employ the tit-4-tat tactic in SOL.



Secondly, If Im not wrong I think you qouted a response aimed at the Moderator who lost the plot earlier, as Duke clearly indicated that at the begining of his reply.


That is not to say that General Duke never went into different path off the topic he posted, Its easy to see that he posted a topic but rather in answering to others forced him to step out of the very same topic he posted!


Duke, It was unnecessary and waste of time I suppose, Some poeple have no commonsense nor will they comprehend issues and can comment topics at hand, they will always took a simple lame excuse and find a tiny reason to cause quarrel, Of course reason with them but within the spectrum of the issues in question, or otherwise will end up in circles.


Meaningless sometime I find in myslef makes one wonder!

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^^^ I will take your advice into consideration Mr Qorshel. Next time I respond I will try my best to stay within the thread posted.


To MMA, Juma and Xoogsade, has the Sharif been ordered to Mogadishu? Is he even an independent individual or a tool for Qaynyare and Co, hence his resistance to common sense?


Again many thanks, Qorshel sometimes we tend to get lost up in here..

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Qorsheel, can you explain why Shariif is vilified and not Aidid.Jr?


One has issues with A/Y and the other hasn't right? And tomorrow Shariif will be the good guy when he goes to Jowhar and shakes hands with A/Y. When that happens and people who religiously portrayed him as a moron, indecisive, coward and irrelevant in the past praise him for his reconciliation with A/Y, what will you think of these people's judgement about others?



Waxaa waaye, sida ka muuqato dad badan dhaqankooda, Nabad, Ammaan, Nacayb, Soo dhoweyn, kalsooni and every human emotion they display solely depends on THE ONE MAN THEY SUPPORT. What kind of mentality is that?


We all need government, at the same time, we disagree with anyone who is on the wrong.


PS: If you find what I write meaningless, ignore it :D

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^^ You always allude to the clan. Why is Sharif right and all the MP's in Jowhar wrong. How come the Sharif knows more than Geedi, Ina Shadoor, Mohamed Dheere, Gacmadere, Furux, Cade Gabow, Inj Cadow, Caraale, Moulid Macane, Imam Mohamoud, Dalxa, Mohamed Osman Maye and other personalities from Mogadishu. Its a joke when this man who only reasons when he has the permision of Qaynyare is taken seriously.


All we have to do with Sharif is wait when Qaynyare makes a deal, when he is happy you will see the Sharif going to Jowhar all happy.. Before that happens we should just wait patiently..

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Duke, The same thing you write about Shariif can be said or written about Ina Geeddi and everyone else who supported government to be based in Jowhar.


Tribe has a lot to do with somali politics always. It is the lenses through which almost everyone sees when thinking and talking about politics. The whole government was based on some silly formula to make all tribes happy(as if they would be). Wasn't every warlord elected to a position because they represented a certain clan or subclan supposedly? Even A/Y represented and represents his tribe unless you are in denial. This is why people take everything said about their favourite personal including you.

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Nothing personal, anyone can insult a public figure. What I am against is the lies that you seem bent on propogating. Xogsade you have spoken about war and coming Ethiopians nothing has come and no blood shed has been spilt. You go round in circles abot Tribe [clans] and yet the PM and President have the support of a coalition of clans, such as the names I mentioned.


I dont care if you love Yusuf or Sharif just dont make lies about the government and issues on the ground.


Another point, why is Sharif different from Dalxa and Boqoore?

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Duke, You can quote the lies I told about A/Y and we will take it from there and even apologize.


Ethiopian troops, threats of war, unwillingness to reconcile his differences with others if it is not his way are all facts about him. Unless you consider such characteristics of him a lie, then you can quote me on what else I said about the Old man.


I consider Shariif to be a member of the somali government as much as everyone else including A/Y is a member of the government. I don't see why shariif would be treated with animosity just because he has differences with A/Y. When he came to the US, some of A/Y supporters called him a terrorist while they demonstrated in front of where he was staying. No sensible person can blind himself to such blatant bias and hatred for anyone who disagrees with A/Y.


In reality, I shouldn't care and keep my thoughts about such people, A/Y and the so called government quite. But I tell ya, the temptation to say something is just too great to resist when I visit places like these.


Anyway, many of you know my opinion by now, I guess I should just stop writing and let the loyalists say whatever they please.

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General Duke waxaan u maleyn jiray nin qabiil ka fiican oo wadani ah, laakiin meeshaan uu si xun ugu bariiqday, ilaahoow wixii ceeb ah astur. Cabdullaahi Yuusuf ninka dhahaayo difaac oo qadiyadiisa xayeysii, waxaanba dhihi lahaa A/Y aa ka fiican ee iska daaya!

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