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US Germany: The parallels are striking

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What worries me is that we are imaging pre WWII Germany. The parallels are striking....


--lack of real political opposition (weak Weimar government--weak Democratic Party)


--consolidation of massive amounts of power without a clear mandate from the people (1932 election--2000 election)


--usurpation of leftist terminology to further a RW agenda (national socialism--compassionate conservatism)


--the use of propaganda (Goebbels--Rove, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, FoxNews, CNN)


--hatred of the French


--an appeasing British Prime Minister (Chamberlain--Blair)


--contempt for the international community (Hitler ignores the Treaty of Versailles--Bush ignores the ABM treaty and U.N. treaties on global warming, the international criminal court, landmines, chemical and biological weapons)


--hatred directed at leftists and other groups in opposition to the government (communists-- war protesters)


--hatred directed at minority groups (Jews--Arabs)


--weapons of mass destruction cited as a reason to invade other countries (Hitler claims that Poland could use poison gas against Germany--Bush claims Saddam Hussein could use poison gas against the U.S.)


--a terrorist attack on the country as the final catalyst for fascism (Reichstag fire -- 9/11 attacks)


--the merging of big business with government (Krupps -- Halliburton)


--extreme nationalism (Nazi flags everywhere--American flags everywhere)


--a culture that emphasizes the physical over the intellectual (Aryan *supermen*--American redneckism)


--leader worship (Hitler as Der Fuhrer--Bush as God's child)


--the creation of an internal security department (Gestapo--Department of Homeland Security)


--massive build-up of military and police forces (paramilitary SS dressed in black--paramilitary cops dressed in black)


--the use *lightning* warfare (blitzkrieg--shock and awe)


--easy military victories setting the stage for other conquests (Sudentenland--Poland and France, Iraq--Syria and Iran)


--eventual disastrous conflict with the Russians (WW2--Armageddon?)


The only real difference is that this time Jews are on the side of the fascists, and of course this crossover of Jews is the final nail in the coffin of the Democratic Party. There is no way Democrats can mount an effective opposition to Republican imperialism without taking on the Jewish neo-cons and the fascist Sharon government, and there is no way they're going to do that and risk alienating Jewish voters. In the end, whatever disasters may befall this country, it will be because the Democratic Party placed the feelings of 2% of American voters over the best interests of the U.S.

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