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Potraits of keyboard waranle's the terror of the S.O.L forum

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"There are two types of keyboard waranles

or maybe three,

but in the end they smell one and all of that

same cologne

the dirty torment of our lives self righteosness"


very liberally taken from euripides


Keyboard waranle 1:

those of the northern persuasion :


Why it has come to my attention,

that I have brothers in the north,

who beat their chest in amazement at my humiliation,

they write me love songs and protect me from the glare of the big bad oafish puntland punts,

they care so much for me they urge me to fight and not be such a sissy,

they assure me that the peace they have been proclaiming and have been positively rejoicing were machinations and they assure me that khat just aint what is cracked up to be.


Fight the ethiopians are among you,

fight oh look how they torment you,

for ours they say [when you point out the discrepancy] is a relationship based on mutual respect,

13 years of curtsying and being mounted has made ours a very strong derriere.

Alas we are told that xamar is the capital

[of a state we no longer proclaim] a

nd of a people

[ we no longer number our selves amongst]


trust us

trust us

if you get behind us

will get behind you

and hopefully you are too dumb and war crazed to notice what just happened there.

Can you hear them the wailing has already begun, as the soldiers of that great gendarme Riyaale come home to peacefull hargeisa,

peacefull peacefull hargeisa,

content and cuntish

and regaling the marfish

with their tales of daring do.


Keyboard waranle 2: of the jihadist persuasion


Who do I espy this frightfull winters night,

praying to god almighty why it is our brother Jihad,

fat fananaxleh brother cuqbad,

let us listen to hymn he prays:


"O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells;

help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of our xamari dead;

help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of xamari wounded,

writhing in pain;

help us to lay waste their destroyed homes with a hurricane of fire;

help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief;

help us to turn them out roofless and clueless hildren to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the hotwinds of summer,

broken in spirit,

worn with travail,

imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it--for our sakes who adore Thee,

Lord, blast their hopes for peace at any cost, blight their lives,

protract their bitter pilgrimage,

make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears,

stain the white sand with the blood of their wounded feet,

We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love,

and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts.



What a lovely prayer amiin dear brothers amiin, but please let me add some words from my own in offering as well ahemmm

Oh God do not forget the roadside bombs

oh god do not forget the medical shortages

dear god let us forget about aideed

and bless us with a muqtadr -al sadr

an abu deera

murder squads galore oh God

oh gracious and good lord please do not forget the little children

for we know they are the future

and we hope that the torments visited upon Iraqs children should pale in comparision to what we hope in your great wisdom you have in store for the kids of Bandiir

[Hopefully something to make them lose the weight the gained over 6 months of peace, but since you closer to me than my jugular vein you already know what I have in mind]

please god we hope for medical shortages ya allah

and radioactive corpses

and maybe since you are all knowing and all wise could you make it easy or possible for the C.N.N or al jazeera

to broadcast

all over the world the pictures so that here in seattle

or chicago

Tribune kentucky

I can finally hold my head high

among palestinians


oh and the ever effing iraqis and proclaim

that finally somalia is getting somewhere.

Finally lord bless me with wit and sarcasm oh God for one who has tasted the heady realms of proclaiming doorknobs and dhabadilif

Do not let one such as me

saafka hoore of the qwerty resistance movement

be proclaimed anything

but the terror of the forums


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