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desperate Sharif Ahmed gives command of war to A/Qaybdeed Vetran TFG

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Muqdisho:Madaxweyne Shariif oo hogaaminta dagaalka mucaaradka lagula jiro ku wareejiyey C/qeybdid , gacmadule iyo taliyaha ciidamada Amisom

11. maj 2009


Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Madaxweyne Shariif Shiikh aya hogaaminta dagaalka ay dawlada kula jirto mucaaradka ku wareejiyey Taliyaha Ciidamada Police-ka Somalia Cabdi xasan Cawaale qeybdiid iyo Taliya ku xigeenka ciidamada xooga dalka C/lahai Caray Gacma dule .


Talaabada uu madaxweynaha ugu wareejiyey labadaan sarkaal hogaaminta dagaalka ayaa keentay marki ciidamadii maxaakimta ay soo baneeyeen saldhig badan badan oo ay joogeen oo dhaca K/Muqdisho.


Madaxweyne shariif ayaa kulamo aan kala joogsi lahayn waxaa uu xalay ka waday xarunta madaxtooyada , waxaana uu kulankii ugu dheraa uu la yeeshay labadaan sarkaal iyo taliyaha ciidamada Amisom ee Muqdisho, waxaana uu ku wargaliyey in ciidamada dawlada ay siiyaan amar dagaal iyo in dib ay u soo celiayan xarumihi la qabsaday.


madaxweynaha aya dhinaca kale kulamo la yeeshayxalay Axmed Diiriye iyo Xaad , sidoo kale waxaa uu la kulmay hay'ada culimada mana cada waxa uu kala hadlay.


Madaxweyne Shariif aya waqti badan galinaya in dawladiisa ay shaqeyso si walbaba haku shaqeysee , waxaana uu bilaabay in uu dagaal iclaamiyaa kadib markii wadahadal iyo dib u heshiisin ay biday in dawladu ay ku soo koobmato Wadada Maka Al-Mukarama iyo W/Muqisho.


Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland

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If shariif is desperate enough to relly on A/Qaybdeed, the matter is worse that i thought it would be.


He might win him the war but imagine what it will do to shariifs credibilty, that is if he has any left in the eyes of the public.

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^^ Sharwade Ahmed's major accomplishments in his first 100 days in office:


-Crowning achievement: Succeded in donating 116,000 sq km of Somali terortary to our beloved neighbor Kenya, seeing as we already have the 2nd longest coastline in Africa.


-Acting in his capacity as Fifth Columnist-in-Chief, managed to divide the Muqawama and lure in some members of the ICU with promises of jago and lacag and started the current bloodbath in Xamar where Mujaahid fights against his fellow Mujaahid. A feat that the combined military and economical might of the Antarnashanal Kamoonity failed to achieve.


The list goes on, it just gets more dhulified.


Sharwade Ahmed long crossed the lines of desperation. He is the personification of greed and power-hunger.


Let's see where it takes him.

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Kash, you may be right about Shareef and he may not be as genuine as most people thought (think). But what say you of his opposition? Are they all just innocent victims who have nothing to do with the chaos in Xamar?


Shareef is in a position of leadership and he is justly criticized for his actions. On the other hand, the Islamists (for lack of a better word) are surely not as blameless as we like them to be.


So let's be fair and call a spade for what he really is, a SPADE! All of this finger pointing won’t do us any good, especially the people who are suffering from the mayhem.


May Allah have mercy on the innocent victims who are caught between these never ending wars. Ameen!

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