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Security Council reaffirms respect for territorial integrity, political independence in Somalia, reiterates strong support for African Union Mission



Security Council

5812th Meeting(1)(PM)


Presidential Statement also Reiterates Request for Report By 8 February on Contingency Plans for United Nations Peacekeeping Operation


Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia, the Security Council this afternoon reiterated its strong support for the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and urged again the international community to provide financial resources, personnel, equipment and services for the full deployment of AMISOM.


In a statement read by Council President Massimo d'Alema, Deputy Prime Minister of Italy, the Council requested the Secretary-General to report by 8 February 2008 on progress made regarding contingency plans for a possible United Nations peacekeeping operation to succeed AMISOM.


The Council urged all Somali parties to reject violence and, with the support of the Secretary-General's Special Representative, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, to enter into a substantial dialogue aimed at achieving a full and all-inclusive national reconciliation.


Expressing its deep concern at the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Somalia (see Press Release SC/9189 for a briefing by Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes), the Council emphasized again the need for strengthened efforts to provide humanitarian relief assistance to Somalia. The Council further demanded that all parties in Somalia ensure unfettered access for all humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations, fulfil their responsibilities and obligations under international humanitarian law and take measures to protect civilians.


The meeting began at 4:13 p.m. and adjourned at 4:20 p.m.


Presidential Statement


The full text of the presidential statement, to be issued as document S/PRST/2007/49, reads as follows:


"The Security Council welcomes the briefing it received on 17 December 2007 from the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, in which he made proposals on the political and security fronts and called on the international community to commit itself to a clear course of action. The Security Council looks forward to hearing more details on the Special Representative's proposals. The Security Council strongly supports the efforts of the Special Representative to work towards lasting peace and stability in Somalia.


"The Security Council reaffirms its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia.


"The Security Council welcomes the appointment of the new Prime Minister of Somalia, and looks forward to the early establishment of an effective Government. The appointment of Nur Hassan Hussein offers a renewed opportunity to make further progress on dialogue and political reconciliation, on addressing the humanitarian crisis in Somalia and on implementing the outcomes of the National Reconciliation Congress, leading to a road map for the remainder of the transitional period and democratic elections in Somalia, as set out in the Transitional Federal Charter. The Security Council urges all Somali parties to reject violence and, with the support of the Secretary-General's Special Representative, to enter into a substantial dialogue aimed at achieving a full and all-inclusive national reconciliation.


"The Security Council also welcomes the briefing on 6 December 2007 by the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, John Holmes, which included an account of his visit to Somalia. The Security Council expresses its deep concern at the deteriorating humanitarian situation, aggravated by the prevailing security conditions in Somalia, and emphasizes again the need for strengthened efforts to provide humanitarian relief assistance to Somalia. The Security Council demands that all parties in Somalia ensure unfettered access for all humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations, fulfil their responsibilities and obligations under international humanitarian law and take the necessary measures to protect civilians.


"The Security Council reiterates its strong support for the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), calls on all Somali parties to cooperate fully with it, urges again the international community to provide financial resources, personnel, equipment and services for the full deployment of AMISOM, and repeats its request that the Secretary-General consult with the African Union Commission on what further support might be provided to AMISOM.


"The Security Council also reiterates its request that the Secretary-General develop the existing contingency plans for the possible deployment of a United Nations peacekeeping operation to succeed AMISOM, as set out in resolution 1772 (2007). The Security Council requests the Secretary-General to report by 8 February 2008 on progress made in this regard."


Note: (1)The 5811th Meeting was closed.

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Golaha amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay oo Mar Kale Ku Celiyey in ay Muqadis Tahay Midnimada Dhuleed ee.


New-York-USA January 21, 2008

Qoraal mar kale ka soo baxay kulan ay yeesheen Xubnaha joogtada ah ee Golaha amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa lagu sheegay in ay Muqadis tahay Midnimada Dhulee iyo Xaduudeed ee dalka Soomaaliya Golaha amaanka ayaa digniin ka bixiyey kala qaybinta Dhulka Soomaaliya isla markaasina Sheegay.....


Qoraal digniin ah oo ka soo baxay fadhigii xubnaha joogtada ah ee golaha amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa lagu sheegay in Midnimada iyo Xaduudaha Dhuleed ee Dalka Soomaaliya tahay lama taabtaan,xubnaha joogtada ah ayaa qoraalkooda ku sheegay isla markaasina digniin u jeediyey dalalka iyo shaqsiyaadka ku hawlan kala qaybinta dhulka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed.


Qoraalkan oo lagu faafiyey wargeysyada caalamka ugu afka dheer ayaa lagu sheegay in ay lama taabtaan tahay midnimada dhuleed iyo tan Xaduudeed ee dalka Soomaaliya,xubnaha ayaa ugu baaqay dalalka afrika oo ay sheegeen in ay qaarkood faraha kula jiraan arintan in ay iska ilaawaan kana waantoobaan faragelinta xaduudeed iyo dhuleed ee dalka Soomaaliya.


Arintan ayaa soo baxday ka dib markii Daahir Riyaale oo ah Gacan ku dhiigle xasuuq ka geystay Dhulka SSCayn isla markaasina barakiciyey dad Shacab ah oo kor u dhaafay 120.000 oo ruux oo caruur iyo haween u badan uu gaarey Dalalka Ingiriiska iyo Maraykanka isaga oo raadinaya sida La sheegay aqoonsi caalami ah iyo in beelaha uu hogaamiyo ka go'aan Soomaaliya inteeda kale isla markaasina la sheegay kulamadii uu la Qaatay Xog-haymo ka tirsan wasaarada arimaha dibeda ee Maraykanka ay u sheegeen in aanay qaadan karin barnaamijka uu kala soo kicitimay Dhulka Soomaaliya ee ah kala qaybinta Dhulka soomaaliya.


Jaajuus Daahir Riyaale iyo kooxdiisii ayaa la sheegay in ay la soo gurya noqdeen Faro Madhan iyo madax wareer iyada oo ay sugayaan Shacab Mudo dheer been lagu maaweelinayey dhaqaalahoodiina lagu dhamaystay.


Cabdulaahi Yare


Xargaga Online



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