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Investing in tomorrow, fast forwarding Puntland State of Somalia to 2012

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Investing in tomorrow, fast forwarding Puntland State of Somalia to 2012

Posted to the Web Aug 02, 17:00


Investing in tomorrow, fast forwarding Puntland State of Somalia to 2012



Conference for Social Development




To commomerate Puntland’s 12th Anniversery, we would like to invite you to take part in the process of envisioning and shaping the Puntland agenda, to set the questions, and to start the debates. Do not miss the opportunity to be part of tomorrow’s Puntland State of Somalia.


Saturday 7 th Aug



Time: 18: 00 pm – 22: 00 pm



Venue: The Resource Centre, Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA



Tel: +44 (0)20 7700 0100



Fax: +44 (0)20 7700 8121



Directions, buses, trains



Contact for the conference: 07903236851, 07960721669






The aim of the conference is to empower the Puntland Diaspora by raising their awareness of their role as agents for social change.





1- Information/ knowledge exchange through reflections on real life experiences and on community development in action.


2- To discuss Somali identity destruction and reconstruction through language.


3- Share information about creating partners in transforming society – e.g. between Puntland authority, institutions, and citizens and Puntland and the world to create people centred sustainable social / human development.


4- Sharing knowledge about marrying economical and social reform - “Governance" and "Public Accountability" – making monitoring, scientific and independent evaluation and impact assessments as integral in our directions for change.


5- Raising awareness of our global inter connectedness and the need to join the global movements designed to overcome poverty and global warming.


6- To create learning opportunities as well as forums to expand the dialogue to find new solutions for puntland’s relations to North, west and the South Somali regions .


The conference will be divided into two main sections, speakers and workshops



Speakers and & topics:



1- Introduction by the chair – Introduction (Puntland yesterday, today and tomorrow ) TBC



2- Grass root building – Strengthening community initiatives



Abdirisaq Shirwa


BSc in Media Studies & Project Management


Project Manager

Private Sector – UK


3- The role of the individual in transforming the society



Speaker - Warsan Cismaan Saalax BA Media Studies, BSc Psychology, PG Cert, MSc, Doctorate C. Psychology in progress at London Metropolitan University. Special interest in transculturalism. Employed by the NHS



4- Multi agency working and creating partners in development


Abdi Yassin Musse

BSc in Social Work, legal and public services

MSc in Multi agency Building, Brunel University



A social Worker for Tower Hamlets Social Services



5- Sustainable Economical development – Puntland economy from decline to growth



Ali Osman



MBA in Economical Development



Mulsim Aid



6- Somali identity and language



Mohamed Hassan “Alto”Lecturer in Somali Language School of Oriental and African Studies



Break 2



0 mins



Snacks and networking



Workshops x 3 real issues on the ground



Workshop 1 – Economical Development



Facilitator – TBC



Workshop 2 – Security – extremism and piracy - the role of the individual & community



Facilitator – Sakariya Mohamed



Workshop 3- Re thinking Puntland’s relationship with Somaliland, Somalia, the frontiers/ Kililka 5aad



Facilitator – Bashir Mursal



Concluding remarks: 1hr



1- Feedback from workshops



2- Q&A



3- Concluding remarks from each panellist



Please be on time for a prompt start!


Total hrs = Speakers 2hrs, workshops 30 mins, break 20 mins, concluding remarks 1 hrs = 3hrs and 50 mins Organised by the Puntland Diaspora activists in the UK, Supported by SOS Somalia, an organisation that worked in Puntland from 1992 to 1998; delivering Food Aid, Seeds, Fishing Gear and Books to all the peaceful regions..


“When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened”

John M.Richarsdon

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If i were you i would start investing in the training of more pirates, so you can loot more xaran money the world, seeing that the pirateland economy is run 90% on xaran i gurentee you it aint going anywhere saxib.


start investing in xalal forms of money making.

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^^^Ok mate, which are are you from today? :D


If i were you i would start investing in the training of more pirates, so you can loot more xaran money the world, seeing that the pirateland economy is run 90% on xaran i gurentee you it aint going anywhere saxib.


start investing in xalal forms of money making.

Also Mike, you seem to be contradicting yourself, are you saying Piracy is Halaal? :D

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