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General Duke

Why are the elders now meeting TFG not Ethiopian officers?

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"Reiterating its insistence that all Member States, in particular those in the region, should refrain from any action in contravention of the arms embargo and related measures, and should take all actions necessary to prevent such contraventions"


UN Resolution 1725

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^Two exceptions can override that resolution. If intervention comes in at the request of the Somali government, and national security becomes a big concern for the neighbouring country.

However, Resolution 1744, states, Decides that, having regard to the establishment of AMISOM, the measures contained in paragraphs 3 to 7 of resolution 1725 (2006) shall no longerapply;

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^^^^ And conveniently so. ;) The fig leaf, also known as UNSC resolution 1744, was dated 2/20/2007 and 1725 was dated 12/6/2006. You will note the official invasion occurred in late December (though unofficially it had been ongoing since at least July) of 2006, making it an illegal invasion. That 1744 came after the fact in an obviously lame effort to legitimize the illegitimate is clear to anyone who is paying attention.

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^^^^ I wouldn't give the UN much weight saaxib. This organization is dominated by the US and many of its resolutions are pathetic attempts at legitimizing the illegal and imperial ambitions of the US and its allies.


We can't even sue the bloody Ethiopians for violating the Geneva convention on the rules governing conflicts.

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Ethiopians are in every meeting held in Muqdisho, the sole rulers of our country and without their knowledge, nothing goes. There is no Somali government but an Ethiopian government with somali born stooges giving a somali face to an Ethiopian rule.


Ethiopia Meets Muqdisho Business Community


It would be nice if the TFG criminals were capable of setting one single Agenda on their own and laid claim to Somalia. Ethiopia decides, Ethiopia rules, Ethiopia Occupies our country, we are all equal and there is no Somali ruler, we are all the ruled of Xabashis.

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Coqaashi Xamar markey arrin isla meel dhigeen Axmarada oo madax u ah TFGda. aya waxaa laga codsadey in ay 'majahana' (TFGda) is arkan ......simple and clear answer to the question posed by the thread.

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Does it matter or is there a difference if you meet with a master or his servant?


Obviously Ethiopians are acting and pretending to be looking after what they call a government and tricking the world see them mediating different Somali groups and they obviously should know that majority of Somalis have not support for them except some opportunists and their clan supporters.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^I agree the TFG gained the support of the US due to the ignorance of the Eritrean backed clan courts. The whole thing [Courts] was not well thought through, it was arsh reaction to Yusuf victory in 2004.


As for the Ethiopian military it is there on the request of the legitimate governemnt to aid it in a time of need. You might want to hide that fact or like the "elders" who are the main topic of this thread play down the importance of this fact. The TFG requested support from any quarter and the Ethiopians came, due in part to their concern against the Eritrean led group backed by the Arabs.


Thus their presence is not illegal, controversal yes but not without the backing.


Thats why you do not get the UN security council demanding their imediate withdrawl.

They ahve also made it clear they will leave when the AU troops arrive. The AU troops themselves have only a limited mandate before UN troops arrive.


Its a short term answer to a short term problem, an occupation it is not.


The main reason some get uptight about all this is because the Ethiopian armour gives an unfair advantage to the TFG


But as you know life itself is not fair.

It wasn’t due to ignorance, but the title they held and what they preached was what made America concerned. You could tell yourself whatever you want. TFG had two years before the ICU came into existence. Not to forget that the ICU only retaliated when the CIA started paying warlords to arrest Somali Sheikhs in Mogadishu. The world doesn’t route around Yey, so look outside the box.


Big Brother came to rescue his little brother. There’s nothing that legitimizes this government. A bunch of handpicked warlords isn’t what generates a legitimate government, nor does the assistance the self-serving international community gives to the TFG.


The international world clearly confirmed that no neighboring countries shall be involved in Somali affairs. Ethiopia is a puppeteer, an artistic one for that matter, and it will protect its marionette by whatever means necessary. It’s comprehensible to all that America and Ethiopia has a leash tied around the TFG’s neck. It’s Ethiopia who has invaded and brought thousands of its force to Somalia, and America who had spend millions on dollars supporting the Ethiopian led puppet regime.


Ethiopia’s presence is illegal, and the TFG is illegitimate regime, for that reason their invitation is one which can’t be confirmed as a legalized one. Numeral high ranking individuals demanded the immediate withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia.


Duke, the AU troops have already arrived. And Duke I will look it up, but when I brought up the fact that UN troops will arrive, you said there is no need for UN troops. I will remind myself to look that up. Ethiopia gives power to a regime which is completely controlled by Ethiopia and America. Why any Somalist shouldn’t be upset about Ethiopia supporting the warlords is beyond me.

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Odayasha koxahii dagalka oo qirtey in laga adkadey

1 May 1, 2007 - 1:08:03 AM


Odayaasha qaar ka mid ah beelaha ******, ayaa markii ugu horeysay qirtay in looga adkaaday dagaalkii dhowaan ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda Somalia.


Qirashadan ayaa odayaasha waxa ay sheegeen intii lagu guda jiray kullankii ugu horeeyay oo ay magaalada Muqdisho ku yeesheen tan iyo markii uu dhamaday dagaal ki kooxihii dowlada ka soo horjeedey.


Afhayeenka odayaasha kooxaha la dagaalamayay dowlada Axmed Diiriye Cali ayaa shir jara'id uu qabtay kullankaasi kadib waxa uu ku sheegay in ciidamadada Ethiopia iyo kuwa dowladda KMG ah ay ku adkaadeen dagaalka, laakiin dowladda looga baahan yahay inay nabad raadiso



Guul darrada soo wajahday odayaasha kooxaha dagaalamayay ayaa hogaamisay inay ogolaadaan wada hadal ay la furan Dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia, oo in muddo ah ay diidanaayeen inay la xaaltamaan.


Marka kadib ayaa labada dhinac waxa a Kullaankii ugu horeeyay ku yeesheen xarunta Villa Somalia ee Madaxtooyada, waxaana ay ku heshiiyen qodobo ay ka mid ahayeen in laga hortago daagala dambe uga dhaca Muqdisho iyo in wada hadallada socdaan.


Kullankii Odayaashan ay shalay ku yeesheen Muqdishi ayay ku baaqeen in ciidamada dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia iyo kuwa Ethiopia ay ka baxaan Goobaha dadka rayidka ah, madaama lagu baaqday in dadkii bara kacay ay dib ugu soo noqdaan guryahooda.


Afhayeenkan kooxdan Axmed Diiriye Cali ayaa markii ugu horeysay qirey xillalka madaxada sare ee DFKMG ah isaga oo sheegey in ay wadaxajood gali doonaan.Dhagayeso


Haddalaka odayaasha kooxihii ka dagaalameyey Muqdisho ayaa ku soo aadey xilli ay magaalada Asmara ee wadanka Eritrea ay ka soo saareen xubnaha mucaaradka ku ah DFKMG ah in dagaalada Muqdisho aysan weli dhamaan xeeladiina la badaley. .

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