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Somaliland: Electoral Commission Say Results Within a Week

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^^ Or it could be possible that the head of security thought him a pampered qurba-joog who got the job through his tribal links. However, once he found out who he was and knew that he's ina so and so (the good man who is not known for corruption and nonsense) he saw the error of his ways and gave his newfound cousin all the privileges that were earlier withdrawn. :D


At any rate, this anecdote is not really a reason for dispair.

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^ I Like the optimism there.Lets hope that is the case for now and pretend the man was Honest civil servant... :D

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its so small infact that most people i met in hargeisa knew about my detention by the presidential guards for 24hrs the moment i was released. But thats a topic for another day. LOL.

Wa waxad ka miid ahey the terrorist JB uu sheegaye>? :D



Ngonge spin doctor! icon_razz.gif

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^^ Just thought I'd put the shoe on the other foot, for balance and stuff. :D




Not many people go out of their way to pick on random strangers just because they happen to be from a different clan, saaxib. The clan thing only rears its ugly head when one starts pulling rank (so to speak) or when someone is paranoid.


It is really not all that negative or else they would not have agreed on elections and kept the peace for this long.

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first question reer hargeisa usually ask is what neighbourhhod are you from, code for what tribe are you. Why dont you just come out and ask me directly [Mad]

Accordingly that man treated you better when he found out you were from the same sub tribe, because of this ill be veeeery cautious if i were to ever visit Hargeisa.

Bloody tribalists. :mad:

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^^ That's what every person is saying. Not that Silaanyo is the next president but "Election comission waxba ha suginna. Anaa warkii haya oo la iisoo waramay". :D

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Wa waxad ka miid ahey the terrorist JB uu sheegaye>?

LOl far from it. got high on khat the $100 kind, note i dont eat the stuff ever, and drove right up to the back gates of the presidential palace whilst as high as a kite at 2am.


warming shots were fired and i was dragged out of the jeep and abused by the animals/guards. :eek:


never heard so much profanity in my life. sat on the dusty road at 2am surrounded by AK yielding thugs and was actually relieved when i saw the blues and twos of the coppers. :D


showed my ID and tried to prove i wasnt a terrorist, understandably they were on high alert after the terrorist suicide attacks.


anyway spent the night in Saldhiga dhexe. Horrible experience, some crazy Mo-Ph**kers there. :(


lets just say i couldnt sleep due to adrenaline overload. Dad sent a some dude out who brought me supplies and he bribed the guards to put me in my own cell, and not general lock up. :rolleyes:


anyway due to red tape i wasnt released for a further 24hrs. the old man spoke to head of police and he couldnt do anything as i was supposedly under the custody of the presidential guards and had to wait until their boss woke up the next day :mad: so much bureaucracy its unreal.


lets just say thats the last and first time i went near that stuff :eek:

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HAHAHA you got high on Khat and tried to attack the president in his home!!! Dhee you made it to the news, even JB posted the thread here icon_razz.gif


:D hahah mac sonkor for eating that stuff!!!! HAHA loool, walahi sii ficaan baan uu qosley!!! lol

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you won't believe me if i tell you who my partner in crime?


he used to be very active here on SOL. i call him our version of Duke or Cowke.


can you name him


PS he is a reformed man now.


seriously though it hit me when i was being booked in at the station and they booking officer asked me to remove my belt and laces. i asked him why. he replied so you don't kill yourself in custody. The enormity of the situation hit me and i was close to tears if i'm honest :(

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^^Miskiiin, haha lool, sorry can't help laughing.


Yeah, I remember him, Gurr or Gra something or another, I try to give him advise once and he bite my head off. :rolleyes:


P.s. Is that why he reformed, here I thought he found true Islam. redface.gif

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Arch, you couldn't handle the chepis miya? :D


ps that footy show is very good. You're not the one who picked Micah Richards in his team are you? :D

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no that wasnt me, that was Bedel my co-host. LOL. Tune into tonights show, although i'm struggling for content. so call in or email in if you dont agree with we have to say.


yes ibti it was Gaaroddi, and he found 'true islam' now and he's doing well i'm glad to say.

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