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The courts take control of Beled Weyne. Is Gaalkacayo next?

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Baladweyne, 09-August-06 ( Ciidamada maxkamada islaamiga magaalada Baladweyne ayaa maanta xoog uga saaray maamulkii hore ee gobolkaasi ee uu hogaamin jiray Yuusuf Dabageed kadib markii ay weerareen maleeshiyaadkii daacada u ahaa maamulkaasi oo fariisin ay u ahayd xarunta gobolka Hiiraan ee magaalada Baladweyne.

Ciidamada maxkamada islaamiga ayaa si buuxda ula wareegay magaalada Baladweyne, ayadoo maleeshiyaadkii Yuusuf Dabageedna ay isaga baxaan magaalada kadib markii laga qabsaday xaruntii gobolka oo fariisin u ahayd.


Lama garanayo khasaaraha uu gaystay dagaalkaasi, inkastoo lagu soo warramayo in tiro ka mid ah maleeshiyaadka Yuusuf Dabageed lagu dilay xaruntaasi kadib markii ay la dagaalameen ciidamada maxkamada islaamiga.


Tallaabada maxkamada islaamiga magaalada Baladweyne ay ku weerartay haraadigii maamulka Yuusuf Dabageed ayaa timid kadib markii guddoomiyaha maxkamada islaamiga Baladweyne Sheekh Faarax Macallin Maxamed uu ku eedeeyay maamulkii hore ee gobolka iyo qaar ka mid odayaal dhaqameedyo xiriir la leh maamulkaasi in ay wadaan qorshe ay ku wiiqayaan maxkamadaha islaamiga ee kahana qaaday gobolka, isagoo guddoomiyuhu ku tilmaamay wafdigii dhawaan kulamada saraakiisha Ethiopianka ku la soo yeeshay magaalada Godey ayaga iyo qaar kamid ah maamulkii Dabageed kuwa xasilooni darro ka abuuraya gobolka Hiiraan.


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Dhaq dhaqaaq xoogleh oo laga dareemayo Ciidamada Puntland

Last Updated::2006-08-09 16:19:24


Gaalkacyo:- Dhaq dhaqaaq xoogleh ayaa laga dareemayaa xarumaha Milatariga ee ku yaal magaalada Gaalkacyo.


Ayadoo wakhtigan magaalada Gaalkacyo uu ku sugan yahay Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland, Gen.Cadde Musse iyo dhamaan taliyayaasha ciidamada Daraawiishta ayaa waxaa soo baxaya dhaq dhaqaaqyo xoogleh oo heegan lagu gelinayo Ciidamada Dowlada Gobaleedka Puntland.


Saraakiisha Daraawiishta ee magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa ayagu ka gaabsaday in ay wax faah faahin ah ka bixiyaan shirar kala gedisan oo ay maalmihii lasoo dhaafay si joogta ah ulla yeelanayeen Madaxweynaha Puntland.


Sarakiisha ayaa hadalkooda kusoo koobay in ay socdaan hawlo lagu adkeenayo xuduudaha iyo amniga deegaanada Puntland, in aysan ku faafin xiisada ka jira dalka Soomaaliya.


Dowlada Puntland ayaa horey digniin adag uga soo saaray in gobalada Puntland lala soo galo dagaalada kasoo bilowday Muqdisho ee u dhaxeeya Hogaamiye kooxeedka iyo Maxkamadaha Islaamiga.


Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa todobaadyadii lasoo dhaafay ku sugnaa magaalada Gaalkacyo, halkaasi oo sidoo kale kormeero ku maray xarumaha ciidamada ayadoo ay jiraan dadaalo lagu xoojinayo amniga iyo ka hortaga wax kasta oo khatar ku noqon kara amniga Puntland, waa suu hadalka u dhigay mid kamid ah Sarakiisha Daraawiishta ee xaruntoodu tahay magaalada Gaalkacyo.


Waxaa sidoo la arkayey dhaq dhaqaaq ciidamada hubka culus ku gaashaaman oo ay ku jiraan gawaarida Tiknikada loo yaqaan.


Dhinaca kale waxaa markii ugu horeysay muddo sanado ah la arkay tijaabinta gaadiidka Tangiyada ee ciidamada, ayadoo tijaabooyikaasi lagu sheegay kuwo qeyb ka ah heeganka ay ku jiraan ciidamada.


Ciidamada Puntland heegan la geliyey ayaa kusoo aadaya wakhti ay jiraan xiisado ka dhextaagan beelaha dega Koonfurta Gobalka Mudug oo intooda badan kasoo horjeeda in ay deegaankaasi kusoo fidaan Maxkamadaha Islaamiga.


Deegaanka Gelinsoor ayey ku sugan yihiin maleeshiyooyin kasoo jeeda beelaha Koonfurta Gaalkacyo kuwaasi oo la sheegay in ay kasoo horjeedaan in ay halkaasi yimaadaan Maleeshiyooyinka kasoo baxay Galgaduud iyo magaalada Muqdisho oo ah kuwa Maxkamadaha.


Dagaalo ka dhaca koonfurta Gobalka Mudug ayaa keeni karta in dagaaladan ay kusoo fidaan dhinaca magaalada Gaalkacyo, arrintaasi oo ay Puntland sheegtay in ay ka hortagi doonto.


Koonfurta Gaalkacyo ayey shalay ka dhaceen banaanbaxyo dadka deegaankaasi ku dhaqan ay uga soo horjeedaan Maxkamadaha Islaamiga, arrintaasi oo keentay in dabley taageersan Maxkamadaha ay rasaas dadkii mudaharadaayey ku faraan kadib markii la sheegay in dhagaxaan lagu tuuray, dhacdadaasi ayey ku dhaawacmeen sadex ruux oo rayid ah.


Cabdifutaax Shirwac

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General Duke is right, I think the best option for the courts is to conrtol all of thier clans degaans, and show us they can pacify those degaans, attacking galkacyo will make this into a qabil war, we can not ignore the fact that the top leaders of ICU all hell from a certain clan.

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Duke..Aweys has vowed to get his boys all the way to Galkayo (atleast the southern part). The Pland and Islamic militia come face to face, I don't see how violent outburst could be avioded.

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The people of Gaalkacyo had invited the Islamic Courts to install justice and order in there. Its not the business of Cadde Muuse to tell the people who are out of his constituents how to run their affairs.


If any war would happen, it will be a war between Cadde Muuse and the people of Puntland who are for the Islamic Courts and against the Ethiopian grip and influence in their towns.


Don't forget guys that Puntland only controls an small segment of Gaalkacyo while the vast majority of the Mudug region are inhabited by the people of the Islamic Courts of Al-Furqaan.


time to bring about a change in the chronic injustice-ridden Mudug and its surroundings.


I also heard today that Goldogob town and its people are asking the Islamic Courts to come to their rescue for establishing courts and defending them against the Ethiopian incurssions that infringe their internal affairs.


We'll see insha-Allah how things unfold in the next few days to come.

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Alle-Ubaahne....People from Gaalkacayo have bitter memories of Aided's wars from the early 90s when he massacred many Somalis including those hailing from this town. So, It would be wise for Maxkadaha to move cautiously as this could easily turn into nasty tribal warfare.

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Mr. Yo YO Ma,


the courts aren't just whatever that you think they are, they actually put some thoughts and they carefully calculate their actions. The city of Galkacayo is peaceful, therefore there is no need for them to enter Galkacayo. They do have the ability to do so, but that won't happen for sure.The courts' aim right now is to bring all lawless cities and set up a court in order to serve justice between people, the folks in Galkacyo have done that in their own, so what the news reports in unlikely to happen in the near future.

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Yo-Yo. Xasan Dahir as in the past is miscalculating and as Pure-Blood stated the courts hail from a single clan. Thus moving to Galkacyu will triger a war.


Think about it, they now fear to attack Baidoa and are unable to remove the occupation in Lower Shabbele so you rush to a peaceful city which has recovered from the war.


Xasan Dahir clanistic moves is highlighted when he said that K/Galkacyu is not part of Puntland and has invited us. Well dear Shiekh Afgoyee, Marka and Qoryoole also invited you to remove the stinch which you left there.. But alas Justice and Islamic courts only inhabit his clans areas...


Ubahane, the people of South Galkacyu demonstrated against the courts, and some even got hurt in that demonstartion, but you did not see it right...


.....These courts agression is like Aaydeeds, but today Puntland is not a weak region as it was in 1993 and even then it defeated both Aydeed and Xasan Dahir,...

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No such thing will happen precisely because of our people's clannishness. The Courts know better and certainly their intentions are better. The Courts realize that the key to bringing all our people under religious rule is by having sabr and going after those they share lineage precisely to dispell any qabyaalad associated with them. It's quite obvious the Courts have realized to unite and "clean out", so to say, the house of their "clan" and when that job is done sit face to face with their counterparts and "xaajood" as people without ulterior motives.


The Courts have moved from Guri-El and captured Cadado and Gelinsoor and have decided to move towards the final eradication of Qeybdiid from hsi clan base in southern Galkayo. Why would the Courts aim for far away peaceful and secure Puntland when the Abudwak, Balanbale, and Dhabad's of the day they have left alone are located centrally in the heartland of their control?


There lies anyone's answer about Court motives. Puntland is saved, this time. :D

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^^^Saxib, with all due respect, these courts are nothing but a clan disguising itself. And this is the reason they will lose.


If they were about religion they would have have moved to Balinbale and not Cadaado, Galinsoor and so on. The aim of these courts and their heads is to grap land and then say hey we run the country we are in Galinsoor, Cadaado and Beledweyne up to Kismayu.


As for Puntland. belive if all of Xamar guns came out and attacked the state they would surely lose. For Puntland is built on the wish of its people.


Also we in Puntland have had experience of the goodness of Xasan Dahir and we will not be fooled nor can we be incoporated as is the case of Cadaado, Galinsoor as we are not from those clans nor did we lack an admisntration. Balanbale and Cabudwaaq are another case alltogether..

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It seems many people know little about the city Galgacyo, its a city which is divided and as Shekh Dahir Aweys said they want to establish islamic courts in south Galkacyo an area of the city which is lawless and beyond the control of Puntland administration. So i dont see any reason why Cadde or any one ells should object to the Islamic courts moving to that part of the city. It seems to me all the fuse from puntlands administration is based on their fear of having a powerful enemy on their door step. Inshallah it will be better future for south Galkacyo under islamic administration compared to how it is now.

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If they were about religion they would have have moved to Balinbale and not Cadaado, Galinsoor and so on.

Sxb, I think I explained exactly why, even though the Courts are motivated by religion, that Balanbale was not "taken" balse Cadaado and Gelinsoor were taken and I think I was clear in making sure people understood that it was the nature of the Courts' to not add fire to clannish sentimentalities in our country..?


That is also the reason, I explained, that people's fears of Puntland being "attacked" is at best paranoid..

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the courts hunger for power seems to grow day by day, It's truly sad to see so called muslim shaykhs attacking towns and taking over it, Instead of gping to poor beledweyne why didnt they go to marka and brawa, We know the vicious crimes that Siyad Indhacade has gone to those poor villages,



Why dont they just give power to the TFG, It's all about power, It's time we realise that these new islamic "oriented" warlords are just a new jabhad trying to find the missing pieace of cake in Somalia,


It's not something new that warlords turn ti religous pr in order to to get massive support from the public, A good social example is Afghanistan, Every warlords political organisation begins with "islamic..."

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