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General Duke

Grand Regency kick out all Somali's for damaging the hall.

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To Juma, Abwan and others who are falling for the hype regarding the vote that happened today, read the article below.


The hotel sustained extensive damage because of the fighting tht spilled out from the meeting hall into the corridors.

Also a number of MP's were rushed to Hospital and sustained serious injury.


If we summarise what happened. 1 there was a debate, 220 MP's came o the debate.

2. Then there was a heavy fight between the lawmakers in which many were rushed to hospital.


3. While this was happening a vote took place, in which 153, or 150 or 156 MP's put their hands up to vote. Of course they paused from fighting so they could vote.


4. The fighting resumed and continued forcing the Speaker to run out of the hall. :D This should be turned into a movie...




Maamulka Hotel Grand Regency oo sheegay wixii Soomaali ah in ay isaga baxaan Hotelka iyo burbur soo gaaray hoolkii shirka


Nairobi :- Maamulka Hotel Grand Regency ee magaalada Nairobi ayaa ku amray sikuuritka iyo Booliiska Keenyaatiga in ay Hotelka ka saaraan dadka Soomaalida ah oo ay sheegeen in ay burbur u geysteen hotelka.


Maamulka Hotelka ayaa u sheegay Baarlamaanka iyo dhamaan dadka Soomaalida ah in ay ka baxaan Hotelka ayadoo uu sheegay ninka leh hotelka in dhamaan Soomaalida aysan soo geli karin Hotelkiisa.


Arrintan ayaa soo baxday kadib markii Baarlamaanka oo maanta ku shirayey Hotelkaasi ay gacanta isula tageen.


Dhamaan qalabkii yaalay Hoolka shirarka ee xildhibaanada ku jireen ayaa la burburiyey ayadoo ay kuraastiina ay noqdeen hubka la isku adeegsaday miisaskiina ay noqdeen kuwo lagu dur duriyo.


Hotel Grand Regency ayaa kamid ah Hotelada ay degen yihiin wasiirada iyo xubnaha kamid ah Baarlamaanka ayadoo lagu wado in xubnahaasi laga codsado in ay isaga baxaan hotelka.


War aanu ka helayno qaar kamid ah Shaqaalaha Hotelka ayaa sheegaya in amar lagu siiyey in aysan halkaasi soo gelin dadka Soomaalida ah, waxaana la filayaa in maamulka hotelkaasi uu kharash badan u gudbiyo dowlada Kenya oo ah mida marti galisa xukuumada iyo Baarlamaanka Soomaalida.


Dhacdadan ayaa ah mid fadeexad weyn usoo jiidaysa dadka Soomaalida ah meel walba oo ay joogaan.


Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ayaa asagu ka baxsaday goobta shirka kadib markii weerar lagu qaaday goobtuu fadhiyey, guddomiyaha ayaa ku guuldareystay inuu kala dhexgalo xildhibaanada markuu ku dhawaaqay natiijada codbixinta iyo diidmada Mooshinka ciidamada Safarka hore IGAD.


Balse guddoomiyaha oo ay qaar kamid ah Xildhibaanada eedeenayaan ayaa laftiisa weerar ay ku qaadeen dhowr Xildhibaan taasi oo keentay in ay la cararaan ciidamada Booliiska.


Qaar kamid ah xildhibaanada ayey ka muuqdeen korkooda dhaawacyo waaweyn sida C/raxmaan shiikh Ismaaciil iyo C/laahi Geedi Shadoor oo kamid ahaa dadkii loola cararay Isbitaalka.


Kulankan ayaa xirmay ayadoo gacan ka hadalka socdo mana cada sida ay noqon doonto codbixinta la qaaday oo uu guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka qadar yar kahor intuusan hoolka ka bixin sheegay in aqlabiyada ay isku raaceen in aan dalka Soomaaliya la keenin ciidamada Safka hore.


Goobtii shirka ayaa ka muuqata burbur baaxad leh waxaana la burburiyey dhamaan goobtii ay xildhibaanada iyo guddoonka Baarlamaanka fadhiyeen.


Ahmed Musse

Nairobi, Kenya

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Xaasha...!!! Where is all the hype you were building to this election Duke? You were saying the No's to the motion will be defeated hence will be taught a lesson about politics and diplomacy... Loooool...! Waxaa calacal ka baxay Duke sxb, xita deriski wakugu so baxeen. And if this was not a vote sxb, then the one that that resulted to the election of Yeey to President will be annuled, so will the one for the PM.

Am enjoying thissssssssssssssssssssss...!

Ahey maxaa kale oo la jebshey aan ka aheyn kurasti Grand Regency..taas ma qiil ka dhigatey hadana...loooooooooooool...!

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hadaba itoobiyaanka daaqadaa laga tuuray, now ugandans, nigerians are left to come to somalia.

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Duke once again your reality is clashing with what actually happened, but as always I know that you will overcome the dichtomy most admirably.

Is it very difficult holding to opposing ideas at the same time?



Watching Kenya Television Network [K.T.N] the speaker of the parliament called for a secret ballot after the Prime minister said word for word what daddy told him to.



Perhaps they beleieved that so many people vying for influence in the new goverment would and those sponsored and puppetered by the ethiopians would not be so rash as to go against the resolution.

For the first time the M.p's chose to think about their own [secterian] intreast by supporting the wishes of the somali people.


Which leaves Duke and co. to dust of the old pom-poms.


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Somali MPs in peacekeeper brawl


"Bleeding wounds


According to the BBC's Caroline Karobia in Nairobi the scuffles began after the parliament speaker asked MPs to raise their hands in the vote.


More than half of them were against sending regional troops to Somalia".



"Meanwhile, the regional body Igad, has warned the new Somalia transitional government that time is running out for it to re-locate from the Kenyan capital, Nairobi back to Mogadishu."

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Indeed, yet we cry foul when we clearly, and overwhelmingly LOST.

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