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TFG sends delegates to Khartoum ignoring the PM....

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Wafdi ka socda DFKMG ah oo ku sii jeeda Khartuum (Magacyadodo)


Baydhabo- 02.August.2006 Wafdi heer sare oo ka socda golayaasha DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa maanta ku sii jeeda magaalada Khartuum ee caasiamda wadanka Suudaan,

halkaasi oo lagu wado inay kaga qayb galaan kulamo la doonayo in ay kula xaajoodaan maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah.


Wafdigan ayaa casuumada ka helay Jaamacada Carabta gaar ahaan xukuumada Suudaan, waxayna ka kooban yihiin 16 xubnood, iyadoo uu hogaaminayo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan.


Liiska xubnaha baxaya oo ay SBC heshay magacyadooda ayaa waxaa ka mid ah wafdigan Xildhibaan Cabdalla Boos, Xildhibaan Max’ed Xuseen Afaraale, Xildhibaan C/qaadir Sheekh Max’ed, Xildhibaan Max’ed Max’uud Guuleed(Gacmadheere) oo horey u ahaa wasiirkii horumarinta reer miyiga balse dhawaan xilkaasi iska casiley, wasiir kuxigeenka warfaafinta Salaad Cali Jeele.


Warka ayaa wuxuu intaasi ku darayaa in liiska xubnahan la diyaariyey 24-kii bishii July waxaana sida wadajir ah u diyaariyey Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf iyo Gudoomiye Shariif Xasan.


Safarka wafigan ee maanta ay ugu jeedaan magaalada Khartuum ayaa wuxuu ku soo aadayaa iyadoo shaley Ra’isalwasaaraha DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya Prof.Cali Max’ed Geedi uu daboolka ka qaadey in uu codsadey in mudo 15 maalmood ah dib loogu dhigo kulanka magaalada Khartuum ku dhexmari lahaa DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo Midowga Maxaakiimta Islaamiga.


Ra’islawasaaraha ayaa sheegay in isaga iyo wakiilka Jaamacada Carabta ee magaalada Nairobi, waxaase si adag uga soo horjeestey hadalka Ra’isalwasaaraha Madaxweynaha iyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka KMG.


Kulan gaar ah oo xaley dhexmarey Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf iyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka ayaa looga Hadley wafdigan saaka socdaalaya, iyadoo laga soo xigtey Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah in uusan ka warheyn dib u dhigis lagu sameeyo wadahadaladii dhexmari lahaa xukuumada Federaalka iyo Maxkamadaha Islaamiga.


Wararkan iska soo horjeeda ee ka soo baxay madaxda DFKMG ah ayaa u muuqana kuwa khilaaf ku keeni karaa DFKMG ah oo mudadii labada sano aheyd ee ay jirtey u jilbo xirneyd khilaaf u dhaxeeya dhexdeeda.


Keyse Caamir

SBC Nairobi.

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Baydhabo: Dikreeto madaxwayne oo lagu amray in Shirka Khartoum la'aado.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Baydhabo(AllPuntland)- Madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya Md: C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa xalay soo saaray warqad uu kaga dalbanayo xubno ka tirsan baarlamaanka inay ka qayb galaan shirka ka dhacaya magaalada Khartoum ee dhex mari doona dawladda iyo maxkamadaha.


Madaxwayne Yuusuf wuxuu warqadiisa kusheegay in wafdi uu hor kacayo guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka inay tagaan magaalada Khartoum .


Madaxwaynaha wax shuruud kuma xirin shirkaasi in laga qayb galo, ayadoo horay dawladdu uga walaacsanayd cidda shirka kala qayb galaysa .


Raysulwasaare Geeddi oo hadalkan mid kaduwan oo ahaa in shirka Khartoum dib loo dhigayo sheegay ayaan wali laga hayn wax jawaab ah oo kusaabsan wafdiga tagaya Khartoum.


Wafdiga guddoomiyaha raaci doona waxaa kamida ah sida la sheegay wasiir kuxigeenka warfaafinta Salaad Cali Jeelle, Xildhibaan Maxamed Guuleed Gacmodheere, Xildhibaan Afaraale, Xil: Cabdalla Boos iyo kuwo kaleeto.


Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan ayaa horay uga sharqamiyay in kulanka Khartoum aan laga dib dhici doonin bisha Agosto labadeeda.


Maxkamadaha Islaamiga Muqdisho lama garanayo in shirkaasi Khartoum ay tagi doonaan iyo in kaleeto.

CCC Farayaamo










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A very serious mistake and a grave mis-calculation by the President and Sharif. I'm sure they will come to regret it once they realise that this ICU are not only after negotiating with the TFG.

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You have nothing to lose by talking, and everything to gain....


If these courts do not want peace, the people will see them for what they are..


Lets talk, lets negotiate and lets find a Somali soultion...

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^^Sxb I have asked you before and you did not answer, let me try again. Do you think Hassan Dahir wants to be a sub-ordinate in a government led by C/llahi Yusuf?

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Are you serious sxb? Do you honestly believe he is no important when dealing with the ICU? Ok I will give you in your own time to find out this.

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Everything was going good for TNG, the world were their side. embargo was about to lift, but than tourning point came. Gedi and C/laahi yusuf refused to go Khartuum and they brought ethiopian.


Now it is hard to undo their mistakes. but they cannot refuse Khartuum meeting, for public perception and international perception. the court is not intresting any peace for now. Shiek shariif alone cannot make peace and his Geedi is out of balance


The TNG needs to regroup and build a team who can works toghether

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I harldy think that these so-called empagathi click led by Mr. Geddi would want to participate in the khartum talks especially after what he has said about the arab member leagues so who is the pm or the pres in this government i think its geddis government really

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Somalida waxay ku maahmaahda 'miro gundiga kugu jira kuwa geed saran loma dadsho'...I hope I said it correctly.

Anyways guys I can see your ill feelings towards the TFG, but bear in mind that is the closest we have to a fairer governing. Democracy and transparency at its clearest and best. The day when members of the ICU start a motioin to register their disgust with Sharif Ahmed or Hassan Dahir is when I can say the ICU are somewhere near the TFG.

That is my take of democracy between ICU and TFG. On the other hand I keep raising this point but no one seems to bother to notice it. TFG is a united Somali clans while the ICU is a single clan of Somalia. Thus what is the negotiating factor amid these two entities.

In other words ICU have taken over the power seat of Qanyare, Sudi, Catto, Xaran-ku-naax, Maxamed Dhere (this affects Geedi's position) and Hussein Aideed. Hence shouldn't the ICU only be expected to fill these positions or do they want more?

The point that they pacified Mogadishu is irrelevant cause they have doen something they should have done or their brethens should have done, simply cause it was a mess created by them before.

The dismantling of TFG on the assumption of negotiating with the ICU for a broader agreement is short sighted vision if not a grave mis-calculation.

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you otherhand ignoring the fact on the ground. The ICU controll the capital and they do their homework well. I do not think TNG have an option. It will colapse faster anyone can imagine. We knewn, the effect of cancelling Khartuum.

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