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Pics: Mogadishu What They Did To You ?

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Those were very nice pix of the old days. Very sad too. We all know who built it--the whole Somali nation--and the USC destroyed it. It's just rubble now....


But who wants to go back to Mog?!?! :eek: We are building our own cities in Puntland--Bigger and Better. :D Look to the future--not the past. ;) Let's all move on!

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Originally posted by Bari_Nomad:

But who wants to go back to Mog?!?!

A lot. And I can assure you that while in Xamar recently, I had seen a lot of what you call Puntlanders, Soomaali-Galbeeders, Maay-speakers, Soomaalileen, and what not. :D:D


Soomaali Xamar maka maarmato--diid ama ha diidin, dhiso gobolkaa ama ha dhisan, Xamar ma laga maarmo. Xamar is the gravity of Soomaali activity.


So, Bari-Nomad, maalintaa Xamar kugu arko ha dhihin waa soo dhumay. ;)




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Bari , true that . we gonna make puntland from laascaanood up north to galkayo down south LAND OF DREAMS .Us u said , Let us forget about past and start new future , Lets us make puntland new promisedland .

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Xamareey xaal qaado! waa laguu gefe. despite years of destruction Xamar remains the craddle of somalia. It is xamar that holds the key to somalia's progress. Without xamar there is no somalia........... so sidaasi ma aha?


If that is not the case, then how comes we don't have a nation? My fellow somalis, in cafe's, qaad houses and on the streets of european and north american metropols, we are confronted by people who claim that this and that city in somalia is flourishing... haddaay arrintu sidaas tahay Maxaa xal loo la'ayahay?

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-


A lot. And I can assure you that while in Xamar recently, I had seen a lot of what you call
Puntlanders, Soomaali-Galbeeders, Maay-speakers, Soomaalileen
, and what not.

I don't know why there would be anyone from the NE or NW since there peace in those regions. Maybe they had a death wish or got lost :D


So, Bari-Nomad, maalintaa Xamar kugu arko ha dhihin waa soo dhumay.

Sxb, You might see me there 1)Claiming our land/property back 2)Turn around and selling it 3)Getting the Hell out!! :D


That is if there is anything left worth claiming. Are you telling me that on your whole trip to somalia you only went to xamar? ;)


p.s. I can see you now in the streets of Puntland hustling some naive folks :D

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Originally posted by Entrepreneur:

It is xamar that holds the key to somalia's progress.

Sxb, Xamar is holding Somalia back.

Without xamar there is no sidaasi ma aha?

Sadly that might be true. If the fighting continues for another 12 years in xamar--Somalia may become dismembered forever. Each region may declared a seperate state.


If that is not the case, then how comes we don't have a nation?

We have a nation. But we don't have a state because of the fighting in Southern somalia/mog city.


My fellow somalis, in cafe's, qaad houses and on the streets of european and north american metropols, we are confronted by people who claim that this and that city in somalia is flourishing

Sxb, for development and reconstruction to occur there must be peace. The cities you are hearing about have peace and are flourishing(by Somali standards). Somalia is no longer a One City State. Although you might not like to hear that ;)

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Bari-Nomad saaxib reerka deji!




We have a nation. But we don't have a state because of the fighting in Southern somalia/mog city.



Well, I don't know the difference between a nation and a state, so it would be helpful if you could eloborate.






Sxb, for development and reconstruction to occur there must be peace. The cities you are hearing about have peace and are flourishing(by Somali standards). Somalia is no longer a One City State. Although you might not like to hear that



Come on sxb! flourishing? I thought you knew better! Why shouldn't I like to hear about somali progress? Let me make one thing clear bro: I am not from mogadishu, if that is what you are implying! -thus I am not blinded by the issue of regionalism- or qabiil. smile.gif


If we had cities and regions that are flourishing- dhul gaalo ma joognen.

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“If we had cities and regions that are flourishing dhul gaalo ma joognen.”


Men there are more Americans in the UK than Jamaicans and Somalians, but I guess America is not flourishing.


Or what about all the Arabs from the EAU and Kuwait who reside in foreign countries


Entrepreneur I got relatives that still live in Mogadishu and they would tell you it’s a hell whole a beautiful environment but no peace equals a terrible life where anything goes.


Mogadishu is a bad place today and lets not get idealistic I and others don’t hate the place or the people but those who hold them in bondage.

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Assalamu calaykum, SmithNwestern, I get your point. I agree that Xamar is not a peaceful place. Partly because they are warlords who control many parts of the city and partly because it remains to be the town with the largest population and as such crime is rampant.


But don't you agree that Xamar gets a beating from people who are blinded by regionalism?


Sidaan horeyba u sheegay anigu kuma aanan dhalanin xamar , waxaana iigu dambeeysay sideetimeeydii markaan nabdooned. Hase yeeshe beryahaan dambe waxaa soo baxay dad ku doodayo inaay tuulo hebel, gobol hebel amaba magaalo hebel aay nabdoontahay- taasi oo runta ka fog. Xaqiiqdu waxaay tahay haddii aay jiri lahayd magaalo si fiican u nabdoon inaan noqon lahayn. Haddii aay tuulo, ama gobol uu xasiiloonyahay, waa temporary oo cabsi ayaa umaddii ku jirto.



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Originally posted by Bari_Nomad:

1)Claiming our land/property back 2)Turn around and selling it 3)Getting the Hell out!!

Duqa, in that case, anaa dilaale kuu noqonaayo oona kuu gadaayo, ee adiga meeshaada iska joog yaah. orangebiggrin.giforangebiggrin.gif


Excuse aa Xamar ku imaatid xataa ma weyneysid, cajiib. ;)


Saxiiboow runtii sidaan kuugu sheegay, Xamar malaga maarmo. Maantadaan lagu jiro oo ugu amaan daran tahay Soomaaliya, wali Soomaalida dhamaantood Xamar waa joogaan. Xamar waxaa kusoo arkay nin ee Max'ed Siyaad Barre isku qabiil yihiin oo iska dhex socdo, remember this qabiil's members were persecuted wrongly at the height of civil war in Xamar. Marka wax qabiil la dhaho waa dhamaatay, the new qabiil is $$$; hadaa qabtid kistoo doolar godkaa aa biyo kugu galay.


P.S.: Qabiilnimo Xamar maku difaacooyo, even my qabiil Xamar ma dago, lakiin waa magaalada aan adduunka ugu jeclahay. I have a passionate feelings for it--a city I was born, and a one I will always cherish.




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Calaykum Salam Bro many thanks for the articulate response, I totally agree with you there are some quarters who like the rubbish on Mogadishu and on the plight of our people in that city. Those same groupings are those that wish for the continuation of the present reality in Mogadishu, with 17 road blocks from Afgoye to the centre of the town and other very troubling things which have become the norm. However I and others who argue for peace unity and federation are the ones who detest this reality that our capital our flag and our name is being dragged through the mud day in day out. Also there are others I cant stand those who defend Mogadishu of today the ones who excuse the killings, maiming kidnappings and rape of the unarmed groups. Those people I detest as much as those who want to see the destruction of Somalia. There can be no excuse for the failures of leadership in Mogadishu and for the blatant absence of that essential component of human life peace.




An apologist for today’s Mogadishu now that’s a shame bro a damn shame

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Marka wax qabiil la dhaho waa dhamaatay

I think that's stretching it a bit... :D


BTW, you didn't answer my question: You only went to xamar during your whole trip to Somalia?!?!

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Have you ever heard of Where there is smoke there's usually fire. Meaning you are constantly hearing such and such a place is doing good--it probably is. By somali standards, peaceful areas of Somalia are doing very well.


BTW, The Somali people are a nation. Somalia is a state--so we are stateless.


If I suffer from regionalism then I think you&MMA are suffering from Mogadishu-ism. ;)

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