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You are not alone

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Ms DD   

Salaam aleykum


Allah helps and heals people and the individual must make the first step with hope and determination. The Lord we worship is the same Lord who provided food, shelter, and help to Maryam, the mother of Jesus (peace be upon them); the same Lord who provided for Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) when he was thrown into the well, despised by his own brothers. The same Lord who help Job(peace be upon him) . Know that Allah will always be with you.


When people choose to live their life under the shade of Allah, the opportunities are endless; they have tapped into the source of peace, the source of success, the source of advancement.


Turn to Allah five times a day; fast and learn how to control your body and mind; do good deeds and do not just concentrate on your own needs. When problems pass you by, remember you are not alone, and ask your Lord for help. It is a promise that you will feel calm inside and your way will be clear.


Pray and ask for help, gather your inner resources, and take a step forward, resting assured that the help of Allah will come. All creation will pray for you; the angels will pray for you; mankind might oppose you, but nothing will happen without Allah's permission — you will feel safe and rejoice in your miraculous life. It does not mean that you will not fail sometimes and that you will not go through the ups and downs of life, but you will have the strength and direction to pick up the pieces, keep going, and forge your way forward.

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