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Sheekh Aweys oo kulamo la qaatay madaxda dalka Masar

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Sheekh Aweys oo kulamo la qaatay madaxda dalka Masar


Mogadishu 01, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shuurada Maxaakimta islaamka soomaaliyeed Sh.Xasan.Daahir Aweys ayaa booqasho ku jooga Magaalada qaahira ee dalka masar Isagoo wadahadal la qaatay Madaxda sar sare ee dalka masar.




Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys, Hogaanka golaha shuurada

Masuul sare oo masaari ah ayaa sharqul awsat u qiray in booqasho qarsoodi ah oo aanan la shaacin uu sheekhu ku joogo dalka masar Hase yeeshee Masuulku waxa uu diiday in uu sheego sababta ka dambeysay Booqashadaasi iyo qaabka uu noqonayo kulamada uu la qaadan doono Madaxda dalka masar .


Sidoo kale masuulku waxa uu ka leex leexday inuu sheego muddada ay qaadan doonto booqashada uu aweys ku joogo magaalada qahira. .


Ilo Diblomaasiyadeed oo masaari iyo soomaaliba leh ayaa sheegay in booqashada sh xasan ee qarsoodida aheyd uu dalka masar ogeysiiyay lana socodsiiyay Madaxweynaha iyo raysal wazaaraha dowladda ku meel gaarka ah ee fadhisa magaalada kastoo ay booqashadaasi ahayd mid aanan horay loo shaacin.


Marti qaadka uu dalka masar u fidiyay Guddoomiyaha golaha wadatashiga maxaakimta islaamka ayaa dalka masar waxa uu uga gol leeyahay inuu dadaal u galo sidii uu iskugu soo dhaweyn lahaa aragtiyada kala fog ee dowladda iyo golaha maxaakimta islaamka..


Dhankiisana Diblomaasi soomaali ah ayaa sharqul awsat u sheegay in booqashada Sheekhu ay qeyb ka tahay isku dayga dowladda masar ee ku aadan iney maxaakimta ku qanciso sidii ay iskaashi ula sameyn laheyd Dowladda ku meel gaarka ah si loo helo dib u heshiisiin dhameystiran iyo in lasoo af jaro dagaallada sokeeye ee dalka soomaaliya ku baahay.


Ilo ku dhaw dhaw sheikh Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa sheegay in uu soo hordhigay Madaxda dalka masar sawir ku aadan wax yaabaha uu kala socodo fara galinta dalka itoobiya uu ku hayo soomaaliya iyo boqollaalka ciidamada itoobiyaanka ah ee ku sugan Nawaaxiga iyo bartamaha magaalada baydhabo.


Sidoo kale waxa uu Mr:Aweys Sharraxaad ka bixiyay Mowqifka maxaakimta islaamka soomaaliyeed ee ku wajahan dalalka Juquraafi ahaan dariska la’ah dalka soomaaliya iyo guud ahaan kuwa ku yaalla goboka bariga afrika.


Dowladda masar ayaa waxa ay booqashada Aweys si aad ah uga dhowrtay warbaahinta waxaana loo diiday wariyayaasha iney u soo dhawaadaan iyadoo sidoo kalena aad u adkeeysay amaanka goobta uu dagan yahay sheekhu.


Guddoomiyaha golaha shuurada maxaakimta islaamka Sh.xasan.Daahir.Aweys ayaa waxa uu kulamo is daba joog ah la qaatay madaxda dowladda masar oo uu ugu horreeyo Madaxa laanta sir-doonka masar Gen.Cumar Suleymaan Hase yeeshee waxaanan ilaa iyo haatan caddeyn in sheekhu uu kulan la yeeshay Madaxweynaha dalka Masar Xusni Mubaarak ama waziirkiisa arrimaha dibadda Axmed Abul Gheyt.


Dowladda Ku meel gaarka ah ee soomaaliya ayaa durbadiiba jawaab ka bixisay Marti qaadka ay dowladda masar u fidisay xasan Daahir Aweys Iyadoo waziirka warfaafinta dowladda ku meel gaarka ah Cali Axmed Jaamac uu qadka telefoonka ugu sheegay wargeyska sharqul awsat in masar ay dowlad ahaan awood u leedahay in dalkeeda ay ugu yeerto cidii ay doonto hase yeeshee buu yiri inagu maddooneyno inaanu la tacaamulno Qof sida xasan daahir oo kala ah inagoo u kaashaneyna buu yiri diidmadaasi sababo xoog badan oo cad cad..

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I doubt the authenticity of this News. Otherwise, we ask the site to produce some pictures.


Egypt is a big ally for the United States in its pursuit of wanted men who are in the list. Aweeis is a wanted man and therefore is unsafe in places like Egypt. This could be a wrong assumption on my part but that is at least my inner conviction.

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^^Shaykh Aweys was in the same hotel as the anti-terror cops in Djibouti 2 months ago and they didn't do anything to him.

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^Caamir, you don't know anything about GEOPOLiTiks. Egypty is happy to help anyone against its arch-enemy, Ethiopia. Lets wait and see if Yeeey and his Ethiopian masters can do the job and make the US happy. smile.gif

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So he is not in the list of wanted individuals?


duuliye, you are correct Egypt and Djibouti supported the TNG president who then opposed Ethiopia. I knew the two camps of back then. The SRRC was formed in response to the TNG by Ethiopia.


If you remember, I posted an article, by Dr. Abdirashid Jowhar, who cogently described how Egypt and all other regional stakeholders meddle in the region.

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Without U.S support and the massive aid, Egypt would fall to the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt should work with the interest of the U.S so that its hopes are satisfied.


I don't think Egypt and its puppet adminstration would pick Aweis over its biggest ally.

Again you are showing your lack of knowledge about politiks. The US will do anything to avoid seeing Muslim brotherhoods rule in Egypty, a group which does not hide their dislike of Israel.

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For the moment they gonna use Aweys against Ethiopia ,,, he is just kinda tool that they can throw him away once they finish with him ,, i don't know if he is aware or not but that is the case. They don't even want the Islamic courts but they still wanna use them against the TFG ,,,


Yemen is playing kinda both sides supporting one side then the other one ,,,,, they have kinda agreement to watch the Somalia coast with the TFG and they don't want Ethiopia ,,, so they playing double card at da same time ,,,,


What i don't understand is the US ,,,, They put Aweys in da list and they sleeping next to him in Djibouti and even meeting him as some sources said ,,,,, may be they wanna libarate him or he is a long-time CIA agent ,,, Allahu Aclam ,,,

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Originally posted by duuliye:


Without U.S support and the massive aid, Egypt would fall to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Egypt should work with the interest of the U.S so that its hopes are satisfied.


I don't think Egypt and its puppet adminstration would pick Aweis over its biggest ally.

Again you are showing your lack of knowledge about politiks.
The US will do anything to avoid seeing Muslim brotherhoods rule in Egypty,
a group which does not hide their dislike of Israel.
Duuliya armaad u baahan tahay in far waawayn wax lagugu dhigo :D:D We are saying the same thing man. Try to control your emotions

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