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Religious pretenders create another fake admin

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The religious warlords (Xisbi islam) have created a fake administration for Banadir next to the already existing fake administration of the extremists (Alshabab) and the foreign-created government.


The religious warlords of Xisbi Islam have administrations for:


- Lower Shabelle, with Afgoye and Wan.laweyn as main cities were they reign.

- Baay, with Buur Hakaba were they reign

- Hiiraan, where they are holed up in some districts of Beledweyne and call that an ‘administration’

- Benadir, where they have few street blocks in Hodan and Howlwadaag.

- Gedo, where they have a presence in Luuq and Garbaharey


On the other hand,


The religious warlords of Alshabab have administrations for:


- Lower Shabelle, with Merca and Barawe as main cities were they reign.

- Lower/Middle Jubba, where they share power with Xisbi Islam

- Gedo, were they have a joing military presence in Baardheere and other districts of the region.

- Banadir, were they have a presence in some districts.

- Baay/Bakool, were they have sole control over Bakool but share some districts with Xisbi Islam in Baay.

- Middle Shabelle, were they share power and control with Xisbi Islam and previous key leaders of ICU.


On the third front, we have the socalled Islamic government (foreign-created regime) that has some administrations for:


- Banadir, in which they control majority of districts.

- Hiiraan, which mainly they control.

- Gedo, were they are present in border towns.

- M.Shabelle

- Baay/Bakool, were they are in border-towns



This again proves that the current conflict is one about political power and not ideology. All factions say that they are working for the Somali nation, but their actions tell a different story: they are fighting for political power for their own benefit. They want to fill the void the previous warlords left and become the new ''bosses in town''.

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Give it up Meiji. These khawaarij can create as many fake administrations as they can, but the LEGITIMATE government of the SOMALI people has finalised security plans, established an inclusive security council and now is in full swing. Beledweyne is proof of this. Ahlu Sunna (Government allies) have captured strategic towns in Hiiraan & Galguduud. Buulo Burde is next Insha'allah. Things are looking good for this LEGITIMATE SOMALI government so stop the hating brother.

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^^^ they are khawaarij because they are takfiiris but not to the same extent as Al-Shabaab. Plus it is a well known fact that all takfiiris are khawaarij. We just have to look back at the history of Islam specifically at the Khalifite of Cali (radiullaahu canhu). The group that were against him and that killed him and Cuthmaan (radiullaahu canhu), called all their opponents including the living companions at that time time "murtads". Hence the scholars of Islam recognised the takfiiris as Khawaarij. Look at the the xadiith that was narated by (i think Muxammad Bin Salamah/ Abu Muusaa Al-Ashcari) that said " I was on day sitting inside a mosque (i think it was the mosque of Madinah) when i saw a group of men sitting in a circle with a pot and stones in the middle. One of them would throw a rock into the pot and order the others to say Astaakhfurullaah a 100 times. Then Subxaanallaah then so forth. Just as they were doing that a companion walked in (either Muxammad Bin Salamah/ Abu Muusaa Al-Ashcari). He just stood at the doorway and observed them. He did not say anything because he was not sure about the ruling of what they were doing. So he went to Ibn Mascuud (radiullaahu canhu). He explained to him what he saw. Ibn Mascuud (radiullaahu canhu) replied what did u say. He said i didn't say anything because i wasn't sure about it. So him and Ibn Mascuud went back to the Mosque. Ibn Mascuud (radiullaahu canhu) scattered their stones and told them - the prophets utensils are still with us and u do this? The narrator of this xadiith went on to by allah, I saw the same men fighting and making takfiir on the companions of allaah in the time of Cali (radiullaahu canhu).



So this goes to shows takfiiris are Khawaarij.

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Macalin Xaashi mise Cali Maxamed Xuseen, Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ama Waaliga Wilaayada Banaadir


Macalin Xaashi mise Cali Maxamed Xuseen, Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ama Waaliga Wilaayada Banaadir


Waa labo nin oo marka la eego ka soo wada jeeda Degmada Balcad ee G/Sh/dhexe ,waxay xilal ka soo qabteen xilligii Maxkamadaha, jufo ahaanse waa isu dhow yahay,waxay ka tirsan yihiin Labo urur oo aan ahdaaftiisa aanu isku mid aheyn kalana ujeedo ah , waxay ka soo wada jeedaan Beesha Reer Mataan ama Mataan Cabduulle ee lahaanshahooda lagu tiriyo Gobolka Banaadir.


Cali Maxamed Xuseen waxay horaantii sanadkan Xarakada Alshabaab u magacaabeen inuu yahay Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir (Waaliga Wilaayada Banaadir) tan iyo xilligaas waxaa uu hormuud ka noqday howlaha Alshabaab ka wado Banaadir, xilligaasoo deegaanada uu ka soo jeedo ee Waqooyiga Muqdisho loogu arkayay inuu loo xusul duubi karo.


Dhismaha Maamulkaas waxay dad badan u arkayeen mid daba socoto arrimo markii hore sir loo arkayay, kaas oo ku qayixnaa beelaha lahaanshahooda lagu tiriyo ee uu ka soo jeedo Cali Maxaa Xuseen gaar ahaan Mataan Cabdulle.


Shabaab danaha ay ka leedahay Banaadir oo ahaa mid waafi ahaa ayaa hadana u soo hoos-gashay shaqsi la dhihi karo waa uu ka soo jeedaa ama beesha uu ka dhashay ayaa ka dhex muuqan karta hogaanka Gobolka Banaadir.


Macalin Xaashi oo ah nin siyaasada ka raaca marba dhinac, laguna tilmaamo nin ay dabeyshu u wado dhinac kasta ka bilow Min Muuse Suudi ilaa Maxkamadihii ma jirin meel uu si rasmi u caga dhigtay ama uu ku negaado, xilli wareysi siiyay idaacadaha Muqdisho wuxuu sheegtay inuu yahay xubin ka tirsan Alshabaab balse markii dambe ayaa la sheegay in laga saaray, waxaana markii dambe isku magacaabay Ururka Kacdoonka Xamar iyo Xamar daye oo beel ahaan uga soo jeedo.


Hadase waxay doorka kama dambeysta ah ku geysay isagoo ah Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ee hoos-taga Ururka Xisbul Islaam, taasoo maanta lagu dhawaaqay, waxaana uu ka mid noqonayaa hogaanada u magacaaban Gobolka ee gaaraya ilaa saddexda xubnood, waxaase su'aasha taagan ay tahay yey madax u yihiin halkeese ka taliyaan iyaguse ma isu taliyaan.


Ma cada sida ay iskula bar bar shaqeyn karaan labada maamul ee u muuqda midi midi ku taagta, laakiin waxaa muuqda in labada nin madaxa la isula gelinayo danaha shaqsiyaad gaar ka leeyihiin Gobolka Banaadir, waxaana doorar muuqda ku lahaayeen dagaaladii Waqooyiga Muqdisho ee lagu sal kiciyay boqolaal kun ee ku dhaqnaa magalada Muqdisho, waana mid ka mid ah tallaabooyinka la dhihi karo waa uu ku helay xilkan Macalin Xaashi.


Jowhar News Desk


Hoyga wararka Somaliyed m


Mahad on July 27 2009 16:28:24 ·

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Xisbi Islam VS Alshabab ''governor of Banadir''







Islamic government ''governor of Banadir''



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The religious pretenders are already divided and should not be supported in taking over Somalia since that will mean another conflict between them for the spoils of war.

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