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Islamist agenda for Somalia: The way forward or Animal Farm?

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I would like to invite all the staunch supporters of the Islamist camp, mainly Alshabab/Xisbi Islam, to come in and explain the other Somali nomads what the agenda is of the factions they support?


Not long ago, Kashafa had this vision for Somalia:



Originally posted by Kashafa:

quote: Federalism is the key and building strong locally based admins like Puntland should be the short term goal.

Federalism will be the death-knell of Somalia. It will never be tolerated. It will never be accepted.


Solution: One strong central government, just like we had in the '70s when we were the 2nd strongest military power in all of Africa. Only this time(pay attention here, peacnik/dh.b.lif nutjobs), only this time, instead of a nepotic, atheist, secular goverment operating on the tenents of Marxism-Leninism, there will be a Islamic central government operating under Kitaab-ul-Allah Wa Sunnata-Rasoolih. Provinces will have governors/Amiirs appointed by the central government. Example: Abu Bakr Al-Zaylaci is the current governor of the Kismayo reigion(not just city), his term is about to come to an end, another governor will be appointed, or he will get another term in office. That's the model that will be extended to all of Somalia.


I know this sticks a fork in many of your qabiil-ridden throats, but um, choke on it. That's how it's gonna be, inshallah.
Is that the Islamist agenda for Somalia?

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Your vision will result in a nepotic, pseudo-religous, pseudo-religious goverment operating on the tenents of ''Political Islam''.


The reason for this? The concentration of power in the hands of few men is dangerous. Power corrups men, even those who claim to be pious.


As you yourself said:


I'm human, abti, riddled with flaws and shortcomings. 'Rhetorical flourishes' are one of them. Don't mistake the actions of flawed muslims(aniga oo ugu horeeyo) with the beauty and nobility of Islam and Islamic Shareeca.

So those ''pious men'' who will take the position of Siad Barre and instead of a pseudo-Marxist-Socia list idelogy will rule us with a pseudo-''Political Islamism'' will be NO DIFFERENT!


We will not take the risk of concentrating much power in the hands of 1 or a couple of men, who will be corrupted and will corrupt the pureness and nobility of Islam and Islamic Shareeca by their flawed human actions.



Original thread:


http://www.somaliaon ebb.php?/topic/9/176 03

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Is that the Islamist agenda for Somalia?

Yes, but that model needs to be fleshed out and elaborated upon. What questions do you have ? Hurry up, I got another hour before I gosta bounce.

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Kashafa, we have waited long enough for you to explain the Islamist viewpoint on Somalia.


I believe this is the right time to bring up that discussion again.


Al-Zeylaci, you 2 are welcome to elaborate on the agenda of the Islamists for Somalia.


How would the Islamist factions govern and develop Somalia?


Let us for once discuss ideas instead of supporting different factions and engaging in silly cyber-version of the conflict in Somalia.

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Federalism will be the death-knell of Somalia. It will never be tolerated. It will never be accepted.

I strongly stand by that statement. Federalism will be the Trojan Horse used to keep Somalia weak, divided, and hapless. Look towards the lessons of history: centralizing government = power and progress. Rome, Prussia(Germany), even America today(a federal state only in name). As for what happens when Federalism is introduced into a strong, vibrant nation, look at the Sick Man of Europe.


Those who believe in Federalism better be prepared to fight(I mean, mostly die) for it. For it will never be tolerated in the Somalia I call home.

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I myself am not a believer in Federalism, and see it as a danger.


However dont limit the discussion to federalism or warlordism.


We want to understand the Islamist viewpoint on


-how to govern Somalia,

- political representation of the people

-develop the economy,

-govern the regions,

-their policy to combat clannism and other societal ills.

-Their view towards basic freedoms: free press, free speech, free thinking.

-Their view towards the role of the central state vis-a-vis the provincial admins.

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I am also very interested to know what the future looks like for Al-shabaab and Xisbul Islam, apart from the implementation of Sharia law, what is the agenda for Somalia.


If you are sincere in answering the questions please attempt to give reference to your statements, either written or in the form of quotes attributed to the head honchos of the Al-shabaab/Xisbul Islam.


- A major shortcoming of Islamic movements is that while they are often organized and able to identify and mobilize opposition against a common enemy or threat, once successful, internal power struggles and problems quickly emerge in defining and implementing an Islamic system of government.

Consequently what immediate measures are being taken to avoid such a fallout in the event of the TFG's implosion and no foreign interference.


- How will the leadership of the Islamic state of Somalia be gotten.


- What will be the influence of Democratic principles in the islamic republic be if any.


- What sort of constitutional checks and balances will there be to stop or redress any abuses of power.


- What safe guards will there be that the ideological factionalism and polarization of politics within the government as well as interpretations of proper Islam will not lead to violence in the future.


- In the event of peaceful opposition to government edicts, will that be considered anti-government or anti-Islam.


- Is it acceptable to use repression to maintain the status quo.


These are only preliminary questions, and are being asked in good faith, keep the conversation civil and supported with references that can be followed up.

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Jalle Liqaye


Good questions.


Let us hope our dear Islamists on this board will answer some questions and explain us their Islamist viewpoint towards Somalia and its long-term developmental path.

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^^ They can't and they will not. What they could give you are simply their hopes and dreams (just as you would share your hopes and dreams for Somalia). But not many of them would have a clue of what happens next!

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How would the Islamist factions govern and develop Somalia?

The best way to answer this question, Meej, is to point you towards concrete success. Not words on the screen but actual reality on the ground.


This is an article by Al-Jazeera(funded by Indhocadde ? Oh, oh, oh, maybe it's funded by Eriteria, yes ? this is the pathetic mindset I have to put up with in these forums. little people with little minds, sheesh.) which reports how due to the runaway success of the Kismaayo Islamic Administrations, because of the law and order they have implemented, because of their strategic economical policies which have emphasized low taxation and industrial growth & development , merchants in other parts of the Somalia have changed their port venue of choice to Kismaayo. Can there be a more ringing endorsement of the Islamist platform ?


The report goes on to detail that taxes were cut on all merchandise by 40% and in the cases of equipment needed for industrial development like bulldozers, there were no taxes levied at all. And what, nigga ? Kismayo Free Port in 2015, Hollaback.


The report gives an example of how the Moori.yaan of the TFG charge businessmen 1,500 dollars(a exorbitant sum in a poverty-stricken city) to unload each personal car, while in Kismaayo, it's only $145 per vehicle. Do the math. A 90% higher rate is not called taxation, it's called extortion. The cult of Moori.yaani'sm and the economical philosophy of Isbaaro/Roadblocks'i sm is all the TFG has to offer to Somalia. (A TFG, to your credit, you don't support). Guess who's in charge of the the port in Xamar ? Yup, that's right: Weasel Shariif Xasan.


Money knows no ideology, homey, and Cash has no religion. If the merchants of Mogadishu have voted with their wallets to switch to Kismaayo port and thusly, validate(even tho it needs no validation) the Islamic administration, who the F are you to say otherwise ? I mean, WHERE, is your evidence ? Throughout your tenure here you have failed to show a single whit of actual evidence. It's been all finger-pointing and nacnac and jacjac. I get it, abti, you have a deep-rooted antipathy and hatred towards the Islamists, maybe because they showed the world how cowardly your clan militas were, or maybe because a wadaad karbaash'd you when you were a teenager for ogling a passing by sister, whatever the heck your underlying psychological issues with the Islamists and Islamism, they have been accepted by the realists of the world as the victorious platform and the future of Somalia. I refer you to the reporting and analysis of Professor Michael Weinstein of Purdue University(the most accurate and on-point observer of the Somali political scene, bar none) and Jeffrey Gettleman, Chief of the East Africa bureau for the New York Times.


If every single metric, be it economical, political, and military points to the success of the Islamic platform, philosophy, and governing model, why would you continue screeching about religious warlords and pretenders, when you know that's complete and utter bull ? Are you exercising your freedom of speech ? Do you think this a cyber fadhi-ku-dhirir where you can say the most outrageous thing and receive applause for it ? Or do you just enjoy nonsensical prattling ? Which is it, abti ?


I got another half hour. Ask another question and you will be answered, verily forsooth inshallah.

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At least we have hopes and dreams, and as you know every great history in the world is written by men who had hopes and dreams.


Those who can not hope nor dream are destined to follow changes like simple creatures.


I want to hear their ''hopes and dreams'' for Somalia and whether those are in line with the ''hopes and dreams'' of the Somali masses.

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as you know every great history in the world is written by men who had hopes and dreams.

Amen to that. And while I'm still here, here's another Makavelli quote you can add to your signature:

All armed prophets have conquered and all unarmed ones have failed.

Note to the little people: prophets here does not mean Messengers of God. It means leaders. You're welcome. Didn't want you to get confused and all.


Somalia will be brought to heel through force of arms , inshallah, like all successful revolutions in history.

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Now kashafa this is precisely where I did not want to go, for the moment you could have restricted your self to answering some of the questions posed, all the other issues between you and Meiji could have been addressed in all the other topics.


Is this the depth and breadth of the Islamic vision in Somalia, cutting taxes?


So many other questions have been left un addressed.

We wait with bated breath.

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