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General Duke

Will Sharif Hotel shake hands with Kiss Mrs Clinton ? Have your say

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MMA brutally ripped you into pieces, put you back together, only to throw you off the Empire State building. Give it up sxb he killed you. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

No the thread here is not about the H&M Jean you like & the perfumes you wear now that's meaningless and a waste of bandwidth.

looooooooooooooooooo ooooooooool.

how do you come up with these devastating attacks. I read his H&M thread and thought it was just frivolous xaar from a confused teenage girl.


Listen, sharief is a bigot. The iidiooot will not only shake her hand, he will try to rub his whole body against her fat belly.

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Adam as you can see your support for MMA won't make the mans argument stick , the only person who was torn apart was our own Xiin who resorted to insult a Somali sister when he got beat, then was rescued by MMA and the thread taken down. That's losing the Duke will not get upset and the likes of MMA and a few four eyes like Nur Cade won't ever get to the Duke. :D

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

And yet another trolling one, a waste of bandwidth.


And the initiator of this thread is this same person who
this when Nuur Cadde was said to meet Ms. Rice, then Secretary of State:


"Landmark meeting overlooked by the SOL die hards but why?."


And when the biggest Xabashi stooge wanted to meet Ms. Rice, the same initiator of this thread was
the site, salivating. Then again, nothing new from a certain person.


Wishing Soomaaliya, the nation, the republic to not get from its feet of dragging civil wars and once again be among the respected nations of this world -- only because of xaasidnimo, only because the biggest stooge Soomaalis had seen did not succeed to lead, with his miserable failure.


Soomaaliya is a nation, it is not beholden to an individual or a special interest group. Soomaaliya ma'aha jaraanjar meel lagu gaaraayo, oo dan qabyaaladeed laga leeyahay.


Soomaaliya is nation oo Soomaalida ka dhaxeyso, it is not dal lagu gorgortamaayo meel lagu gaaro la rabo for selfish reasons. Soomaaliya cannot be a jaraanjar lagu koraayo meel one wants enrich one's self. No, no, and no.



Hadana sheegada Dukey iyo Co waxey gaartey ''gacan ma siin doona mise wuu ka diidi doona'' :D

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Lool Mogadishu society adeer the Sharif as a fake religious pretender as you call the. Would no doubt kiss her behind if it would get him anywhere, alas let's see and it's more relevent than what jeans one wears or if the fake Mogadishu Society will ever recover.

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LOOL sheekadii waxey noqotay gacan ma siindoonaa LOOL


That alone says enough about the bitterness of the Yusufites.

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lool Meji Yusufites have never pretended to be holly men, we had four years crushed our enemies and retired. The base is secure under a new admin in Faroole. it's you who is bitter for

you fought Yusuf fir no reason other than clan and when he left the situation became even worse for you, all your base has been over run, civilians killed maimed and fled. Thus who is bitter a man who retired or the one who lost his base?

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The one who has been reduced to ''gacan ma siin doona mise ma salaami doono'' is the true bitter one.



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Lool, now you are losing the plot, Sharif has failed and this question is just to highlight how far the man has traveled, if it does not mater then great. He can't then lecture others and use Scripture in his ever confused utterences.


Now go be a good boy and liberate the Mohadishu Society without resorting to foreign fighters, the base in Punt has been secured without foreigners.

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The former spokesman for the ousted Islamist courts movement, Abdirahim Issa Addou, said that in his view, Sharif is no longer interested in appeasing the Shabab and that "we need to show the Americans we're different."


Following that line of reasoning, he said, Sharif should not just offer Clinton a hearty handshake.
"To me, I'd go as far as kissing her," Addou joked. "But really, Sheikh Sharif is in a difficult position. "You know," he said with a sigh, "that Sharif has a lot of problems."

This clown along with Sharif Hotel were waging a clan based "Jihad" against infadels only a few years back. Now they want to kiss the lady to show how different they are, oh my. :D

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In Somalia, a Twist on 'Handshake Diplomacy'


By Stephanie McCrummen

Washington Post Foreign Service

Thursday, August 6, 2009


NAIROBI, Aug. 5 -- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Somali President Sharif Ahmed are expected to discuss weighty security issues when they meet in this city Thursday. But many Somalis will be paying close attention to a more delicate, but highly symbolic, matter of diplomacy: whether the two will shake hands.


"The talk is everywhere," said Abdirhaman Mumin, a Somali sugar exporter who is hoping for the handshake. "Will he or won't he? For many people, whether he's loyal to Islam or not depends on the handshake."


Somalia is a traditionally moderate Muslim country. Music and poetry are treasured, and handshaking between men and women -- taboo according to some conservative readings of Islam -- has long been considered normal. But since the collapse of the last central government in 1991, a more conservative strain of Islam has taken hold, with Somalis depending more on Islamic law to establish order.


Ahmed, a former geography teacher and Islamic scholar, was the widely respected leader of a movement of Islamist courts that briefly took power in 2006 and imposed a more strict interpretation of Islamic law. The movement was soon ousted in a U.S.-backed Ethiopian invasion fueled by accusations that the movement's military wing, known as al-Shabab, had ties to al-Qaeda.


These days, a more resolutely moderate Ahmed is back in power and battling the Shabab, which broke with him and now controls much of southern Somalia.


Increasingly, though, its members are rebels without a cause. They lost one of their main battle cries when the Ethiopian army withdrew from Somalia. They lost another recently, when Ahmed heeded a popular call and adopted Islamic law for the country. And so, at the moment, the Shabab is relying heavily on portraying Ahmed as an "impure" Muslim, a puppet of the West, a turncoat.


Last week, pro-Shabab Web sites were speculating about a possible shake between Ahmed and Clinton, arguing that, were it to come to fruition, it would prove that Ahmed had lost credibility with Islamists. Some Somalis have argued that Sharif should refrain from pressing palms, if only to keep the Shabab from scoring a public relations victory.


"If they shake hands, they'll definitely use it as propaganda," said one Somali analyst who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the Shabab is known to target critics.


But in recent interviews with Somali exiles -- a generally moderate bunch -- most said they are in favor of the handshake, a view that reflects their cautious optimism about U.S. support for Ahmed, usually referred to as Sheikh Sharif. The United States recently shipped 40 tons of ammunition to help the government fight the rebels.


The pro-shake crowd also reflects a deep-seated desire among many Somalis to shed their image as citizens of one of the most dysfunctional and anarchic countries in the world.


"I think it's good for him to shake hands," said Abdi Ibrahim, who was discussing the issue with friends at a cafe in Nairobi's bustling Eastleigh neighborhood. "Sheikh Sharif has to show Somalis that this is normal. Everyone shakes hands. Why should Somalis be different? Why the big deal? We need to join the world."


"But," he added somewhat gloomily, "the insurgents will use it to say he has changed a lot -- maybe he shouldn't. I cannot say 100 percent."


The former spokesman for the ousted Islamist courts movement, Abdirahim Issa Addou, said that in his view, Sharif is no longer interested in appeasing the Shabab and that "we need to show the Americans we're different."


Following that line of reasoning, he said, Sharif should not just offer Clinton a hearty handshake. "To me, I'd go as far as kissing her," Addou joked. "But really, Sheikh Sharif is in a difficult position. "You know," he said with a sigh, "that Sharif has a lot of problems."

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Originally posted by General Duke:

MMS as usual the clueless anti Puntlander if SOL trying to make a point when there is none. Did I o ce say this meeting is not happening nor is unimportant? Also is there lack of coverage to this meeting in Sol today? No the thread here is not about the H&M Jean you like & the perfumes you wear now that's meaningless and a waste of bandwidth. The topic is as with the original article looking for insight into the religious claims of said Sharif for if he does not shake Somali women hands should he Mrs Clinton and if he does what would it say about all the Islamic government he heads?


Again poof MMA make a point will you Abdullahi Yusuf is so far the most successful leader in post war Somalia, Abdiqasin & the happless clanist you support have left nothing Yusuf left Puntland and even the Villa Sharif is hiding in.


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