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A country exists because its people want it to exist. That is its only moral basis for being. If part of its population actually desires to separate, they obviously have the fundamental right to do so. We must provide the constitutional means by which every person living in [somaliland ]can decide whether to remain Somali or join a tribally defined republic.




The overthrow of Said Barre in 1991 led to a de facto division of Somalia, with the self-proclamation of the northern Republic of Somaliland on 18 May 1991. The international community and the United Nations, which upholds the territorial integrity of Somalia, have firmly rejected the partition of Somalia and so far no single country in the world has recognized Somaliland.




Somaliland is populated by various tribes: Gedabuursi and Isse in the Awdal Region, Habar Awal (***** ) in the South-West Region, Habar Jecllo, Habar Yonis, Isse Muse (all ***** ) and *********** (****** ) in Togdheer Region. The ***** clans of Habar Yonis, Habar Jecllo and Isse Muse together with ****** clans of *********** and warsangeli are in Sanaag region. Sool Region is mostly *********** (****** ). Members of any of these tribes can also be found living in all corners of Somaliland, especially in the urban centers like Hargeisa, Berbera and Borama. Furthermore, there are other tribes from the whole spectrum of Somali population, however small, in number that lived there since time immemorial.




The non-***** tribes of Somaliland, such as the Gedabuursi, Isse, *********** and Warsangeli did not participate in the armed liberation struggle for independence by the SNM against the brutal regime of Mohamed Siad Barre. In fact, most of these tribes were armed and mobilized as local militias. They waged a merciless war against the Isaaqs and their movement (SNM).




Mr. Dahir Riyale Kahin (from Gedabuursi tribe ), who is now the president of Somaliland, and his speaker of the "exclusive" men only" rubber stamp parliament, Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Aden (from *********** tribe), were part of the violent campaign to crash and exterminate the SNM. Mr.Riyale was a senior officer in the notorious Secret Service NSS that carried out killings and torture of the civilians suspected of being supporters of the SNM guerrilla movement. Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Aden (Qaybe) aided in the war effort of the regime and successfully negotiated with Menghistu Haile Mariam, the former dictator of Ethiopia, the expulsion of SNM from their bases in Ethiopia.




Non-***** tribes (and some Isaaqs) of Somaliland do not share the separations of some separatists who would like to break up Somalia. The *********** and Warsangeli will never accept to be separated from their ****** blood brothers in Puntland, Somalia. They do not want to become like the Kurds of Iraq and Turkey, a minority in Somaliland and a minority in Somalia and lose their historic hegemony in Somali politics. The Gedibuursi tribesmen in the Diaspora also have been very vocal in their opposition to the secessionists.




A country exists because its people want it to exist. That is its only moral basis for being. If part of its population actually desires to separate, they obviously have the fundamental right to do so. It remains important, however, to expose the fallacy and danger in the notion that Somalia is divisible by unconstitutional or extra-legal action. There are not a dozen people outside the special interest group in Hargeisa and Berbera who believe that if Somalia is divisible, Somaliland is not. Equality of rights in a constitutional democracy requires the full application of democracy - not a resort to unconstitutional methods. We must provide the constitutional means by which every person living in [somaliland ] can decide whether to remain Somali or join a tribally defined Republic. The end result of any such redrawing of boundaries should be that as few persons as possible are forced to live on the "wrong" side of the new international frontier."




The remnants of Siad Barre Regime (or ****** ) are ruling Somaliland today. The potential for catastrophe in their agenda, for everyone concerned, is very high. They see the current crisis in Sool and Sanaag regions as an opportunity to use the ill- treated SNM fighters as a battering ram against the peoples of Sool and Sanaag. They are whipping up anti-Southern chauvinism and hysteria. People who monitor Radio Somaliland, the voice of the regime in Hargeisa, are reporting an alarming Rwanda-like propaganda inciting people to take arms against their fellow countrymen.




If war breaks out, and it seems inevitable, genocide of unprecedented swiftness could be conducted with the approval of the state apparatus The killing will swiftly spread from Hargeisa to all corners of the counry. There are reports of people from the Dhulbahnte and Warsangeli tribes fleeing their homes in Hargeisa and other urban areas because of fear. People should reject the reactionary campaign by the remnants of Siad Barre regime and seek peaceful solution to the conflict.




I would like to call upon Mr. Kofi Anan, the General Secretary of the United Nations, and Mr. George W. Bush, the President of the United States, to send immediately to the region whatever it takes to prevent genocide worse than the one in Rwanda.

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This Section of SOL NEVER ceases to amaze me. SomaliLand on their fingertips 24/7 :confused:


Originally posted by seattle:

I would like to call upon Mr. Kofi Anan, the General Secretary of the United Nations, and Mr. George W. Bush, the President of the United States, to send immediately to the region whatever it takes to prevent genocide worse than the one in Rwanda.

LoL Isma dhaanto iyo dhasheed, that should be interesting :D

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I would like to call upon Mr. Kofi Anan, the General Secretary of the United Nations, and Mr. George W. Bush, the President of the United States, to send immediately to the region whatever it takes to prevent genocide worse than the one in Rwanda

Is it just me or is this constant whining and calaacal about somaliland getting tad bit boring :rolleyes:



looooooooool maybe this person would like Koffi Anan so send him his personal army, to stop this imminent "genocide" redface.gif

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that is such an understatment walahi.


This obbession on SL keeps hitting new heights...but then I remember that Somaliland--herself hights new milestones every day.


So its all good.



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Qudhac its getting boring...real mind numbling boring.


And although the article started off well it talks like we dont get hargeisa radio.



hope not..

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If you trust George Bush and Kofi Anan, We trust our Suldaans and Graads



After reading the article titled “If Somalia is Divisible Somaliland is Divisible” published by Addis Tribune on May 7, 2004 and posted on Awdalnews Network, I am compelled to challenge the author’s claims. Much of the content in that article is based on the well known phenomenon called “Somaliland phobia”. Moreover, the author’s claim of *********** and Warsangeli tribes becoming like the Kurdish minority of Somaliland is laughable, and I should say that is the joke of the day. It would be worthwhile explaining why the above claims are based on an utter nonsense, but explanation would be redundant since the reader already knows the facts. If the author can distinguish *********** or Warsangeli tribes from ***** tribes, then he deserves standing obviation because such observations would be equivalent to the discoveries of an anthropologist. Don’t forget, the Kurdish people have never been in control of their land and its wealth. In addition, the Kurdish and the Iraqi Arabs are two different ethnics, and not to mention the long ethnic cleansing that the Kurdish people have experienced in Iraq.


In contrast, *********** and Warsangeli have never been mistreated, displaced or oppressed by Somaliland government. In fact, some of the top leaders in Somaliland are members of the above tribes.


Historically, apart from the tribal wars that used to erupt between the northern tribes of former Somalia, in general people in that region have demonstrated their willingness to get along with each other, and respect the Somali culture. It is needless to say that Somaliland people are homogeneous. What is more, the code of trust between the tribes, and their ability to settle their difference without foreign intervention is the backbone of much enjoyed peace and stability in that region. Of course, there is a political disagreement about the future of our country but that is beside the point and it should not be an excuse for anybody to make claims that he can not back up. The author’s attempt to divide Somaliland people by revisiting the darkest history of the nation and at the same time expressing sympathy for the victims of the civil war is a classic example of a wolf hiding in sheep’s clothing. Thanks but no thanks.


Let me quote the author “There are reports of people from the Dhulbahnte and Warsangeli tribes fleeing their homes in Hargeisa and other urban areas because of fear” I challenge you to produce your evidence and prove your assertion. The deeply implanted fear of ***** dominations or the accusations of ***** tribes intimidating other tribes is absolutely unfound.


According to the United Nations latest report, Somaliland has shown economic progress, democracy, and respect for human rights. The author’s claim is not supported by the United Nations agencies that operate in Somaliland, so how on earth did he obtain information regarding the situation in Somaliland while he is living in the heart of Canada? In deed, very recently a number of trucks that belong to ***** tribes were burned in Ethiopia by ONFL members. Also, another truck with six passengers was held for days in Buuhoodle village settled by *********** tribe.


Fortunately, through dialogue and negations, the truck and its passengers were released. Thanks to the villagers and the tribal leaders. Ironically, the ***** tribes that many feared and hated for no apparent reason are struggling to understand the lack of justifications for these attacks. It is unfair to blame ******* tribe for the genocide and unjust of Siad Bare’s regime, for the same token ***** and Somaliland are two different things. It defies common sense and logic to attack somebody’s property because the decision made by president Dahir Riyale Kahin.


Again the author says “I would like to call upon Mr. Kofi Anan, the General Secretary of the United Nations, and Mr. George W. Bush, the President of the United States, to send immediately to the region whatever it takes to prevent genocide worse than the one in Rwanda.”


First of all, George Bush has no solution for his own illegal invasion of Iraq let alone preventing an impending genocide in Somaliland. Besides, do you think the well enjoyed peace and stability in Somaliland is the effort of an American president or Mr. Kofi Anan’s intervention? Of course not, you trust George Bush, and Kofi Anan to solve non existing issue in Somaliland, but we trust our Suldaans and Garaads because the model peace that they have established in Somaliland is the one that members of the U.S congress are asking to be applied to Iraq and to southern Somalia.




Ottawa, Canada

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if everything any individual wrote was easily believed from their ignorant perspectives then people with the ZERO intelligence would occupy this world.


And again if you are jealous of other individuals hard work and developments than you are in a sad situation.


where is this genocide????acuudkee how can someone lie that badly,,,and what is said barres regime doing in sland?when he was exterminating them? This news editor should atleast sound convincing with this disillusioned fictional story of his.

ic alot of bad words. but iam not a somalilander i guess i dont have any voice on these.

so if i told you there is a lion behind watching you, you will believe me Mombasa??? Runn he's really there.

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