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Jilib is cleaned from check points and armed militamen bothering travelers.

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Recent travel from Mogadishu to Kismaayo had been the one of the worst since the starting of the civil war. Checkpoints and armed militiamen had littered the place harming and stealing from travelers particularly in the Xaram area. This will not be happening anymore as the place has been cleaned of checkpoints and armed militiamen.


HornAfrik recently wrote this article about the dangers of traveling between Kismaayo and Mogadishu;


Wadooyinka isku xiran Muqdisho Magaalada Kismaayo ee gobolka J/hoose oo falal amaan daro ay ka jiraan.


Mogadishu,3 August 2007 (HornAfrik Media) Qaar ka mid ah darawalada gaadiidka wada ee ka shaqeeya inta u dhaxaysa Magaalada Muqdisho iyo Magaalada Kismaayo e xarunta gobolka J.hoose ayaa cabasho xoogan ka muujinayo dhac iyo kufsi loo gaysto dadka rakaabka ah.


Qaar ka mid ah darawalada gaadiidka rakaabka qaada ayaa waxaa iminka ay muujinaya xabashadii ugu ba.nayd ee ku aadan dhac iyo boob oo ay wehliyaan haweenka oo la iska xoogo oo ay gaysanayaan burcad jidka isbaaro dhigata.


Mid ka mid ah darawalada ayaa sheegay in dhibaatada kugu badan ee ay u gaystaan buracaasi ay tahay iyaga oo iska xooga haweenka ragana jirdila oo dharka ka bixiya ismarkaana ka qaata wax allaale wixii hanti ah oo ay wataan.


Ilaa iminka ma muuqdaan dadaalo ay muujinayaan Mas’uuliyiinta dowladda fadaraalka soomaaliya iyo ciidamada dowlada si wax looga qabto dhibaatada ay ku hataan buracada isbaarooyinka dhigta inta u dhaxaysa xamar iyo j/hoose


Waxaana sidoo kale mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyey soo baxayey dhibaatada dadka rakaabka ah ka soo gaaraysa burcada jidadka u gasha.



The campaign to clean the place of checkpoints is a success:


Somalia: Clan Fighting Kills Five in Southern Somalia


Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu)


5 August 2007

Posted to the web 5 August 2007




At least five people have been killed and a dozen more has been wounded after two clan militias clashed in Jilib district, about 380 kilometers south of the Somali capital, Mogadishu.


Residents said the fighting which has started last night has been ongoing on Sunday as both militias using heavy weaponries were facing off in the town.


Col. Abdul Hirey, the leader of heavily armed militiamen reportedly from Kismayu, 500 KM south of Mogadishu, told Shabelle by the phone that the he was leading the government troops.


"I am leading Somalia's armed forces. We are from the third brigade in Kismayu and we are fighting a group of armed robbers based in Jilib. Every Somali person knows that the local militias have been notorious for armed robbery, rape and killing, so we decided to crack down on them," he said.


He said five people were killed from both sides, accusing the government official in the town of being inactive, threatening that the fighting will last until "we secure Jilib and the surrounding areas."


Meanwhile the chairman of Jilib, Dahir Dooro, told Shabelle that the gun battle was taking place between two clan militias. "The situation is calm now and there are elders from both clans trying to establish peace talks between them," he said.


Dooro said he was hopeful that mediation will bring solution to the fighting.

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Duke, your hypocrisy and double-standards have no limit, do they?


At one point, you cry and sharply label the website Onkod as a pro-ICU propaganda piece full of fabrications and when it conveniently suits you, it suddenly becomes an authentic impartial news source. reports:

Axad, August 05, 2007(HOL): Shan Ruux ayaa geeriyootay, labo ruux oo kalena dhaawac ayaa soo gaaray kadib markii uu
maanta dagaal ku dhexmaray Degmada Jilib ee Gobolka Jubbada Dhexe Ciidamo ka tirsan Dowladda Federaalka iyo maleeshiyooyin ku sugnaa Degmadaas.



Dagaalkaas ayaa wuxuu qarxay kadib markii ciidamo ka tegay Magaalada Kismaayo ay tageen Degmada Jilib, halkaasi oo ay horay u sii joogeen kooxo maleeshiyooyin ah oo ay is-qoomeen ciidamada ka tegay Magaalada Kismaayo.



Dagaalka labada dhinac dhexmaray kadib ayaa ugu dambeyntii
waxay magaalada Jilib gacanta u gashay Ciidamadii ka tegay magaalada Kismaayo oo la sheegay in uu hoggaaminayay Sarkaal lagu magacaabo Col. Cabdul Xiirey.



Col. Cabdul Xiirey oo ka hadlay sababta keentay in ay dagaal ka ridaan Degmada Jilib, isla markaana ay gacan ku heynteeda la wareegaan ayaa wuxuu sheegay in Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga Dowladda Federaalka ay ku amartay Guutadooda oo ah Guutada 3aad ay xarun ka sameysato Degmada Jilib, halka Guutada koowaad ee Ciidamada Dowladdana uu sheegay in loo diray Xerada Deynuunaay ee Gobolka Bay.


Col. Cabdul Xiirey waxaa uu sheegay in maleeshiyooyinka ay ka ceyrsadeen Degmada Jilib ay ahaayeen
kuwo falal burcadnimo ah ka geysanayay deegaano hoos-taga Gobolka Jubbada Dhexe, kuwaasi oo uu wax ka qaban waayay Maamulka halkaas ka jira.



Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Xiisad ka dhalata Dagaalkaas ayaa la sheegayaa in ay weli ka taagan tahay Degmada Jilib, inkastoo Odayaal deegaanka ah ay ku howlan yihiin sidii ay u baajin lahaayeen dagaal kale oo labada dhinac dhexmara..


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

Let us see what OCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) writes on the 3rd of August concerning road-blocks in Jilib.


Roadblocks on various roads in South/Central have continued to impede access.
A WFP convoy from Kismayo to Buale was held at a road block during the week in Jilib for three days by local militia, demanding passage fees.
The trucks were eventually released after successful negotiations between the transporter and the militia. Restricted access along the transport routes in Middle and Lower Juba continue to cause delays in movement of humanitarian cargo.

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Adeer Onkod is not only a pro courts because of the clan. It is even more pro the interest of their clan in Jilib and Ocadenia. Hence this report. No hypocracy adeer just the Other side of the storty..


Here is your beloved JVA master Radio Shabbele report, is it not close to the Onkod one?


5 ruux oo ku geeriyootey dagaallo ka dhacey degmada Jilib


Mogadishu 05, August 07 ( Sh.M.Network) 5 ruux ayaa ku geeriyooday labo kalena dhaawac ayaa ka soo gaaray dagaalo xalay iyo saakay ka dhacay degmada Jilib ee gobolka J/dhexe ee koonfurta Somalia.


Dagaalkaan oo dhex maray labo maleeshiyo beeleed ayaa waxa uu si goos goos ah ku bilowday xalay, iyadoo saakayna dagaalka uu sii xoogeystay.


Guddoomiyaha degmada Jilib Daahir Dooro oo shabelle u waramay ayaa waxa uu xaqiijiyay dhimashada labo ruux iyo dhaawaca labo kale oo soo gaaray dhinac ka mid ah kooxahii ishayay, iyadoo warar kale oo laga heley sarkaal hogaaminayey dhinac ka mid ah ciidamadii dagaalamey uu xaqiijiyey dhimashada 5 ruux oo labada dhinac ah.


Guddoomiyah degmada Jilib ayaa ku sheegey in ciidamo ka soo dulley degmada Kismaayo ay boob u geysteen xafiiskiisa magaalada Jilib.


Col Cabdul Xiirey oo isna hogaaminayey ciidamadii ka yimid dhanka magaalada Kismaayo ee dagaalka laga galey ciidamadii joogey degmada Jilib ayaa beeniyey sheegashada guddoomiyaha degmada Jilib isagoo sheegey in ay tagistooda degmada Jilib ay salka ku heyso sida uu hadalka u dhigey amar ka soo baxey wasaaradda Gaashaandhiga.


Dagaalkaan ayaa waxaa uu u dhaxeeyaa labo maleeshiyo beeleed oo ka soo kala jeeda beelaha ....................., oo ugu dambeyn keentey in labadan mas'uul ee dowladda ka tirsan ay kala sheegtaan dagaalkaasi.


Xaaladda degmada Jilib ayaa haatan degan, waxaana soconaya waan waan ay wadaan odayaal labada beelood ka soo kala jeeda.



Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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An anti courts site Allpuntland reports that militias looted the city.. As have Onkod and others reported.


Jilib: Bililiqo xoogan oo loo geystay guriga Guddoomiyaha degmada Jilib

5. August 2007


Jilib(AllPuntland)- Wararka naga soo gaaraya degmada Jilib ee gobolka J/Dhexe ayaa sheegaya in saakay dagaalo kulul oo dhex maray labo maliishiyooyinka beeleed sababay dhimashada shan qof iyo dhaawaca sagaal kale oo ah kooxihii dagaalamayey.


Maliishiyooyinka dagaalamayey ayaa mid ka mid ah ay u suuragashay iney gacanta ku dhigaan degmada Jilib ayna ka awood roonaadeen kuwii kale ee ka soo horjeeday iyagoo maliishiyooyinka qabsaday degmada Jilib ay bililiqo xoogan u geysteen guriga Guddoomiyaha degmada Jilib Axmed Yuusuf (Axmed Dooro) kuwaasoo gebi ahaanba qaatay wixii agab iyo gaadiid ahaa ee yaalay gurigiisa.


Maliishiyooyinka la wareegay gacan ku heynta degmada Jilib ayaa lagu waramayaa iney yihiin kuwo ka soo jeeda maliishiyada gacanta ku heysa magaalada Kismaayo kuwaasoo dhac iyo boob u geystay ganacsatadii iyo dadkii magaca lahaa ee ku heybta ah maliishiyada laga awooda roonaaday ee degmada Jilib taasoo keeni karta xiisad hor leh oo cirka isku sii shareerta.


Gebi ahaanba waxaa istaagay isu socodka gaadiidka isticmaala wadada isku xerta Muqdisho iyo Jubbooyinka iyadoo deegaanadaasina laga dareemayo dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan oo ay wadaan maliishiyooyinkii laga saaray degmada Jilib.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

AllPuntland, Muqdisho



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Duke, please -- do not insult our intelligence.


Your beloved AllPuntland in addition to the dozen Puntland sources reports that they have captured the city.


What makes you look for a Pro-ICU website, particulary one which you have sentenced as unreliable for its Pro-ICU stance, to prove a point while youe usual "reliable" sources say otherwise?

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^^^Oh I get ya, you was not against the clan fight just who won? Come on Onkod will not admit their sub-clan lost just like Gedonet never reported the defeats of Hiiraale.


Also my beloved Allpuntland as above reported these JVA millitias looted the city, just like Onkod. :D

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Duke, either you do not have a grasp of the Somali language or you quote news reports that carry certain keywords that consildate with your views. You claim that they have invaded the city while Dayniile reports that the two clans live there.


Dayniile also reports that no such looting took place.


If you are going to quote dalkanews, then I want you to quote the rest of their articles concerning TFG. You either accept all their reports as trustworthy or you reject it. You cannot pick-and-choose and quote certain reports to validate your bigoted POV.


The main question and argument is, what makes you REJECT your usual news-sources such as Hiiraan Online, Somaliweyn, etc and look for Pro-ICU sources to make a point?

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^^^loool. Now this clan lives in Jilib probably makes up 90% of the popultion. Adeer you seem confused.


The clashes was not as you reported a security event. Just stop with the lootings adeer it wont get you far From Beerxani, to Bardheere, Kismayu to Jilib? Too many events with the same signiture.

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