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US role in planning Ethiopia's invasion.Watch Channel 4

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Thanks saxib, that is more like it. They have temporarily squashed an islamic movement which would have eliminated the sickness of tribalism had it succeeded. The agents of bigotry, clan hatred, nepotism, corruption and hypocrisy were helped by these forces to keep the status quo and spread more of their cancer into our society for years to come. Back to square one again. Ethiopia and the US won once again against ill-equipped somalis with the help of the corrupted among them.



The ICU is indeed the closest we got to islam in a country the more favourable GOD was and still is the clan.

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The sickness of tribalism and nepotism would have been eradicated from Somalia if the ICU would have convened a Somali-wide shir right after the liberation of Mogadishu. Not a single Somali would have been absent from that and the direction of our country would be going a completely different route. Sadly, political opportunists hijacked the noble objectives of the organization and used it try to gain political power through hostility and aggression in an already fragmented, divided, and highly suspicious society.

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Lol, I find it totally fascinating that Mr. Warlord, with his yellow teeth, doesn’t know a lick of English. While Zenawi, the more educated, articulate one knows how to dodge questions and justify his criminal actions with complete ease. :D

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