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Asmara coalition: about to split

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"Xalku Wuxuu ku xiran yahay in TFGda ay labo eray kaliya tiraahdo oo ah 1) In Ciidamada Itoobiya ay Waddanka ka baxaan iyo 2) In Ciidamo United Nationka ka socda Soomaaliya la keeno, Markaa wax walba weey Hagaagayaan, Annagu Heshiiska ma diidanin ee Dowladdu ha'oggolaato in Ciidamada Itoobiya Waddanka laga saaro" Hadalkaa waxa yiri Ninka Horjoogaha ka ah Kooxda Isbahaysiga Dib'u xoreynta Meteleysa ee ku sugan Magaalada Jabuuti C/Raxmaan Cabdi Shakuur, Mar uu Wareysi siiyay Idaacadda V.O.Ada, Isagoo weliba Muujiyay in ay Raalli ka yihiin Kooxdoodu Dowladnimada C/llaahi yuusuf iyo Kooxdiisu ay sheeganayaan.


Kooxdan Isbahaysiga ka soo fallaagowday ee Jabuuti Shirka kula qaadanaya Gacan ku dhiiglayaashii Shacabka Soomaaliyeed gacanta u geliyay Cadawga Tigreega ah isla markaana ku caawinaya Gumaadka Mujtamaca Soomaaliyeed, Marnaba ma meteli karaan Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, Magaca Bulshada Soomaliyeedna kuma hadli karaan, Kooxda Mbagathi ee Tigreega Addoonta u ah Dambiilayaashana ah haddii ay Dowlad ku sheegayaan haku biiraan, Iyagoon waxba Qiic isku qarin.


Maanta markii Ummaddii Soomaaliyeed laga dhigay wax la xasuuqay iyo kuwa la barakiciyay oo Geedaha Dushooda saaran marka ay leeyihiin waan Aqoonsannhay Kooxda Mbagathi ee Itoobiya hanaga saaraan, Ma waxay moodeen in Shacabka, Iyo Mujaahiddiinta Dhiigooda Qaaliga ah u huray iska dulqaadidda Cadawga iyo kuwa u adeega uu Halgankoodu yahay mid lagu qasaaray?.


Shacabka Soomaaliyeed iib ma'ahan Afduubna uguma Gorgortami kartaan idinkoo Sandareerto yar ka raadsanaya Cadawga Culimadeennii iyo Carruurteennii cunay, Bulshaduna weey idinka feejigan tahay Ilaah mahaddiina maanta waxaa Goor hore idin fashiliyay Culimadii aad ku dhex dhuumaneyseen ee aad kula mideysneedeen Magaca Isbahaysiga Dib'u xoreynta Soomaaliya.


Dabcan waa Dhammaadkii Filimka,Dadku wuu kala hoobanayaa, Qolaba dhinac beey aadeeysaa, Shaqsi walibana wixii u qarsanaa baa soo baxaya, Xalkana waxa kaliya oo ka haray inta ay inaga miirmayaan inta idinkoo kale ah ee weli isku dhex qarinaya Bulshada Niyadda Wanaagsan, ee Diinta iyo Waadaniyadda ka run sheegaya.










[ This is coming from guys who plastered their websites with pictures from the convention in which this coalition was founded]

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Some blame Sheikh Sharif for the split others for Eritrea but this has the US written all over it. I base this on a certain meeting the good sheikh had with the undersecretary of the State Department in Doha where he has been threatened and/or promised something : (terrorist label, or some leadership position in post TFG power sharing new transitional admin - nothing short of the classical stick and carrot game plan).


According to the facts on the ground, the hardliners of the ARLS believe that Ethiopia is bogged down in a quagmire and that the insurgency is winning and will have the upper hand as time goes on - no matter at what cost. So they believe no negotiations with people who have no say in Ethiopia presence in Somalia and only believe the continuation of the struggle


It is the US, Ethiopia, the UN, the international Community which have the final say.


Ethiopia's interest is to have a satellite weak and ineffective puppet government in Somalia, regional fiefdoms led by inept warlords. The US presence in Djibouti is enough to contain any real "terrorist" threats from Somalia soil, so they care less of Somalia. Eritrea wants Ethiopia to be bogged down in Somalia conflict forever. Eritrea and Ethiopia are led by two cousins and both have Israeli military and political advisers. So who is feeding them to continue their proxy war in Somalia? remember all these Horn African countries, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia are the poorest of the poor in the world.


The TFG has no say in the negotiations and that is a fact known to all. Thus the Sheikh and his "sell-out" faction believe negotiating with these international actors and want to pursue that. is it naive or is there a wisdom behind it ? i have no idea but time will tell.


The Djibouti conference, peace talks, power-sharing, inclusive government, foreign troops and UN initiatives are all gimmicks and face-saving machinations. Somalis are non-actors in this wicked game plan between foreign actors and are just babbling and naive clowns. Both sides have no clue of the international deception that is going on here. The world doesn't care about Somalia and no one is gonna spend money and might to restore Somalia and save its people.


What you call an split is not a split but a well-planned and sophisticated deception to obliterate Somalia and rob its poor and suffering people of the great strategic location it occupies in the geography of the world and to ultimately exploit its natural resources. The world is run by greedy cabal that will spend trillions to kill million innocent Iraqis, that financed the Iraqi-Iran war in the 80's, that ordered Saddam to invade Kuwait, that watched million Tutsi is slaughtered. Somalia is just a small part in a wicked geopolitical greed and dominations.


But some won't understand this since all they see with is the clan lenses. their whole viewpoint revolves around their warlord uncle's stay in the puppet seat and the trivial clan animosity.

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^^ Whether they go to Djibouti or Asmara, they're ultimately dividing their own group and creating confusion. The talks are designed to:


1. Make the resistance recognise the TFG

2. Accept the Secular-Tribal Charter( they might be some vague reference to Shariah law)

3. And pave the way for a United Nations Force to replace Ethiopian troops!


As you correctly pointed out, the "hardliners" will not easily accept such a compromise. This is because they have gained more support, amassed territory and Ethiopians are on the brink of a disaster. So it wouldn't make sense to fight for Shariah imposition for so long and then simply enter into a power-sharing agreement with the Secular folks in Djibouti. Nor will it make sense to agree for the UN to essentially act as another security force to replace the Ethiopian and guard the warlords in their compounds, when they are ideologically and politically opposed to foreign troops.


Even if they were to agree to all that, it would take a process of negotiation between the ALRS, ICU, etc. Although some would say Sheikh Shariff can ignore the hardliners and pave the way for a negotiated settlement with the TFG! And, of course, Eritrea wants to keep Ethiopia in SOmalia for obvious reasons!

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