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Truth Seeker

4th of July

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The cost will be great…the effort will be immense…the public display will be colourful, shrouded in the colours of the star spangled banner…the activities will be diverse and fun-filled…the participation will be overwhelming with people from all backgrounds and cultures…and to round the day off, more than 16,000 men, women and children from throughout the United States will raise their right hands and become America’s newest citizens during special 4th of July naturalization ceremonies.


Yes this is the celebration of US Independence Day. No doubt a rousing vitriolic and patriotic speech would have been composed for US President, George Bush, reminding the nation of American history and the pride and sacrifice that America today and her forefathers undertook for values of liberty, freedom and democracy.


However such planning and expectation for 4th July will not hide from the American people a clear sense of unease, fear, insecurity and trepidation. Whilst the Department of Homeland Security is expected to issue terrorist plot warnings, Bush will talk up the US offensive dealing with international terrorism in order to safeguard America and the whole world.


And suddenly the gloss is taken off all the celebrations and the inhibitions of the local American become apparent. Though 9/11 forced America to review and strengthen domestic security, the increasing spotlight and public awareness that has arisen about the very real ‘dark side’ of US foreign and domestic policy has made many Americans review their national pride and patriotism.


Distinct communities in America, like the Hispanic and black communities ponder on the constant discrimination and wealth disparity that they still face. The so-called notion of the 'land of milk and honey' is now seen as the poison chalice.


Other communities, like those from South America and Africa ponder on the economic and political destruction of the countries they left, at the hands of a vicious and materialistic American foreign policy and US multinationals that suck and exploit the local economy


Other communities like those from the Arab world ponder over the destruction of the social foundation of their ‘mother’ countries, characterised by family break-ups, increased crime and moral fragmentation resulting from the influx of American ‘western’ culture that invades the lives of all through Hollywood, MTV, internet and the like.


Other communities like those who left Afghanistan and Somalia to live in America ponder over the physical invasion of their countries, the blood of their people and the dishonouring of their women…by the US on the pretext of introducing freedom, democracy and stability to the country and region.


Other communities like those from Iraq see the violation of their religion and the desecration of their religious symbols and buildings under the command of the US military.


There are those communities like those from Palestine who ponder over the US protection, support and green light to inhumane and illegitimate states like Israel to occupy and force their family and people out of their lands.


Finally all communities from the Muslim and third world ponder over the Independence Day that their own people celebrate and rejoice in, in their own lands and ponder whether this Independence is really a celebration of continued enslavement to America.


As for the Muslim community, whether in America or around the world they see and have experienced all of the above and still continue to do so. Muslims therefore do not need to ponder about the answer to the last question, they already know the answer.


4th July is a truly accurate declaration of American Independence – but also the reminder of American hypocrisy, hegemony, corruption, materialism, immorality, abuse and enslavement of the rest of the world.


Source: KCom Journal

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