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What happened to the holly Quran? hypocracy of Asmara clowns

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Whats all this talk of party rules and procedure.

You can not sack me and I can. I have the numbers required and you dont.


Why did this group when they had little power state to the public that the TFG parliment was wrong because it was secular and not run of Quran


Why not run their procedure of their party of the Quran?


Why all this blood shed, since they could have played politics long ago.


Expect Sharif Ahmed to visit Addis Abbaba and kiss Melez as he did Aferwarki. :D

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Sheikh Xasan Daahir Aweys iyo Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo dood kulul dhexmartay

Jabuuti(HR Media):-Telefishanka afka Carabiga ku hadla ee Aljazeera ayaa dood dhex dhigay Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo labaduba isbahaysiga kawada tirsan.


Doodaasi oo uu telefishanku qabtay habeenkii xalay ahaa ayaa labada nin ay hadaladoodii muujinayeen khilaafka xoogga leh ee soo kala dhexgalay ka dib markii xubnaha Isbahaysiga ee uu horkacayo Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ay heshiis la saxiixdeen dowladda kmg.


Sheekh Shariif ayaa waxaa wax laga weydiiyay heshiiskaasi sida uu sharci u yahay inay la saxiixdaan dowladda kmg ah iyadoo ay ka maqan yihiin xubno ka tirsan Isbahaysigiisa oo loo arko inay saameyn weyn leeyihiin.


Sheekh shariif ayaa hadalkaasi kaga jawaabay in magaalada Jabuuti ay ku joogaan ergo ku filan oo uu ku furmi karo fadhiga golohooda, isagoo sheegay inay magaalada Jabuuti maalintii ugu horeysay ay ku shireen 106 qof, 17 ay fasax iyo arrimo kale ku maqnaayeen.


Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa dhinaciisa ku dooday in Sheekh Shariif uu dhinac maray sharciga isagoona la tashan xubnaha Isbahaysiga uu iskiis tallaabo wadahadalo iyo heshiisyo u saxiixday.


Wuxuuna ku eedeeyay inuu dhageysan waayey baaqyo iyo talooyin ay u jeediyeen sheikh Shariif sheikh Axmed hase yeeshee uu dhagaha ka fureystay.


Sheikh Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa sidoo kale ku tilmaamay heshiiska ay dowladda kmg ah iyo Isbahaysiga ay wada saxiixdeen inuusan ahayn heshiis si dhab ah loo fulin doono.


Waxa uu ku tilmaamay heshiis lagu khiyaameynayo shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo Isbahaysiga xubnaha taabacsan Isbahaysiga ee iyagu la dagaalamaya waxa uu ugu yeeray Gumeysiga dalka haysta.


Balse sheikh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa ku dooday in shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay ka daaleen dagaal iyo dhibaatooyinka haysta, waxay u baahan yihiin buu yiri Shacabka Soomaaliyeed inay nabad helaan islamar markaana laga saaro ciidamada Itoobiyaanka.


Waxa uuna ku eedeeyay xubnaha Casmara jooga inaanay dan u wadin shacabka Soomaaliyeed hase yeeshee ay u adeegayaan dano gaar ah iyo dalal gobolka ku yaalla.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee waxaa la dhowrayaa khilaafka soo kala dhexgalay xubnaha Isbahaysiga saameynta uu ku yeelan karo heshiiskii Jabuuti.


Horseed Media

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Sheekh shariif ayaa hadalkaasi kaga jawaabay in magaalada Jabuuti ay ku joogaan ergo ku filan oo uu ku furmi karo fadhiga golohooda, isagoo sheegay inay magaalada Jabuuti maalintii ugu horeysay ay ku shireen 1
06 qof, 17 ay fasax iyo arrimo kale ku maqnaayeen.


Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa dhinaciisa ku dooday in Sheekh Shariif uu
dhinac maray sharciga isagoona la tashan xubnaha Isbahaysiga uu iskiis tallaabo wadahadalo iyo heshiisyo u saxiixday.

No mention of the holly Quran as they used to in Mogadishu. Clowns

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^^^Adeer get of that high horse. I am Muslim just like you.


As for being against Ethiopia then why support those who only seem to murder fellow Somali's.

Everyone knows where Ethiopia is located and it ain the NGO's and innocent civil servants.

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Che, I have few qs for you too!


But let the good Duke answer this one!


EDIT: good. I am not done with qs saaxiib. So bear with me a minute.


Do you think one can still follow party rules while blving the holly Quran?

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^^^Adeer thats not the point of the topic.

As we are aware you and other cheer leaders for this group supported when they were using the holly Quran as en excuse not to negotiate with the TFG. Mr Janagow one of their leaders who was sacked yesterday used to state it clearly. we want only the Quran and not any secular party nonsnece.


Now what do they have in Asmara, the holly Quran?


Nice try twisting this thing.Also Xiin you have miscalculated the direction the winds are blowing in this political climate again.

As you did with the war.

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^^put the miscalculations aside for a second Duke.


You are backtracking and saying that is not hte point of this thread. What is THE POINT of this thread then?

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^^^Backtracking on what saxib?

The point of the topic is to highlight the hypocracy, falsehood of this clan movement.

Th Quran nor an Ilsamic ideology was their foundation. The clan of Xasan dahir, Abdiqain and Indacde's interst and hold of lands was.


Sharif Ahmed was a puppet who was being used.

Thus the point is, if these fellows followed the holly Quran they would not have sent children to die for nothing.


If they were fighting for Islam, they would not be in Asmara kissing Aferwarki.


This is the point of the topic adeer.

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^^You see one thing I can’t do much about is the clannish ailment of yours. It’s very hard to debate if you think every one who opposes this useless old man is a clannish person. Perhaps Sh. Sharif and Aweys are religious folks who happened to have garnered a support base in Benadir/Central area. Perhaps even in the sub clannish matrix within their respective clans they are not considered spearheading clan’s political interest. Perhaps...


But you are Duke! Clearly this thread of yours has no point. It’s POINTLESS. A big fart adeer! You are indicting people on the basis of not adhering to the holly Quran. Yet you are singing atop of Ethiopian tanks, enjoying the destruction of entire communities, and opposing whatever effort is there for peaceful settlement.


And you talk about hypocrisy adeer…

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Adeer dont flatter yourself. I have more clan members from the said clan than you, was raised by them, lived with them and still do. thus my understanding does not from your clans point of view but from theirs. I am presenting facts you are just trying to sound great for credit by some folks here.


Lets get back to the topic, this is pure politics and Xasan dahir and his clan have tried their best, they have thrown everything including the holly Quarn at their opponents and have achieved the opposite.

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What facts are you presenting? That Hassan is clannish? That Sharif is useless? And that uncle yey is great? Is that all Duke? And who are the mysterious folks in sol whose acceptance xiin is troubling himself?


Adeer don’t feign what you are not! You're neivity is showing by thinking somalis can win wars by defeating clans. That's so premitive and raw in many ways and no matter how many times you invoke your just doesnot wash.


edit: if anything this thread proves your weakness in reasoning...

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