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Sh. Sharif Arrives in Muqdisho

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^ People have supported him for a long time, saw him as our and still am hopefull that he does bring about a peacefull end to the nightmare we as Somalis are in at the moment. But the tell tale are all for us to see right now, he said talks with the TFG will bring about the withdrawl of the Ethopians, after one or two missed deadlines for them to leave , they are still here and no sign of them going anywhere.

The talks with the TFG has resulted great dissatisfaction amongst the fighters and many are now likely to defect to Al-Shabaab rather be part of a force that is led and controlled by the Ethopians, politically he made deals with the very people that has have alreadey sold thier souls and who care more about lining their pockets then help out the Somali people, if he waited a little longer the TFG would have run out time in any case.

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Johnny B   


The man's unknown plans plans behind his arrival in Mogadishu are of little if any importance to seed your opposition to the peace caravan.


It's your position that needs to be seeded and correctly at that.



I'm not questioning what might be wrong with Ethiopia's withdrawal and the 'souls' that are on sale, i'm asking if anybody got a better alternative.

And no , i'm not hopeful , i'm personally against a mullahic power in Somalia , yet see no compromise that exculdes them, hence the peace caravan.


JB, lol square. :D

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

Its sad that all the nay-sayers to the peace carvan( be they puntland/TFG-clan , Somaliland/clan or ICU/sub clan ) have to say is towards the persona of Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed instead of the policies of the ARS/Djibouti.


It'd be more desireable to see the nay-sayers' presentation of own alternative (if any).


One is logically forced to acknowledge brother Xiin's solid political analysis with a standing ovation while firmly rejecting the hereby demonstrated reactionary grotesque analysis of the troglodytes.

Nicely put. But Mudane Johhny supporting the Djibouti peace caravan doesn't necessarily mean we should turn a blind eye to its short comings. The initiations of the caravan was a blessing and a better alternative to suicidal bombings and skirmishes against the occupations whose victims were none other than the subject to liberate, civilians.

Nevertheless the caravan has made turns one after the other deviating from its original objective of attaining the Ethiopian withdrawal peacefully and convincing the naysayers that it could be done without the mass loss of Somali civilians. However on the contrary the caravan has all of sudden turned from confincing factor to enforcing attributes. Its designers desire narrowed down to govermental posts rather than their apparent ambition in the begining to rid the country of Ethiopian occupation.

One clear evidence of this aspect is the objectives of their last agreed statement which the ink has not yet dried - the request to be accorded similar number of TFG parliamentarians in order to form a joint TFG parliament. Fair enough, disregarding their avarice one could not help notice their change of focus - from concentrating on the firm request for the withdrawal of the occupation to the desire of being within the entity that harbors on the Ethiopian occupation.

Not mentioning the fact that their latest unexpected ambition has catapulted President Yeey into the lime light. The latter until recently was lonely, outcast and out maneuvered in the Somali political World. But Yeey has found friends in previous foes within the TFG. Suddenly the caravan was playing to the tune liked by Yeey - inclusion into the TFG.

In simple words the caravan should have not ventured into the minefield of the TFG at this moment but rather should have concentrated more on the request of Ethiopian withdrawal and change would hgave eventually come as a result of it - but now we have the ARS Djibouti squabbling within over which group gets most seats in the new TFG parliament .

Certainly it was not a scenario which was envisaged but brought about by the deviation of the caravan.

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Waxaan la yaabanahay nabada uu Sheekh Shariif keeni karo ee Johnny u muuqata? Khilaaf iyo kala jajab mooye bal maxaa soo kordhay since his peace was signed?

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Sharif Ahmed is a politician, who is growing in stature. I think this was a great move, and it signifies this man wants to play politics.

However I must agree with many here who voice concern at the process and the enlarged parliment.


A good political move...

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What is your definition of a 'politician' for you. Professor Mesfin, that chauvinistic Amxaar academician, must have been right when he said "Somali's are a misguided people who mistake deceit for diplomacy". Go read " Somalia: the problem Child of Africa".


I can see you mistake a cheat for a politician. No wonder you are a fan of yey.

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^^ Says a lot that the likes of Johnny B support the Sh. Wright Phillips's "Caravan". :D As things stand, Sharif has surrendered in exchange of 200 parliamentary seats. That's what the "caravan" has delivered. No Ethio withdrawal from Somalia. No peace. What else he'll gain after/if those MP's take their seats; time will tell.


''Anigu Shaqsiyan waxan u qaatay in uu soo degayo C/llaahi Yuusuf maadaama Qaabka Magaalada Muqdisho uu ahaa mid la mid ah Maalmaha uu Garoonka Muqdisho ka soo dego Dhiigyacabka Waddanka Gumeystaha Gacanta u geliyey ee Ina Yuusuf, Waxaa xirnaa Dhammaan Waddooyinka gala ama ka baxa Magaalada Muqdisho Waxana Shacabka Iyo Gaadiidkaba loo diiday in ay Isticmaalaan Waddooyinkii ay horay u isticmaali jireen gaar ahaan kuwa ku dhow dhow garoonka Muqdisho.


Waxaa Waddooyinka Garoonka gala isku gadaamay Calooshood u shaqeystayaasha Ugandheyska ah oo ay wehliyaan Daba******yada Tireega, Waxana si waalli ah Waddada Makka-Almukkarrama u marayey Gaadiidka Dagaalka ee Ugandheyska iyo Kooxda Mbagathi.


Marka laga soo tago Carada ka muuqata qaar ka mid ah Odayaasha Muqdisho iyo Shacabkooda waxaa Farxad ay maanta ka muuqatay Horjoogayaasha Kooxda Mbagathi oo Imaatinka Shariifka ee Magaalada Muqdisho u arka Guul weyn oo uga soo hoyatay Muqaawamada.


Dagaal-Oogayaal ay ka mid yihiin C/Qeybdiid, C/Fataax Shaaweey iyo kuwo kale ayaa Iyagoo Maleeshiyaadkooda wata waxay sidoo kale isku Garbinayeen Waddada Airaboorka aadda si mid walba uu isagu u noqdo kan ugu hormara ee soo dhaweeya Sheekh Shariif oo ay u arkaan Xubin Muhiim ah oo Xulafadooda ku soo biirtay.


Shacabka Magaalada Muqdisho oo qaarkood aan weeydiiyey sida ay u arkaan Imaatinka Sheekh Shariif ee Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ii sheegay in ay Ayaan darro tahay in Sheekh Shariif ay Maanta Magaalada Muqdisho ku soo dhaweeyaan Cadawgii Ummadda Soomaaliyeed Xasuuqay iyo Rag uu ka mid yahay Cabdi Qeybdiid oo uu shalay ku sheegayey in ay Murtaddiin yihiin.


Odayaasha Magaalada Muqdisho kuwooda Muqaawamada Taageersan ayaa sidoo kale ii sheegay in Sheekh Shariif uu Dhulka isku dhuftay Xaqiina uu ku Bedeshay Baadil,Waxana ay Odayaashaasi Shariifka ku eedeeyeen in uu Dhiiggii Wiilsha Soomaaliyeed ee uu Dagaalka geliyey Maanta doonayo in uu ku helo Jago Quureed uu ka doonayo Gumeystaha Cadawga ah ee Dalka Soomaaliyeed ku soo duulay''.


La Soco Qeybta Labaad.

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Adeer, I don’t agree with Shiekh Sharif on many thinks I never bought into the whole “Sheikh” thing and the “Islamic” clan militias. It was politics then and it is politics now.

Sharif has survived, has gained support while many of the weaker politicians in his camp are isolated and foaming from the mouth. He has branded himself as a moderate, realistic and open minded a man who does not want the anarchy to continue. That’s a powerful message and a refreshing one considering the hateful, lack of respect for life that the Al Shabaab and other groups spouse.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

lack of respect for life that the Al Shabaab and other groups spouse. [/QB]

Others like YEY, right?

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Originally posted by Poker:

quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

lack of respect for life that the Al Shabaab and other groups spouse.

Others like YEY, right? [/QB]


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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^The President fights armies adeer, he does not stone children and dance over corpses.

What army? 16,000+ of innocent women and children isn't enough evidence for you?


Yey has more blood in his hands next to Siyad Bare.

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