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PM Geedi: asks for international support and is heading to Somalia to asses damage

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Ra’isulwasaaraha DFKMG oo baaq Caalami ah u direy Beesha Caalamka


Nairobi-28.December.2004 Ra’isulwasaaraha DFKMG ee Soomaaliya Prof.Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa baaq caalami ah wuxuu u direy Beesha Caalamka kaasi oo ku aadan sidii ay gargaar deg deg ah ula gaari lahaayeen Dadka Soomaalida ee ku waxyeeloobey Mawjadihii biyaha badeed eek u dhuftey Magaalooyin badan oo ku yaal dhulka Soomaalida.


Cali Maxamed Geedi oo galabta shir Jaraa’id ku qabtey Hotel Hilton ee Magaalada Nairobi ayaa sheegay in Soomaali badan ay ku dhinteen Daadadkii iyo fatahaadii ay sameeyeen biyihii ka dhashey Badgariirkii ka dhacay Badweynta Hindiya.


Ra’isulwasaare Geedi wuxuu ku nuuxnuuxsadey in Dawlada cusub ee Soomalida aysan lahayn awood ay wax kaga qaban karto masiibadaas ka dhacdey Xeebaha Soomaalida sidaasi darteen ay lagama maarmaan tahay sidii Beesha Caalamka ay gacan u siin laheyd Soomaalida dhibaatada xoogan ka soo gaartey mawjado biyeedkaas xoogan ee galaaftey naf iyo maal.


Canab Mumtaaz

SBC Nairobi.

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Mission to assess Somali damage


Beaches in Kenya have now reopened

At least 100 Somalis are feared drowned in the massive waves produced by Sunday's undersea earthquake off the coast of Indonesia.

A UN assessment team is now visiting Somalia's flooded north western coast.


A Somali government minister in Kenya appealed for urgent humanitarian aid saying thousands were homeless with entire villages swept away.


Waves swept 7,000km (4,000 miles) from the epicentre to strike East African islands and the coast.


Large waves struck Kenya, Tanzania, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar and the Seychelles


About 100 Somali fishermen have not returned after putting out to sea on Sunday.


The government in Somalia's north-east state of Puntland, told BBC News that 48 bodies had been found.


The government - which is currently based in Kenya as it is considered too dangerous for ministers to return to Mogadishu - has called for humanitarian aid.


Local Government Minister Ali Abdi said he had heard that about 100 people were killed.

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Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo maanta shir Jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalo madaxda Kenya ee Nayroobi oo haatan xarun KMG u ah Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa shaaca ka qaaday markii ugu horeysay in isaga iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ay tagayaan goobihii waxyeelada ba’an kasoo gaartay dabeylihii duufaanta watay ee ku dhiftay qaar ka mid ah magaalooyinka xeebaha Soomaaliya.


Sidoo kale Ra’iisul Wasaaruhu wuxuu tacsi u diray dhamaan dadkii ku dhintay dalalkii ay ka dhacday duufaanta, wuxuuna sheegay in ilaa iyo haatan ay xukuumad ahaan og yihiin in dhimasho 100 kor u dhaafeysa iyo dhaawacyo aan weli la tiro koobin ay ka dhaceen Soomaaliya, wuxuu kaloo sheegay in hanti fara badan uu ku yimid bur bur, isla markaana magaallooyin fara badan oo ku yaala xeebaha Puntland ay biyo is qabsadeen lana geli karin lana tiro koobi karin inta meyd ah iyo intii ku dhaawacantay.


Goobaha ay masiibadaasi burburka lixaadka leh ka geysatay ayuu Ra’iisul Wasaaruhu sheegay iney ka mid yihiin deegaanada kala ah Dhabar Xagato, Kulub, Baargaale, Eyl, Dhinowda, Garacad, Hobyo, Caddale, Muqdisho, Marka, Baraawe, Ceel Macaan, wuxuuna sheegay iney weli maqan yihiin doonyo ay saaran yihiin Kaluumeysato aan la ogeyn meeshii ay ku danbeeyeen.


“Shirkan Jaraa’id ee aan galabta qabtay wuxuu la xiriiraa si Beesha Caalamka wax alla iyo wixii gacan ay ka geysan karto ay ka geysato masiibooyinka ka dhacay Soomaaliya, annaguna waxaan ku dadaaleynaa inaan umadda Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqno iney walaalahooda waxyeelada gaartay wixii gacan ah ee ka geysan karaan ay ka geystaan, inaguna waxaa waajib ah inaan soo booqano bulshadeenna oo aan la qeybsano xanuunka soo gaaray maadaama aan mas’uul ka nahay oo aan Dowladda nahay†ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaare Prof. Geedi oo sheegay in wafdi uu isagu horkacayo tegayaan wafdigaas oo isugu jira Beesha Caalamka iyo xildhibaano ka socda Baarlamaanka oo uu ugu horeeyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka.


Dhinaca kale ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi waxa uu sheegay in maalinta Jimcaha ama Sabtida ay u ambabixi doonaan isaga iyo wafdiga isagoo sheegay in marka hore soo booqan doonaan goobaha ay dhibaatada culus ka dhacday isla markaana ay beesha caalamka geeyaan goobahaas si wax loogu qabto maadaama ayuu yiri ay wax miisaaniyad laheyn weli dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

Midnimo Information Center

Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho

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what a shame?


we may have lost few dozen fishermen in this tsumani disaster but to ask relief for this while other Asian countries lost more than 50 thousand is very shameful and selfish. it seems like they are taking advantage of it and riding the bandwagon. they are all after few handouts.

even after the assessment is done, i bet the death toll and the whole devestation would be minuscle compared to the huge tragedy that engulfed nations like Indonesia and Sri-lanka.

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50 thousand deaths includes Somali's. Its the responsability of a government to speak out for its citizens.


Somalia has been effected by thid disaster not on the scale of others but whole villages have been washed away and hundreds have died.

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Government Officials to Travel Around Somalia to Assess Damage

- Tuesday, December 28, 2004 at 15:02


By Cathy Majtenyi


Nairobi, 28 December 2004 - Somalia's new government plans by the end of the week to visit areas of Somalia most affected by the recent Asian tidal wave, while the International Committee of the Red Cross is sending out a relief shipment from Kenya to Sri Lanka to help victims there.


Somali Prime Minister Mohammed Ali Gedi announced in Nairobi Tuesday that he is set to head a delegation to tour the devastation wrought by Sunday's Asian tidal wave.


"Basically, my trip to Somalia is to assist the international organizations to support the affected people and the victims on the ground," he said.


Mr. Gedi says more than 100 people were killed by huge waves from Sunday's tsunami and more than 150 injured. He says the Puntland region is the most affected area.


Mr. Gedi, whose government is still based in Kenya because of security concerns, says United Nations agencies are already on the ground distributing food and other supplies to victims.


But, he says, more help is needed.


"The type of assistance I am requesting is food, shelter, and medicines, as well as water," he added.


Sunday's tidal wave, caused by an earthquake in the ocean near the coast of Indonesia, has killed more than 40,000 people in such countries as Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Maldives, and has wrecked massive devastation all over.


Huge waves radiated out to East Africa, hitting the islands of Mauritius, Reunion, and Seychelles in the process. The waves killed at least 10 people in Tanzania and one person in Kenya, with several injuries and destruction of properties.


Meanwhile, the International Committee of the Red Cross said Tuesday it is sending 105 metric tons of emergency supplies to Sri Lanka from Kenya's capital, Nairobi. Sri Lanka has been one of the most stricken by Sunday's tidal wave.


Red Cross communications officer Aleksandra Matijevic explains why the shipment is coming from Nairobi.


"Basically in Nairobi we have the largest logistics center for the International Committee of the Red Cross in the world," said Ms. Matijevic. "We stock enough emergency supplies to be able to respond to various emergencies in the region."


She says the Red Cross has sent aid over to Indonesia from Kenya in the past. Tuesday's shipment includes blankets, jerry cans, water buckets and medical emergency kits to assist some 50,000 people affected by the disaster.


She says many of the supplies have been manufactured in Kenya.



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Originally posted by macalimuu:

what a shame?


we may have lost few dozen fishermen in this tsumani disaster but to ask relief for this while other Asian countries lost more than 50 thousand is very shameful and selfish. it seems like they are taking advantage of it and riding the bandwagon. they are all after few handouts.

even after the assessment is done, i bet the death toll and the whole devestation would be minuscle compared to the huge tragedy that engulfed nations like Indonesia and Sri-lanka.

Atleast those countries in Asia has got fucntioning government and got emergency plans, those poor somalis have got nothing,and the only one being selsfish here is u redface.gif ..


BTW nobody knows the number of victims in those regions in somalia,

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inaali laahi wa inaa ileehey raajicoon



Dhulgariirka oo Saameeyay xeebaha Somalia




Dhulgariirka ka bilowday badwaynta India, ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in dhibaato ballaaran uu u gaystay tuulooyinka ku dherersan xeebaha waqooyiga Bari ee Soomaaliya.

Wasiir ka tirsan maamulk goboleedka Puntland, ayaa sheegay in kumanaan qof ay ku guryo beeshay, iyadoo qaar kale oo ay ka mid yihiin kalluumaysatana la la'yahay.


Hirar xoog leh, ayaa ku rogmaday xeebaha Somalia fiidnimadii maalintii Axadda, saacado badan kadib markii dhulgariirku uu ku dhuftay indonesia oo afar kun iyo shan boqol oo kiilomitir u jirta Somalia.


Hase yeeshee hirarka, ayaa xoogoodu uu gaaray in ay baabi'iyaan tuulooyin xeebaha ku dherersanaa, waxaana ku dhintay tiro badan oo Soomaali ah.


Waxay u muuqataa in waqooyiga bari ee Somalia ay ugu darnayd oo dhibka ugu ba'an uu gaaray. Qaar badan oo ka mid ahaa kalluumaysatada nolol maalmeedkooda ka raadsanayay badwaynta India, iyadoo doomo gacan ku samays ah saaran, ayaa la la'yahay oo aan soo laaban sidii ay u baxeen oo badda u galeen aroortii.


Wasiir ka tirsan maamul goboleedka Puntland, ayaa sheegay in guryo badan ay ku burbureen oo kumanaan qofna aysan haysan meel ay ku hoydaan, iyadoo uu dadka dhintay ku qiyaaay ilaa laba boqol oo qof.


hase yeeshee, afhayeenka madaxweeynaha soomalia, ayaa sheegay in tiradu ay intaasi kabadantahay, oo ay dhowr boqol oo qof ay dhinteen.


Maadaama aan warar badan laga helin dhulkaasi xeebaha ku dherersan, way adag tahay si loo helo warar sax ah, balse dowladda Somalia, ayaa sheegay in ay dirayso ilaa afar koox si ay u soo eegaan xaddiga dhibaatada ay masiibadan gaysatay







Originally posted by macalimuu:

what a shame?


we may have lost few dozen fishermen in this tsumani disaster but to ask relief for this while other Asian countries lost more than 50 thousand is very shameful and selfish. it seems like they are taking advantage of it and riding the bandwagon. they are all after few handouts.

even after the assessment is done, i bet the death toll and the whole devestation would be minuscle compared to the huge tragedy that engulfed nations like Indonesia and Sri-lanka. :confused:



Bro how can you say that to your onwn borthers and sister. don't you have hart this people are musliums #1 they are somalis. don't do have . redface.gif


subxaana laah. :mad: :mad:

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