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A New Born

A /Yousuf lost the momentum AGAIN !!

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Originally posted by ORGILAQE:

He has managed in that short time reach an agreement with all the major objectionist and scored a great goal by choosing an impartial PM .

If that is the case then WELL DONE Mr president , but what was the fuss for foriegn troops about? hasen´t he scored? hasen´t he managed to reach out n make agreements? aren´t all the warlords now MPs and i.e onboard?


or is it maybe just MAYBE he needs foreign troops to WIN him the hearts n minds of the Somali ppl?.


Originally posted by Bari_Nomad , Justcause, Mobb_deep:




To Start with Mobb_deep shoulden´t show that SILVER front teeth of yours.. Xarago sure won´t DARE kiss ya icon_razz.gif (kidding)


As For JustCause ... time to vissit the Dentist AGAIN too green .. u sure u don´t chew KAT? ..kidding


Bari_Nomad .. When you smiled somebody yelled TAXI ( kidding )


Originally posted by Rahima:

JB, you know something is not right, when those who hate the idea of Somalia are having a laugh at what you say (you might think they are laughing with you, so do not be deluded).

Rahima ... I thought i´d been cursed by the rare disease of beeing "Mr Rahima confuser"....

i guess it´s about time to confess´re confusing me more.


Nationalist i´ll try not to be a Donkey though it is soo tempting icon_razz.gif .

but am afraid i´ve to break the bad news on ya ...i do ADORE Ms Xarago


n i agree with her on many points politically.


What you don´t (maybe can´t)understand is that though i´m against Somaliland breaking away and Xarago beleiving in the contrary .. STILL we´ve a solid ground for healthy discussions.

So i hope there is more to those phony smiles ;) .


Originally posted by RUDY TRUDY:

believe homie aint gonna recover from these words! hes history! kiss him bb(bye bye) let me him run around the world... u be here a yr after,

hommie .. i coulden´t agree more .

Just wish that some ppl could distinguish between a raw deal n real deal.

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Xarago, Sweet thing !!


The Colonel n his kinsmen are in NO position as to appoint governers or Mayors and re-establish, renew, or resume the Hey dayz.


reality on the ground tells us that they´re the loosers in the Somali civil wars.

actually they paid an UNFAIR price if u ask me.


Xarago huuno ;)

1: Do you think Somaliland would take a smother n more possitive position given that the outcome of the Nairobi confrence was diffrent?


2:Do you see any hope for Somaliland/Somalia negotiations despite the rhetoric from Hargeisa?

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