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Ludwig Institute Forum on Somalia's Invention



Posted by: Alex at November 24, 2004 10:34 PMPosted by: Alex at November 24, 2004 10:34 PM


"As one of the authors of the World Bank piece, it's nice to see my article getting such interest, although it is important not to glorify what's happening in Somalia. I know places with bigger governments which are rather safer."


Big government does not create safety. Places with big governments are only safer because the society in question tends to obey rules and regulations. The society's tendency to obey rules and regulations could be channeled into voluntary agreements, with a much better outcome.


The fallacy here is that civilized society is somehow brought about by government enforced coercion. But this is a non-sequitur. Government's very ability to coerce is actually derived by and large from voluntary consent i.e the government can only coerce if the majority of the population agrees to this coercion. Hence, the existence of big governemnts in relatively safe nations is actually the result of mis-guided consent. If man can agree to the enormously complex and innumerable laws of government, he can certainly agree to much simpler and fewer laws on a purely contractual basis with his fellow citizens.


Along these lines, I recommend the book: Voluntary City (available on







A more productive role for government

would be to build on the strengths of the private

sector. Given Somali reliance on clan and reputation,

any measures allowing these mechanisms

to function more broadly would be welcome;

credit and land registries would be a good start.

And since Somali businesses rely heavily on institutions

outside the economy, international and

domestic policies supporting such connections

would help.

For governments and aid agencies, the capability

of some business sectors to cope under the

most difficult conditions should give hope and

guidance in other reconstruction efforts. It may

take less encouragement than is commonly

thought for stripped-down systems of finance,

electricity, and telecommunications to grow.



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Good document. How far Somalia progresses will depend on how open, co-operative, for the people and uncorrupt the government will be. Let us hope the premonitions of pessimists like me who distrust somali governments due to the obsessed-possessed unqualifying men at the helm in every institution become unfounded. Balaayo ilaahey hadduu kugu sallado, horumar ma gaareysid.

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