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Hanaloo Gar Naqo

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Reer Kaahin Riyaale Said:


waxaanu nahay dadkii Soomaalidaba u horseeday ilbaxnimada, calankii iyo xorriyaddii ugu horaysayna inagaa helnay, daacadnimo iyo soomaalinimo nagu jirta awgeedna intaan calankeennii la soo orodnay ayaan koonfurey idiin keenay idinkuna darsanay oo weliba idin siinay Madaxweynenimadii, magaala madaxdii, maamulkii, iyo wax kastoo dawladi lahaan jirtayba idinkoo weliba nagaga dambeeyey gumaysi iyo badawnimo.


Waxaase naxdin iyo muruga leh in taa naloo kaga abaal guday xabbad, xasuuq, dhac, boob, kufsi iyo kala cayrin, tiiyoo aysan Koonfuri noola kala harin, waar miyeynan ahayn in maanta nala ku maslexeeyo madaxweynenimo.



Reer Sayyid M C. Xassan said:


Waddankani la guban maayo waxaan ahayn xaq darrada iyo inkaarta nala ka galay, waxaannu nahay dadka marwalba u heellan difaaca iyo waardiyaha dalka, maadaama aan ku hareersanahay dalkoo dhan oon dacallada ku hayno waddamada deriska nala ah ee ay cilaaqda aan go'ini na dhex taal, waxaa lagama maarmaan ah inay xabbad kastaa inaga na soo ballayso. Tan kale waxaan nahay qabiilka ugu faraha weyn qabiilada marka la isku kaaya daro sidaa darted tiradeenu waxay leedahay tayo wacan oo dhan walbaan dalka ka dhisnaa.


Taa keliya maahee waxaanba nahay dadkii Soomaaliba aabbaha u ahaaye soo saaray. Sayid Maxa'd buu ahaa ninkii ugu horeeyry ee laga maqlo magaca Soomaali weyn, Nasiib darrase waxay noqotay in kolkii la gaaray mira dhalkii jihaadkiisii loo weeciyey faa'iidadii reer kale oon shaqaysan. eegga waxa keliya ee meejatani ku degi kartaa iyadoo inaga nala ku xaal mariyo madaxweynenimada.


Reer C/llahi Yusuf said:


Nimanyohow waxaa la yiri; caada la gooyaa cara allay leedahay, caalim taladiisoo la diidana taraan turo ma hurto, haddaan ninaan talin jirin taliyana nimaam tagi jirin baa taga. waxaannu nahay dadka Soomaali ugu tacliinta badan uguna ilbaxnimada dheer, Soomaali ma aqoon xukun tawrad, iyo maamul aanaan anagu wadin, SYL, kuwii dalka xoreeyeyna innaga unbay ahaayeen, bal u fiirasda oo soo hela qiimo ay Soomaali gaartay oo aan ******* hormuud ka ahayn. waxaan hagaajina mooyee waxaan hallaynana lama arag, Waxaase naxdin lama filaan ah noqotay markii inta nala ka boobay xilkii aan sharafta ku haynay, nala xumeeyey halkii naloo kaga kaalmayn lahaa gudashada xilkaas aan ummadda u haynay.


Waxaase taas oo dhan ka sii daran anaga oo ahayn mucaarad ku kaca ina Siyad Barre kuwii ugu horeeyey uguna awoodda badnaa ee taba baray mucaaradadii ka dambeeyey oo dhan ayaa halkii la rabay in nala ku sharfo taliska nala ku gubay guri kastoo aan ku jirnay sida Gaal-kacyo, Kismayo iyo Xamar siiba C/casiis. Haddaba, war miyeynan ahayn in lana ku qanciyo madaxweynenimo.


Reer Siyaad Barre said:


Soomaaliweyney ma arintu ahayd ninkii taliya qoladiisaa talisa, mise arintu ahayd nin walba wuxuu galabsado ha laga gudo? Hadday tahay ninkii taliya reerkiisaa taliya; Anagay ahaayeen kuwii Soomaali magac iyo sharaf u yeelay gude iyo dibadba, kana dhisay dhan walba hadday tahay xag ilbaxnimo iyo h/mar dhaqaalaba, waxaanan ku baaqnay sinaan iyo cadaalad cid walba gaarta oon horay loo arag. waxaan duugnay qabyaaladdii, waxaan qornay Afkii hooyo, waxaan ka dhignay wadanka mid qiima kaleh sokeeyaha iyo shisheeyahaba agtooda, Wuxuu wadanku gaaray inuu helo quwada ugu saraysa Afrika isagoon weli qaan gaarin, waxaan kum guulaysanay barnaamijyo badan oo mira dhalay sida; dejintii danwadaagaha, garaash booragaraam, (crash programs), iskaa wax uqabso, Aasiddii qabyaaladda, iyo malaayiin kale oo wada malab ah, waxaana u daliil ah taas waxa dhacay dabadeed.


Haddayse arintu tahay waxaa amaanan ama eedaysan dawladdii talinaysay, anagu waxaan ahayn cidda ugu dulman uguna dullaysan dalka waxaana kuu daliil ah deegaankeena iyo dadkeena oo maanta weli ku jooga halkay somalida kale ku joogeen 69 kii.


Waxaana taa noo wehliya in ay Soomaaliyoo dhami isugu kaaya tagtay, bal eeg markii naloo kugu tashaday gurigii Djabuti sannadkii 1991 kii, oo bal car sheega qabiil aan nala dagaallamin iyo sanad keliya oo aan dagaal ka nasanay. War bal qoodhiin iyo xeradiin miyeysan gar ahayn in maanta nala ku maslaxeeyo madaxweynenimo.


Reer Faarax Caydiid (dhuusamareeb) said:


Waxaan wax ku lahayn xornimo dhalintii, xusuuso C/llahi Ciise iwm. Waxaanu nahay kuwii ku guulaystay saaritaankii Ina Siyaad iyo dadkiisii naf iyo maal badan baana taas nooga baxday. Waxaan tanya tii ku soo jirnay gumaysi *******. marna ma illoobi karno tii; Cali yusuf Keenadiid, Sayid maxamed, Maxemed Siyaad iyo kuwa kaleba.


Waxaan qayb libaax ka qaadanay dhismaha dalka ee dhan walba leh. waxaan nahay lambar fara badan oo lagu hilmaamay duur qaraxa. Tan kale ummadda Ilaahay ninba marbuu taliyaa oo la raacaaye maa anagana kalkeena lana raaco oo nala ka war sugo? Waxaasoo dhan iyo wixii naf naga go'ayba marka la isku daro, Ilaahay ka cabsadee ma waysan ahayn in lana ku raalli geliyo madaxweynenimo.



Reer Maxamad Dheere said (Jowhar) said:


Niman yohow lama arag lamana maqal cid inta gurigeeda loogu yimaado lagu xukumee, bal aashiina, hanoqonina marti dulum waddee, midda kale unukuba dhismaha waddanka waqti kastaba waxaan ku lahayn, bal xusuuso G/Da'ud iwm. Warkuse wuxuu ku dhan yahay anugu goofkeyga anaa ka taliya ha la guugu taliyana yeeli maa, hadaba maslaxo waxay ku imaa kartaa ayadoo marti edeb qabta la noqdo oo aniga la iiga leexdo wixii ah madaxweynenimo.



Reer Shaatiguduud & Adan Madobe (Baydhabo) said:


Waxa dhan oo wadanku la degi la'yahay oo meel walba cadaabku noogaga shidmayaa waa inkaarta ka timid xaq darrada nala ka galayo, Soomaaliyoo dhami anagay dulsaar nagu yihiin oo ma lahan wax ila dhaqaale ah oon ka ahayn badarkeena iyo biyeheena, Waxaana awal naloo kaga qaadan jiray si gumaysi dadban ah oo caqligaa nala ka haystay haddoon soo toosnayna waxaa nala ku marinayaa qori caaradiis, oo waxay isku haysataan ****** iyo ******* waa kala bililiqaysiga dhulkeenna, sidaasayna nooga dhigteen waddo halaqya mareen oo ay marba dhan isugu cayrsadaan. Dalkeena iyo dadkeenuba waa kuwa ugu weyn ee waddanka isla markaasna ugu faaiidada badan, xagga barwaaqada keliya maahee waxaan kaloo nahay xudunta Diinta iyo cilmi raacashada.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee Soomaali anaga la'aanteen ma jiri karto waxaanan nahay kuwa aan la aaminsanayn inay jiraanba. Hadaba Ilaahay haddii laga cabsado sow Ilaah dadkiisa isku si uma abuurin? oo sow inay xisaab iyo aakhiro dambayso lama oga maa nala ku sharfo madaxweynenimo.



Reconciliation, eh! :D




[ March 31, 2008, 12:40 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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^ that is the first time i have seen one article honestly capture almost every viewpoint of the conflict without insinuating one sides version is the supreme truth.


the problem with previous attempts at this kind of writing is the authors bias comes through however subtle .... would have been even better with a proposal to put all this BS behind us.

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Here is another piece by Qaasim Duulaan Jecel



Dec 20,2007



In Baidawo town of Somalia, there is a structure of governmental administration in place, despite being paralyzed. There is an accommodation for 275 Member of Parliaments (hereafter MPs). Close to one hundred of them were once announced to be Cabinet Ministers at the same time. Again, the clusters were dissolved and the Prime Minister (hereafter PM) announced their reselection. This is what is known as Transitional Federal Government (hereafter TFG).


Down tracking to the theme, almost half of those once publicized members never or rarely visit the headquartered town. They live outside the country in order to safe themselves from possible death. In this case, the TFG is still partially in exile. For instance, the two old men acting as Heads of the State never spend one full month inside the country. They spend their time in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia for one or more weeks. Then, after one or two weeks, they fly to Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya or elsewhere. Like them, majority of the MPs fly forward and backward between the three neighboring countries, which are Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. They always keep their return tickets in their serviettes. This is exactly how Somali proverb goes to say; “I have one leg inside the game and the other outside. If the game goes well, I have my both legs inside, but if not, I have both of them outside”.


Now, let’s analyze why the TFG cannot move forward in order to function as a national administrative authority. The theme will also identify why Somalia has been suffering from manmade destruction since its onset. In a short form, the answer is that Somali Elders never allow the effective power of the nation to be active. Instead, their neglected accountability was to insist in training and inspiring the young generations so that they will be enable to overtaking the national responsibility. The effective power is the energetic boys and girls who are ready to handle their country’s development. In this Article, we intend to analyze the matter from cultural perspective.


Traditionally speaking, Somali culture underestimates the roles of the youth and women. It is common culture to criticize badly any young man who may try to express his opinion in a matter of discussion. The automatic response to his idea is to attack him verbally to say “you, silent, you see there is a man older than you right here! How do you dare to speak in front of the elders”? Then, the young man, being ashamed, quiets and quits the discussion. In fact, this is when the young man was given the chance to participate in the discussion, but most of the chances are never being given. No man is allowed to be a responsible before attaining the age of 40 years old. Any one below forty years of age is considered as 20 years old, where Somali proverb goes to say “20 years old can jump out of an idea as he can jump out of a tree”. Therefore, if you speak while you are at the age 20s to 30s, the automatic response in store for you is nothing, but “shut up! you are still in your 20s”.


In the case of women, at any age, it is almost impossible for any woman to be involved in community discussion, even at the lowest level. She may not be allowed to comment on the future of her own household, leave alone that of the nation. Somalis curse one another to say “May God put your decision and advice under woman’s legs” (Taladaada tafo naagood Alla dhig). It is worth to note that one of the few literatures written in Somali language was entitled “Allow Dumar Talo Malaga Dayey”! meaning “Oh, My God, advise was sought from women”! This is the case of the Somali women, no matter of one’s level of education, intellectual capacity, activeness, creativeness, and capability. Apparently, nowadays, men started asking women to pay their wealth and leave the decision for the male elders.


In a profound discussion on the theme, what is the best recognition we can give to the so-called TFG in Baidowo town? Shall we call their center as headquarter of national government or senior day-care center? At its current situation, we can definitely recognize it as a senior day-care center, rather than government. Nearly 100 Cabinet Ministers and their auxiliaries were recently announced as the Executive Branch of the TFG, but only 10 out of 100 were below 40 years of age. Some of them were senior officers in the first Somalia Administrative Authority or Government ever formed in the history of mankind. That was in the middle of the last century- 1950-1960, while others were camel headers at the time. Both the Prime Minister and the President are in the middle of their 80s in age. Since the old Somalis had never had municipal documents, they may hide some years, in order to make themselves younger than the age they appear to be.


However, the fact should be known from other reliable sources and from facial appearance, etc. (their ages will be clarified in other topics, but not here). Furthermore, the country’s constitution states the first and foremost condition of being one of the government’s senior officers, one must attain at the age of 40 years old and above without limitation. That means even if you are older than 140 years old, you can still hold a senior position in the country. Surprisingly, the constitution of Somalia is the only one that do not mention about retirement, despite it has been prescribed in the international law, and that of the International Labor Organization -ILO. In the respective countries of our contemporary world, retirement age ranges from 55-70 years old depending on the country of concern.


In the context, let’s discuss about the role of the old men in destroying the country by avoiding any contribution to be made by its youths and women. They do not only block their development and contribution, but wage direct wars against them. The old men had never had qualification or working experience in good governance. Though we are in 2008, they still think we are in early 1940s. They used to hold community meetings and artificial mediations under a tree without chairs and tables. In this case, it seems, needless to mention about pen, paper, computer, and modern technology or communication skills. The Somali old men are those who grown up in constant attacks and counter-attacks between two or more neighborhood rival clans, and this is what they chiefly understand.


For instance, if you pay attention to Abdulahi Yusuf, the President of the TFG addressing to public, you would find him condemning or criticizing at least one of the clans. Some times, you may find him praising another clan simply because they dominated or attacked one of the clans that he hates. If you hear the President of the wide-nation talking like that or behaving similarly, do not get shocked, because that is exactly how most of the old men have been behaving from their childhood. The Prophet Mohamed May peace Be Upon Him said “man shaaba Alaa shay’in shabba alaihi”, meaning “Each gets old with what he/she used to do during youth-hood”. Additionally, all their decisions are based on the past such as old administrative systems and nomadic lifestyle.


Add that, Somalia had never had experience in urbanization, administration, proper settlement, and good governance. They did not also have sufficient knowledge about their faith and the modern education as well. The common sense approves that youths talk about future and development, while old persons talk about history and remembrance. Perhaps, each of the two generations has a reason to demonstrate so. The young needs to build his or her future brightly, while the old one have already taken their share in this world, and need only to remember about their past. In other words, the old generation attempts to hinder any progress that was supposed to be made by the young generation. Their motto is “May we never come across something out of our custom” (Allow wax aan noo horeyn jirin yey noo dambeyn).


A sensible person can read between the lines of their attitude that the old men produced children, but they never want them to grow up. They degrade and pollute the natural environment by cutting the trees, and grafting illegal commissions or bribes from Eco-Mafia Companies to dump hazardous toxics in the seashore of the country. They also refuse their youths to come together, discuss about their future, and contribute to the betterment of their home, leave alone to give them the chance. Obviously, this means they never want another generation to survive and dwell in this world after they leave it.


In the following pages of this Article, we would explore how youths would be constructively useful to their country and how old men are obstacle to them, by rejecting both their manpower and intellectual capacity. The same happens to the women as they have been considered and treated with as half human being, and then, their manpower has been radically neglected. Then, we will conclude some suggestions towards how the generation of this century should get back their deprived rights.

Continuous next week…



Toronto, Canada



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LX, nin aan taariikhda aqoon iyo dadkaba baa qorey articlaad ku post gareysay.

Jaahilnimadiisana muuqata.


I wonder if you agree with the rubbbish he scrawled?

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Kooro, Qaasim taariikh saxiix ah weeye muusan oran...qolo walba waxay lasoo shirtagto ayuu soo bandhigo waana run ee wax Soomaali ku cusub maaha. Qolo walba dood gaar ah ayay leedahay ee ku caan baxday :D

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^ that is the beauty of the article just by reading it. the qabil of the author is not evident .. unlike too many political writings.


and he is trying to portray that each side comes to the table with 'what to them is a legitimate grievance' but when viewed objectively is ridiculous..... it is also telling that even though the piece was written more than a decade ago .... the only thing that has changed is the list of grievances has increased.

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Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

^Ma reer Gedood baa ninku?

Koora, maaha ee waa reer Galgaduud. icon_razz.gif Kaftan aside, he is a good family friend and I am familiar with this piece. ;)


that each side comes to the table with 'what to them is a legitimate grievance' but when viewed objectively is ridiculous..

Geeljiraa isha ka tuuray. smile.gif

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Aniga waxaan ka baqaa, Somali sidaan ayagoo isugu dabo dhagan oo iska dabo laalaado inuubo adduunka gadoomo. Sidanu caadi maaha!

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Koora-Tuunshow, Jaahilnimaad u qirtaye Ina-Adeer bal maxaad ku aragtay ninka?


Horn The article you quoted, though deserving an audience, has been undermined and besmeared by the passage I quoted. It becomes apparent to the discerning reader that Mr Qaasim's own perceptions have intertwined themselves onto his writing, sinking his article into the ever-widening abyss of partisan politics.


Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Here is another piece by Qaasim Duulaan Jecel




Dec 20,2007


For instance, if you pay attention to Abdulahi Yusuf, the President of the TFG addressing to public, you would find him condemning or criticizing at least one of the clans. Some times, you may find him praising another clan simply because they dominated or attacked one of the clans that he hates.

Now, we all know what C/Yusuf is capable of, but the lines above are not borne out of journalistic imparitality and stating the obvious, but a more sinister, deep-rooted and inherent antagonism.


Abu-Geeljire - not every viewpoint, but not a bad summarisation at all! As for honesty, well, that is open to debate.

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