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Reports: Diinsoor: TFG recapture town from Clan Courts...

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DIINSOOR: Ciidammada Dowladda Federaalka oo la wareegay gacan ku haynta Diinsoor

Posted to the Web Dec 03, 15:11



Diinsoor (PP) - Wararka ka imaanaya Degmada Diinsoor ee Gobolka Bay ayaa waxay sheegayaan in halkaas ay la wareegeen gacan ku haynteen ciidammada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, kaddib markii shalay ay qabsadeen kuwa Maxkamadaha.


Wararka ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Degmada Diinsoor bannaankeeda ay ka dhaceen dagaallo aan sidaa u sii xoog badnayn, waxaana la sheegay inay Ciidamadda Dowladda haatan ku hayaan gacanta Degmada Diinsoor.


Sidoo kale ilo wareedyo ku sugan Degmada Baydhabo ee Gobolka Bay ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Dowladda ay si toos ah haatan gacanta ugu hayso Degmada Diinsoor, ayna saakay aroortii hore aadeen dhanka Diinsoor Ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa Dowladda oo aad u fara badan.


Dowladda Federaalka ayaa waxay sheegtay inay gacanta ay ku hayso haatan degmada Diinsoor, isla markaana ay tahay xaaladda degmadaas mid haatan daggan, waxaana ay sheegeen in Maxkamadaha ay xoog ku soo galeen shalay balse ay saakay kala wareegeen gacanta Maxkamadaha.


Maxkamadaha Midoobay ayaa dhankooda sheegay inaan gacanta Maxakamadaha lagala wareegin Degmada Diinsoor oo ay gacanta ku hayaan, waxaana ay sheegeen inaysan jirin wax ciidammo ah oo ka tirsan kuwa Dowladda oo ku sugan haatan Degmada Diinsoor, iyagoo sheegay inay si toos ah iyagu ugu sugan yihiin.


Degmada Diinsoor ayaa noqotay shalay mid gacanta u gashay Maxkamadaha Midoobay, waxayna noqontay degmadii labaad oo ka tirsan Gobolka Bay oo ay la Wareegeen Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah.



Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


Saaxiibkaa u ***

Daabaco Qormadan

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War deg deg ah:Diinsoor oo dagaal adag kadib, dib ugu soo laabatay gacanta Dawladda



Diinsoor,Wararka hadda naga soo gaaraya Diinsoor ayaa sheegaya inuu halkaas uu ka dhacay dagaal kharaar, oo maxaakiimta lagala wareegay gacan ku haynta degmaada Diinsoor, oo ay shalay kula wareegeen soo gelitaan aan dhiig ku daadan.




Ciidamada la wareegay magaalada Diinsoor ayaa sida naloo xaqiijiyey waxaa hogaaminayey Col lagu magacaabo C/rasaaq Afguud, waxaana lagu soo waramaya in halkaas lagula wareegay ilaa 16 babuur oo kuwa dagaalka iyo 4 Xamuul ah, waxaa iyana wararku intaas ku darayaan in ilaa 39 maxaabiisa ay qabsadeen ciidanka uu hogaamaniyey Col Afgaduud DFKMG.




Dagaalka ayaa la sheegayaa inuu weli soconayo, waxana guud ahaan magaaladu gacanta u gashay Ciidanka Dawlada, waxaana hadda dagaalku ka soconayaa dhankii shalay ciidanka maxaakiimtu ka soo galeen.




Shalaygalab ayaa la sheegay in lagu baxay degmada Diinsoor, waxaana caddayd in halkaas dagaalku ka qarxi doono.




Weli dhinaca dawladu ma soo sheegin dhimasho ama dhaawac dhankooda Soo gaaray warkuna waxaa uu ka yimid dhinaca dawlada FS, weli maxaakiimtu dhankooda arintaas wax war ah kama soo saarin.




Wixii faah fahina oo ka soo kordha kala soco shabakada wararka


Xarunta wararka

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Baydhabo) Mas'uul u hadlay Maamulka Gobolka Baay oo sheegay in gacanta Dowladda ay ku soo noqotay Deegaanka Diinsoor, kadib iska hor imaad halkaas ku dhex maray Dhinacyada Dowladda iyo Maxkamadaha.


Warar kala duwan ayaa ilaa iyo hada ka soo baxaya dagaal la sheegay inuu maanta ku dhex maray Degamada Diinsoor Ciidamo taabacsan Maxkamadaha Islaamka iyo kuwa Dowladda Kmg ah.

Waxaa aad u adag in la ogaado faah faahin rasmi ah oo ku aadan gacan ku heynta Deegaankaas, iyadoo isgaariisnta Magaaladaas ay tahay mid hawada ka maqan.


Xiriiro aanu la sameynay Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa sheegaya in Dowladda Kmg ah, ay xoog kula wareegtay Deegaanka Diinsoor oo ay maalintii shalay la wareegeen Ciidamada Maxkamadaha.

Mas'uul ka tirsan Maamulka Gobolka Baay ayaa sheegay in gacantooda ay dib ugu soo noqotay Deegaanka Diinsoor, wuxuuna qiray in Dowladdu xoog kula wareegtay gacan ku heynta Deegaankaas.

Wararka laga helayo Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamo ka tirsan Dowladda Kmg ah ay dib u qabsadeen, iyadoo mar aan qadka taleefanka kula xiriiray Wasiir Kuxigeenka Gaashaandhiga Mr Salaad Cali Jeelle ay isuura gelin weysay, sababo qadka oo ahaa mid mashquul ah.


Ilaa iyo hada ma jiro faahin faahin ku saabsan qasaaraha iska hor imaadka maanta ku dhex maray Dowladda Kmg iyo Maxkamadaha Islaamka

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Thanx to frustrated SICU places like Dinsoor are having their 15 minute of fame competing with New York, Moscow and London for the news.


Dinsoor was done, for the simple reason that SICU is soon to be expeled by the locals in BarHakubo. If just half the families of the more than 300 militia that went to TFG support them...its easy to see the domino effect.

ICU wanted to hide this badly. Lets wait wich village around Mugadishu will be captured next by

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Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

Thanx to frustrated SICU places like Dinsoor are having their 15 minute of fame competing with New York, Moscow and London for the news.


Dinsoor was done, for the simple reason that SICU is soon to be expeled by the locals in BarHakubo. If just half the families of the more than 300 militia that went to TFG support them...its easy to see the domino effect.

ICU wanted to hide this badly. Lets wait wich village around Mugadishu will be captured next by

You are day dreaming, we have only TFGs claim that it was 300 but in reality it was max 15 militia as Abu Mansuur said other wise you would see pictures if it was true like when many TFG troops joint the courts. TFG are only trying to take back what they have lost previously which is over 600 solders in total. As for Diinsoor its still under the control of islamic courts. To you and general i only say talking is cheep so talk as much as you want (which is to much lately). I know you two are trying cheer each other up with your nonsense, because things are going bad for yeey and melezenawi many scholars/mujahidin from puntland have joint the courts, diinsoor has fallen to the courts, somalilanders are joining the war against melezanawi...

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Originally posted by Abdi2005:

You are day dreaming, we have only TFGs claim that it was 300 but in reality it was max 15 militia as Abu Mansuur said other wise you would see pictures if it was true like when many TFG troops joint the courts. TFG are only trying to take back what they have lost previously which is over 600 solders in total. As for Diinsoor its still under the control of islamic courts. To you and general i only say talking is cheep so talk as much as you want (which is to much lately). I know you two are trying cheer each other up with your nonsense, because things are going bad for yeey and melezenawi many scholars/mujahidin from puntland have joint the courts, diinsoor has fallen to the courts, somalilanders are joining the war against melezanawi...

Do you realize how many colonel fartaag staff you went through in your paragraph. Guess what it says : You are frustrated, you have been frustrated. Thats all one can glean from your balderdash about the whole planet, but Bar Hakubo. That you do not want it mentioned. I don't blame you for that.

How come you made declarations about every place in the planet, but you forgot Jowhar?

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Somali war fears spark exodus from southern town as battle looms


The Associated Press


MOGADISHU, Somalia: Somalia's government has sent hundreds of troops backed by Ethiopian soldiers to recapture a strategic town seized by the country's powerful Islamic movement, witnesses and military officials said Sunday as dozens of families began fleeing the area.


The Islamic militia, which since June has seized the capital and most of the country's south, declared itself in control of the southern town of Dinsor on Saturday, saying it moved into the area without encountering any resistance or firing a single shot.


That means the Islamic Courts Union, as the group is known, has now effectively encircled the weak, transitional government in its fortified base in Baidoa, a city in western Somalia that is the only ground the U.N.-backed government can claim to control.


"The Courts' provocative and unjustified act of aggression in the region must be faced with force," warned the government's justice minister, Sheik Aden Nour Mohamed, a powerful warlord.


The Islamic movement's spokesman, Sheik Abdirahim Ali Mudey, promised that any government assault would be met with fierce resistance.


"Since the town is now under the control of the Islamic courts with the willingness of the local people any attack waged against it would meet a fierce battle," Mudey said.


Fears were mounting that a battle for Dinsor, 120 kilometers, or 75 miles, southwest of Baidoa, could be the spark that ignites an all-out conflict in Somalia. The town is considered strategic because it controls a vital bridge linking Baidoa with southern Somalia and the key port of Kismayo.


Some 600 well-armed government troops equipped with pickup trucks mounted with machine guns were deployed late Saturday to drive the Islamic group out of the town, said a senior military official on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.


Another official speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue said two Ethiopian battalions were in support.


Witnesses said there were about 200 Islamic fighters with dozens of machine gun-outfitted trucks preparing defensive positions in the town.


Ethiopia backs the transitional government, fearing the rise of a neighboring Islamic fundamentalist state. Ethiopia's regional rival, Eritrea, is supporting the Islamic movement.


Fearing a battle, residents were fleeing. One shopkeeper in Dinsor, Mo'alim Isgow Ahmed, said at least half the residents have fled.


"We left Dinsor to save our lives," said Mad Ali Gab, a resident of Dinsor who arrived in Baidoa by car. "They are preparing for war so we cannot wait for the fighting to begin."


Somalia has not had an effective government since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on one another. The transitional government was formed with the help of the U.N. two years ago, but has struggled to assert its authority.


The U.S. circulated a draft U.N. resolution late Friday that would authorize the deployment of a regional military force to protect the fragile government. The troops would likely come from a seven-nation East African group, but would not include Somalia's neighbors, like Ethiopia.


U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said Friday he expects Security Council experts to discuss the draft on Monday.


On Thursday a veiled woman and two other suicide bombers exploded cars outside Baidoa, killing 10 people. The attack was the second suicide bombing in the country and had hallmarks of an al-Qaida operation. Osama bin Laden has declared Somalia to be a battleground in his war against the West.


Also on Thursday, Ethiopia's parliament paved the way for war by authorizing military action if attacked. There have already been a number of small-scale skirmishes in recent weeks, according to witnesses, with Ethiopian forces inside Somalia suffering several dozen fatalities.




Associated Press Writer Mohamed Sheik Nor in Mogadishu contributed to this report.

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Beenta xitaa laga xishoon maayo.........adduunoow be honest I was with someone I know tonight who is a blind supporter for the TFG (I say this to him as well)like some of us over here and when some of his friends called him (because this guy is very close to TFG leaders) in order to confirm the very same news as here this is what he said QUOTE "Beenloow ku dheh kan warkaan kuu sheegay, waayo wax dagaal ahba ma dhicin iskaba dhaaf in laga qabsado Diinsoor maxkamadahee" .



Marka waxaan la yaabanahay dadkaan SOL space_keeda nooga buuxinaya war aan loo baahnayn oon sal iyo raad toona lahayn. Ar Baliis waxaan u baahannahay inaan meeshan warbixin faa'iido leh ku isticmaalno..........................

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Diinsoor was a peaceful town, never had a major war in the last 16 years of chaos. Neither dowlada nor wadaada ku sheega controlled it before this.


Dad aayahooda waligood tashado ayee ahayeen. I don't think locals want anything to do with wax uu Indhamadoowe kamid yahay, since they are the nearest town that borders the towns he occupies and they very well know waxa ka dhaco deeggaanadaas. Wadaada ku sheega's quick capture it dhulbalaarsi ayee u arkaan dadka deeggaanka, who never was a friendly to dowlada to begin awalba. To make it worse, waxaa laga soo duulay ama galay dhanka Saakoow, another occupied town, led by dad aan deeggaanka u dhalan.


Aawey kii ku duuli ama hoggaamin jiray their militias when it came to Balcad iyo Dayniile, magaciis muxuu ahaa, "Sheekh" Rooboow? Why it is never him that leads their militias markee qabsadaan deeggaanada uu sheegto, as it obviously happens on other towns led by the natives of these towns. His silence was deafening about Shabeellada Hoose, now hadana deeggaanadii kale ayee u socdaan. Before Diinsoor wants to be "liberated," let Qoryooleey in Shabeellaha Hoose iyo Saakoow in Jubbada Dhexe ee labada dhinax kaga beegan be liberated and native locals xukumaan dantooda.


The reason they went to Diinsoor was about isolating Baardheere and its eventual qabsasho. They are already on their way, via Qansaxdheere. Now their strategy is obviously labada dhinac inay ka galaan Baardheere, one from Jubbooyinka and other from Baay. Well, it may backfire since Qansaxdheere, Baardheere and Diinsoor were peaceful towns, neither controlled by those two competing forces.

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