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Banana Republics--Who really benefits from a weak Somalia?

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assalamu Calaykum,


Aniga laftaydaa ayaa yaaban sxb. Suldaanka,


You don't have to be the one to respond to my reply since I am not only addressing those whom we hail from the same region but rather all. I can comfortably say the issue in Somaliland is easier to deal with, because there is peace and prosperity in Somaliland. I am only glad that is happening.


However, the point that I am trying to explain to you exactly is that people are always better off being United for they are stronger and have more credebility if they are together.


I don't agree with the lame arguments that Somaliland and Somalia used to be two seperate nations before the British and Italians came, when the truth is that Somalis were always one people in one nation and the British and Italians divided the nation and therefore created border lines that we call terretories today.


I know that you going to go into some sort of history written by an British or Italian. My question is what is the benefit for them in dividing the Muslim people? One should not be fooled by the evil plan of dividing Muslims. The evil has prevail in dividing the Muslims nations, because the Muslims including Somalis have failed to realize the trap the was designed for them.


Everyone knows the failure in Somalia (South), and I am not really following the nonsense posted by Caamir, but in reality terms, we must realize, if we are those have peace in Somaliland, that these are our brothers that deserved our rescue from themselves. Instead of capitalizing the turmoil in the South, we should be sending help of any quantity to try to help out our brothers in Moqdisho and else where. This sort of action wouldn't be a one done voluntarely but rather it's an obligatory on us, because they are part of our family and one shouldn't watch them while they are suffering in the hands of blood thirst warlords and the the evil plan of the current warlord government in Somalia.


So Mr. Suldaanka, I am really surprised, global Isamazation would be great to have, but that seems to be far from reality, but first let us start with Somaliland and Somalia. You cannot tell me that you are for United Muslim world, but then to refused the unifaction of only one ethnic Muslims (Somalis) let alone the whole entire Muslim world.


Let me try to list the benefits of unified Somaliland/Somalia/Galbeed/Jabuti/NFD:


Bigger land,

Bigger population,

more dominant power in the horn,

more respect from neighboring countries,

more respect and name from the world,

better oppurtunity of reaching new heights (two heads are better than one).

and the best of all-- one big Islamic nation inhabited by ethnic Somalis, now that would good to have.


May Allah bless the Muslims and forgive our sins.


Peace and stability for all.


Assalamu Calaykum.

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You're still stuck in the pre-colonial era, buddy! :D @ Somalistan.


Originally posted by Northerner:

Being pre-occupied with Somaliland will be to the detriment of the so called 'nationalists'.

Whassup mayn. So, what do you think of Haatuf's- SL newspaper - preoccupation with all-affairs-Puntland lately? Is that to the "detriment" of the secessionists' cause?


Me thinks its a two-way road.


Boosaaso: Wershad Lacagta Shillin Soomaaliga Soo Saarta Oo La Weeraray - Haatuf Apr. 17, 2006


Dagaalada Ka Dhanka Ah Shirkadaha Fadhataysiga Macdanta Oo Ku Sii Fidaya Gudaha ******teenya - Haatuf Apr. 17, 2006

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Mr. Code talker, make some sense before I can respond to your post sir, waa hadii aad aniga ila haystay hadii kalena wadada cab sxb.

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This is a good example of junior high school level sophistry...This is the sort of "emotional rollercoaster" and "wishful thinking" far removed from the realities on the ground that Faysal Diriye was talking about here when he says "...the rest of the article, usually, describes the author's emotions--a river of tears ". :D


Since you and your ilk think the author's call for unity, dialogue, building a better country for all somalians is an "emotional rollercoaster, wishful thinking, and a river of tears", how about the gun of the barrel? ;)



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