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April 15, 1992


The forces of both Masood and Hekmatyar enter Kabul, and the Communist regime collapses, but 14 years of war, which have claimed two million lives and forced at least five million people out of the country, leave the nation divided and almost in ruins. Sibghatullah Mojadedi, a 70-year-old former Islamic philosophy teacher, becomes caretaker president on April 28. The country is renamed Islamic State of Afghanistan. When peace seems imminent, fighting among the various guerrilla groups, divided along ethnic and sectarian lines, brings on a new struggle. Kabul, once a bustling city of 1.5 million people, looks like a ghost town after the takeover by Islamic resistance forces. Throughout the year, the city is the centre of battles between forces friendly to the new government and Hekmatyar's renegade Hezb-i-Islami (Islamic Party). An acting Council of Ministers is formed, in which Masood is defense minister and the premiership is set aside for Abdul Sabur Farid Kuhestani, a Tajik commander from the Hezb-i-Islami.


It is also reported that the cause behind Hekmatyar's failure to capture Kabul instead Massoud's forces was that KGB, KHAD and parchamis had secretly decided that they would surrender each and every weapon they had to Massoud's Jamiat party. When Hekmatyar's forces entered Kabul they were surprised to see Massoud's forces 10 times powerful and well equipped than last year.


Afghan government had also decided that former Afghan soldiers who were fighting against mujahideen since 1979, join Massoud's party. Massoud was also handed over hundreds of Scud B Missiles, thousands of heavy weapons such as Tanks, Machine guns, Helicopters, Jets, Gunships and Armored vehicles.


Hekmatyar confident of his victory when he was entering Kabul retreated when he saw Communist forces of Dostum which numbered over 20000, Massoud's now Powerful forces equipped by modern highly sophisticated weapons and Parchami communists all united to confront Hekmatyar's Islamic forces which numbered 60000.



[edit] June 28, 1992

Mojadedi surrenders power to Burhanuddin Rabbani, who heads a 10-member Supreme Leadership Council of guerrilla chiefs. Rabbani announces the adoption of a new Islamic flag, the establishment of an economic council, which is to tackle the country's severe economic problems, and the appointment of a commission to draw up a new constitution. The changeover does not end the bloodshed, however. The most serious fighting breaks out as the Hezb-i-Islami, led by firebrand fundamentalist Hekmatyar, rains thousands of rockets on Kabul from hilltop positions on the southeastern outskirts, bringing more destruction than has taken place in the 14-year war between Soviet-backed Communist regimes and the Muslim resistance. The government also faces a serious challenge from an Iranian-backed alliance of Shi`ite Muslims. The Unity Party, a coalition of eight Shi`ite Muslim parties that enjoys the moral and financial backing of Iran, demands that the interim government honour past promises to share power. The Unity Party claims to represent 35% of Afghanistan's population, mostly the downtrodden Hazaras living in the central highlands, the country's poorest and most neglected region.



July 6, 1992

Abdul Sabur Farid assumes the premiership.


Early August 1992

The withdrawal of the members of the Hezb-i-Islami faction led by Mohammad Yunus Khalis from the Leadership Council reveals serious rifts within the government.



Mid-August 1992

In response to the attacks by Hekmatyar's forces against the capital, Rabbani expels Hekmatyar from the Leadership Council and dismisses Prime Minister Farid.



August 1992

France, Italy, and Bulgaria close their embassies and withdraw their diplomats, joining the exodus from Kabul under bombardment. The U.S., Britain, Germany, Japan, and Austria withdrew their diplomats in February 1989, just weeks before Moscow ended its nine-year occupation of the country. Also in August, the last three non-Afghan UN officials slip out of Kabul by car to Pakistan, leaving Najibullah's fate unresolved. The ruling group wants to try Najibullah for his role in the civil war and for the death or disappearance of hundreds of thousands of Afghans while he commanded the once-feared secret police. Pakistan seals its border with Afghanistan, stranding thousands of Afghan refugees who have fled the rocket attacks on Kabul. This policy is a dramatic reversal for Pakistan, which for 14 years has provided a haven for some three million refugees and has helped arm the Islamic rebels. Another two million refugees have fled to Iran.



December 29, 1992–January 4, 1993

A national council, composed of 1,335 delegates from throughout the country, meets in Kabul. The assembly approves the creation of a parliament and a new army, and sets a strict Islamic path for Afghanistan. Despite allegations of vote buying, bribery, and threats of renewed civil war, the assembly votes (December 30) to keep 52-year-old Islamic scholar Rabbani as president for a 2-year term. The city is shelled from the hills as the voting is in progress. Five of the 10 main rebel groups denounce the council as unrepresentative, and describe Rabbani's reelection as a declaration of war. Rabbani is sworn in on January 2. The assembly further orders that only Muslims work for the government, bans all non-Muslim organizations, and declares that radio and television have to conform to Islamic law.

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is that all, you have not drawn the parallels or are they so obvious that further elucidation would prove nugatory?

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Good insight,


SubhhanAllah, how history repeats itself over and over and over again....and yet, men never learn from it and have a very short term memory.

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Unlike Afghanistan in Somalia there are regional administrations that have brought peace to their area and are working to better themselves. Now the President of the country hails from the South and yet he is being threatened by the sames groups based in the south. It's disgusting, it's a never ending cycle of fighting and war. It has nothing to do with anything but control of the resources and to make money. These Al-Shabaab guys don't want any government who will bring order and who will stop their criminal activities. Sheik Sharif is an educated and good man, yet some how these guys are trying to villify him.


There is similarities between Somalia and Afghanistan, however Somalia has more peaceful regions.

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PA quote.

Add also both people have a way of solving every problem with war

Yes your right, the Afghan all out war against the Soviet started in 1979, our major war against Ethiopia started 2 years before that in 1977, and since then, thats when the deteriration of somali state started.


Their all out major civil war started in 1992, ours started 2 years before in 1990.


Afghans are very proud, very religious, and tough people, I think you could say the same about Somalis. They hate invaders, from the days of Alexander the Great, to Genkis Khan, the British empire,the Soviet, and now the Americans are having nightmares in there, they are a people hard to dominate and subdue.

Somalis also repelled the Portugees invaders, fought the Ethiopian empire of MENILIK, the British and the Italians, and lately the modern day Ethiopian army.




Somali elder




Afghan elder


Spot the difference.

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Mogadishu will not become a Kabul.


Mogadishu people will resist both religious extremism and foreign backed regimes.


During the last struggles the inhabitants of Mogadishu have become more aware of their common desire for peace and stability and for the common threat arising from religious extremist groups like Alshabab, Aweys faction etc, and from foreign-created and backed regimes like the TFG and the now renewed version of it.


Those evils: religious extremism, warlords, self-styled representatives, and foreign-backed paper regimes, all are the product of the environment in Somalia, particularly Southern Somalia. An environment of anarchy, moral decay, lack of common vision and unity, and ofcourse lack of internal instituional building for the interior regions leads to a situation were all self-serving factions that only aspire political power with no genuine consideration for the people's interest prolong the mayhem and prevent any peaceful internal development.


Fortunately, Mogadishu society have progressed and learned invaluable lessons during the years of struggle.


Ever since 1991, things have cyrstalized in Mogadishu society. To achieve the common desires and defend the common interest and security of the city and its inhabitants, the enivornment needs to be transformed into one that stimulates and supports peacefull internal development of institutions that can help the people cope with the harsh reality of statelessness.


Furthermore, to relief the city from overpopulation without the adequate infrastructure needed to support such a large population, it is also extremely important for the peacefull development of interior regions. Those regions where the majority of the current inhabitants of Mogadishu originated from.


That is the only road forward for the capital and Somalia, and the only strategy to better prepare the city and nation for the next Ethiopian invasion/occupation and its ugly consequences.

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and from foreign-created and backed regimes like the TFG and the now renewed version of it.

so I guess Shariif comes under the above term, and that means you don't support the Shariif government, and if that is the case, your unknowingly calling for a Kabul style war.

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So far, the current admin led by Shariif follows the known pattern of those before him.


Support to a particular faction only comes after that particular faction advances the interest and security of Mogadishu society and Somalia in general.


So far, there is no one faction that has adopted the correct strategy and is prepared to genuinely advance and defend the interest and security of Mogadishu society and Somalia in general.

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Dayniile. 24/02/09 Muqdisho.


Dagaal socday ku dhawaad mudo 10-saac oo Xiriir ah oo Caawa Maqribkii istaagay ayada oo la maqlayo Rasaas Teel Teel ah, hal,ka garabyada dagaalamay ay Guulo kala sheeganayaan….


Waxaa Caawa fiidkii joogsaday Dagaal aad u Qaraar oo bilaawday Saakay Waaqbarigii, kaasi oo u dhaxeeyay sida la sheegay Ciidamada Amisom oo ay ka garab Dagaalamayaan Ciidamadii Dowlada ee TFG-da oo wata Dareeskii Hore iyo Xoogaga Xisbul Islaam oo uu Hogaamniyo DR: Cumar iimaan abuubakar.



Dagaalkan oo ahaa mid aad u Culus ayaa galabta mar qaboobay hadana waxa uu ka bilaawday Goobihii uu ka socday, waxayna wararku sheegayaan in Magaalada laga maqlayo Daryanka Madaafiicda gaar ahaan Isgoyska Sayidka oo laga Ridayo Qoriga taangiga ah kaasi oo lagu garaacayo Xaafadaha Balacsea, baar Ubax ilaa Xaafada al-Baraka.



Sidoo kale galabta gabaldhicii ayaa waxaa Hubka Mootarka lagu garaacay Xarunta madaxtooyada, lamina oga qasaaraha ka dhashay balse waxaa Tiro madaafiic ah oo u badan taangi ku garaacay magaalada Ciidamada Ugandha ee Jooga isgoyska Sayidka.

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Originally posted by Meiji:

So far, there is no one faction that has adopted the correct strategy and is prepared to genuinely advance and defend the interest and security of
Mogadishu society
and Somalia in general.

What is that? Reviving the Sr Aydeed dream of anarchy or Moryanism sovereignty?

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To those thinking (or silently hoping) that Mogadishu will become Kabul, read carefully and understand the implications.


Mogadishu society has matured politically.


Originally posted by Meiji:

Mogadishu will not become a Kabul.


Mogadishu people will resist both religious extremism and foreign backed regimes.


During the last struggles the inhabitants of Mogadishu have become more aware of their common desire for peace and stability and for the common threat arising from religious extremist groups like Alshabab, Aweys faction etc, and from foreign-created and backed regimes like the TFG and the now renewed version of it.


Those evils: religious extremism, warlords, self-styled representatives, and foreign-backed paper regimes, all are the product of the environment in Somalia, particularly Southern Somalia. An environment of
anarchy, moral decay, lack of common vision and unity, and ofcourse lack of internal instituional building for the interior regions leads to a situation were all self-serving factions that only aspire political power with no genuine consideration for the people's interest prolong the mayhem and prevent any peaceful internal development.


Fortunately, Mogadishu society has progressed and learned invaluable lessons during the years of struggle.


Ever since 1991, things have cyrstalized in Mogadishu society. To achieve the common desires and defend the common interest and security of the city and its inhabitants, the enivornment needs to be transformed into one that stimulates and supports peacefull internal development of institutions that can help the people cope with the harsh reality of statelessness.


Furthermore, to relief the city from overpopulation without the adequate infrastructure needed to support such a large population, it is also extremely important for the peacefull development of interior regions. Those regions where the majority of the current inhabitants of Mogadishu originated from.


That is the only road forward for the capital and Somalia, and the only strategy to better prepare the city and nation for the next Ethiopian invasion/occupation and its ugly consequences.

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