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Sool and Sanaag And Cayn Did Not Vote

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The people of Sanaag voting peacefully in the capital and the district.






Magaalo madaxda gobolka sanaag ee Ceerigaabo oo ay Saaka si habsami ah uga bilaabmay codaynta doorashada + SAWIRO



codbixiyeyaasha oo safan


Ceerigaabo (CRBO) waxaa saaka guud ahaan si habsami ah uga bilaabmay codaynta doorashada madaxtooyada gobolka sanaag guud ahaan waxaana ay dadku ku jiraan safaf dhaadheer oo ay dadku rabaan inay ka dhiibtaan codadkooda doorashadan ayaa ahayd mid ay mudo badan shacabka reer somaliland sugayeen waxaana maanta oo ay ku beegantahay 50 guuradii xornimada ee ay ka qaadatay dalka ingiriiska.mar aan booqday goobaha laga codaynayo qaar ka mida ayaa waxaa ay indhahaygu qabanayeen iyadoo ay dadku caawimayeen dadka taagta daran iyo waayeelka kuwaasoo ay u tix gelinayeen inay hore u codeeyaan

waxaa iyana wax aad loola yaabo ah iyadoo dadkii codaynaayay uu qof waliba danaynaayay inuu illaaliyo amniga isla markaana aanayba askarta goobaha intooda badani haysan wax saxmada



Isugayn: Gobolka sanaag waxaa ka codaynaya

146369 (boqol iyo lix iyo afartan kun, saddex boqol iyo

sagaal iyo lixdan).

Ceerigaabo oo keliya waxa codkooda ka dhiibanaya

74462 (afar iyo toddobaatan kun, afar boqol iyo laba iyo lixdan)


wixii warara ee ka soo kordha waan idin la soo socodsiin doonaa


Weriye farxaan Maxamuud Xidig.

Shebekeda Wararka ee

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Yeah, the old "Universal tv showed it." Xaaji likes that one! But when I go on their site, or watched it, I Never saw it.


I understand the pictures in Hareysa, but why not any of the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS,that voted in Sool and Sanaag as you allege? So you dont go to polling stations throughout the region?


Come on!

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sxb like i said go on bbc, universal, voa and they all confirm it... but then again they all making lies right....


and when the numbers are released you will say its all lies... so just do what you do best deny whats in front of your eyes...


i have feeling its due disapointment at the lack of action from the ssc and pirateland crew to stop the election in sool and sanaag....

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I just said, BBC, VOA are all going by what your authorties tell them, and are most likely only in the triangle, where I admit voting is high.'


I also, believe that their were elections held throughout your territory, but that the numbers were very low and in some cases non-existent. That is why we see very clear video's and pics from the triangle, but the rest are very blurry and poor quality. Or they will just show a small group, compared to a pretty big city like Erigavo.


I believe your side purposely made it this way, to show the pics of the triangle but to neglect the other area's.


The same reason why Riyaale never campaigned in Lascaanod and other contested area's.

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Thankful , seems you are angry that the election has finally taken place peacefully and is over and all the outsiders watching how mature somaliland is compared to it's southern and pirate counterpart.

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They show pics from the tribal triangle but then they want us to take their word on area's outside of it. You dont think the international community is aware that turnout was high only in a certain place and the rest is a fraud?



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Because i'm asking for a pic? Hargeysa had tons of pics with long lines, but nowhere else! Well enough with that, I said this enough times.


I will say though that if Riyaale does not win again, I'll give your enclave full credit, if they can exchange power peacefully. I highly doubt he will lose, he will win another time. As the dominant tribe knows what will happen with Boorama.

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the bbc, voa, universal, aljezeera, and international election observers did not get any information from admin they had reporters and representative in each gobol live feeds are coming all through the day and up to now....


now maybe the reporters and las anod and ceerigabo and borame and burco were all government agents .... lol



believe what you may but you cannot escape the spectaculler failure of the pirateland and ssc junta to derail the process :D

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Show me live feeds, outside of the triangle!


Look at and you will see that they have video's and pics from the three cities, but nothing on SOOL or SANAAG. Again I am not saying these places never had voting booths, but both you and I know Qudac that the "THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS" you saying showed up in Sool and Sanaag, never did!!!!


The media coverage focuses on one area, so dont exaggerate.

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you a joke sxb... now all the international observers, bbc, voa, aljeziira, have all made it up..


puntland failed to do anything thats why you mad :D


ssc junta couldnt even stop widhwidh voting loool thats why you mad :D


sool has rejected your call for bloodshed thats why you mad :D

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bbc, voa,and aljeziira, Goormay noqdeen international observers!!!! i thought they are just media Org! |Get real reer Marfashland !

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Hater stop hating lol from BBC, new York times, CNN, and most respected news oulets reported all regions west and east that voted. You guys and scream triangle this but the world have seen vast people throughout Somaliland that voted

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