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Sool and Sanaag And Cayn Did Not Vote

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Sol, Sanag & Ceyn oo intooda badan doorasho ka dhicin

26 Jun 26, 2010 - 3:00:18 AM



Wararka naga soo gaaraya degaanka Kalabeyr oo 30km u jirta magalada Laascaano ayaa waxaa ku dhintey madaxii doorashada Somaliland kadib markii ay dagaal la galeen dadka degaanka oo diidan codbixintaan.


Wararka ayaa intaas ku daraya in magalooyinka waaweyn ee gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn aysan ka dhicin wax doorasho ah ee la sheegi karo halka warar aan la xaqiijin sheegayaan in magaalada Ceerigaabo muran xoog weyn ka tagaan yahay oo dhinaca codbixinta ah kasoo u dhexeeya xisbiyada UDUB iyo KULMIYE.


Xisbiyadaan ayaa warar aan la xaqiijin sheegayaan iney bixinayaan lacago laaluush ah oo mid walba raadinayo in sanaadiiqda ku buuxsadaan.


Magaalada Dhahar iyo Baran oo ay ku sugan yihiin wafti heer sare ah oo ka tirsan Xukuumada Puntland ayaa sheegaya ineysan jirin wax codbixin ah oo halkaas ka dhacdey.


Hadaaftimo wararka ka imaanaya ayaa la sheegaya in halkaas sanaadiiq codbixin oo taaley laga saarey kadib markii xubnihii wadey oo ka tirsanaa dadka degaanka ay amar ku siiyeen wafti uu hogaaminaya Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Puntland Ilkajiir iney ka baxaan halkaas.


Magaalada Laascaano ayaa wararku sheegayaan in xaaladu kacsan tahay iyadoo sanaadiiqda codbixinta tahay mid isu-soo bax balaaran uusan jirin oo lagu qarinayo goobo qarsoon.


Tuulooyinka degaamadaas ayaa waxaa ku sugan dhinaca kale xildhibaano ka tirsan Barlamanka Puntland.


Guddi doorashada Somaliland ayaa horey u shaaciyey maalintii shaley tirada dadka ka qayb galeysa doorashada iyada oo gobolka Sool lagu qorey iney iska diiwaan galisay 98,000 halka Sanaag lagu sheegey 48,000.


Goob joogayaal ku sugan magaalada Hargeysa ayaa GO u sheegey in doorashada Somaliland ka dhacey magaalooyinka waaweyn sida Burco, Hargeysa iyo Barbera iyo degaanada ku hareereysan kuwaasoo ay degan yihiin tageerayaasha xisbiyada ku hardamaya madaxtinimada Somaliland [uDUB, KULMIYE iyo UCID].


"Waxaa la filayaa in codadka lagu daro degaanada ay sheegato Somaliland ee gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn iyada lagu khaldayo ra'yi caalamka," sidaas waxaa yiri goob jooge ku sugan Hargeysa oo diidey magaciisa in la xuso.


Garowe online ayaa sii guud idinku soo gudbin doona warbixino sida ay u dhacdo codbixintaan.



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Qudhac hiding in 1 bedroom isn't voting lol. Puntland said the election is not happening therefore it's not going to happen sool/sanaag.


Hargeisa-Burco-Berbera is where the election is happening.

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"Waxaa la filayaa in codadka lagu daro degaanada ay sheegato Somaliland ee gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn iyada lagu khaldayo ra'yi caalamka," sidaas waxaa yiri goob jooge ku sugan Hargeysa oo diidey magaciisa in la xuso.

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oodweyne, ok let me break it down for you once again as you simply don't get it ama you just keep accepting the lies of your brothers in hargeisa. Read carefully this article!!!


Breakaway Somalia Region Holds Peaceful Presidential Election

June 26, 2010, 12:52 PM EDT


By William Davison


June 26 (Bloomberg) -- Somaliland, a breakaway region of northwestern Somalia, held a presidential election that was mostly peaceful today, with fighting limited to a disputed eastern region, international election observers said.


Most of the polling stations were orderly and organized, said Richard Williamson, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and presidential envoy to Sudan, who along with International Republican Institute President Lorne Craner is leading the Washington-based group’s team of election observers. Military vehicles are patrolling the capital city of Hargeisa and all private vehicles and public transport have been ordered off the roads.


The election in one of the few peaceful and democratic territories in the Horn of Africa has been delayed for two years because of wrangling over voter registration. President Dahir Riyale Kahin of the United Peoples’ Democratic Party is facing challenges from Ahmed Mahmoud Silanyo of the Kulmiye party and Faisal Ali Warabe from the Justice and Welfare Party. About 1 million people are registered to vote.


“It’s good for stability, their future and can do nothing but help them to get international recognition and investment,” Williamson said in an interview.


A female electoral commission officer was shot dead in fighting between Somaliland forces and rebel group Sool Sanaag Cayn in the troubled eastern region of Sool, according to an international election coordination mission led by London-based development charity Progessio. Voting hasn’t taken place in the area, said Michael Walls, joint coordinator of the mission.


Riyale became president of the former British colony in 1992 and won election to the post in 2003, after his party defeated the opposition Kulmiye party by 80 votes. Somaliland declared independence from Somalia in 1991 and largely escaped the violence in the remainder of Somalia. No country has recognized Somaliland as an independent state.


The polls closed at 6 p.m. local time.


--Editors: Kristen Hallam, Andrew Noel


To contact the reporter on this story: William Davison in Hargeisa via London at


To contact the editor responsible for this story: Dick Schumacher at

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oodweyne, garoweonline is very well respected media outlet. Don't accuse it of propaganda because I can guarantee you what they say on garoweonline is always backed up with solid evidence!!!


Now lets go back to where we were.


"Waxaa la filayaa in codadka lagu daro degaanada ay sheegato Somaliland ee gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn iyada lagu khaldayo ra'yi caalamka," sidaas waxaa yiri goob jooge ku sugan Hargeysa oo diidey magaciisa in la xuso.

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Oodweyne I can't help you can not read english. The article clearly states "voting hasn't taken place in sool".


Let me bold it out for you.


A female electoral commission officer was shot dead in fighting between Somaliland forces and rebel group Sool Sanaag Cayn in the troubled
eastern region of Sool
, according to an international election coordination mission led by London-based development charity Progessio.
Voting hasn’t taken place in the area
, said Michael Walls, joint coordinator of the mission.

The guy is speaking about sool as a whole or else he wouldn't mention the whole region. He says voting has taken place in the area and the area he is talking about is sool because he said sool not degaan of sool.


This article is speaking about the whole sool region not taking part in the election or else what else is it saying?

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Sanaag iyo Doorashooyinka Somaliland

Warkii 26-Jun-2010 iyo Qormadii: NEWS

Waxaa maanta ka socta cod bixinta Soomaliland oo si rasmiya uga bilaabantay Soomaliland. gobolka Sanaag ayaa codbixintu uga soctaa sidii loogu tala galay. Codbixinta ayaa waxaa ay ka socotaa dhamaan Somaliland sida Sanaag. Waxa jiray carqalado la damcay in lagu hakiyo codbixintii magaalada Hadaaftimo taasoo Markii danbe ku dhamaatay la xaliyo xalay xili dambe ah waxaana la go,aamiyay in la Codeeyo iyadoo ay fasaxeen Suladaan siciid Suladaan Cabdisalaan Axmed Ismaacil Suldaan iyo Xasan Maxamed Saalax (Soomaali). Xaaji Ismaaciil Maxamed Shire iyo Cuqaal fara badan oo kaoo kicitimay magaalada badhan






Kuwaas oo ka codsaday inaan dhiig lagu daadin Karin deegaanka kii doonayaana ha Codeeyo kii diidayaan yaanu codayn laakiin looma baahna gacan ka hadal keeni kara in Dadka wada dhashay isku dhacaan






Dhinaca dhahar ayaa iyadana waxa ka jira cabashooyin ku aadan in wasiiro ma talaya Xisbiga talada ahaya ay doonayaan inay leexsadaan sanaadiiqda inkastoo cuqaashu Baaqa ka soo saareen inaan lagu loolamin degmada maamulada iska soo horjeeda Hadana meel ka baxsan ayay ka socotaa codayntu siduu noogu soo waramay mid kamida Xubnaha doorashooyinku






Waxay kaloo cod bixintu ka socotaa dhanka Damale xagare iyo Carmale iyo tuulooyinka Ku dhow dhow oo dhan ayaa Wasiirka Kaluumaysigu sheegay inay siiyaan codkooda cidii Dani ugu jirto



dooroshooyinkan ayaa guu dhici doona gobolka sanaag intiisa badanwaxaana loo badinayaa in dadka deegaankaasi ay u codaynayaan xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee kulmiye Xasan Soomaali iyo Axmed Xaaji Cali Cadami yaa iyana aad ugu hawlan ololaha doorashada.






Waxaanay hada codayntu ka socotaa meel magaalada ka baxsan sadex kilo mitir Halkaasoo ay amaankeeda sugayaan ciidamo ka socda Somaliland oo u dhashay Deegaanka hadaaftimo.



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Originally posted by Qudhac:




only few villages did not vote


over 90@ of sanaag was able to vote....


ceerigabo voted

las anod voted

burco voted

berbera voted

hargeisa voted

borame voted

Stop with the lies, just for once. The video you just showed, did not even show one long line up. You think we will be fooled by it? A camera angle showing a guard standing at a door and a few people, or a crowd of people walking in the market area. Did you watch the video?


So this vido show's people voting in the thousands right? This has always been my point, there are dozens and dozens of pics from Buroa, Bebera, and Hargeysa, with tons of video's. But anywhere else, there are a lack of evidence, and cheap video's like.


THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS...please just give it a rest

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over 200 locations ayaa loo qoondeeyay sool...


only 32 locations did not carry out the vote..


listen to both bbc and voa


the number of people voted in each gobol will be released anyway.... so iska sug

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So where are pictures of these locations?? Why is there only extensive coverage of the triangle?? Where we can we see the massive lines of these 200 locations in Sool?


You know a picture says a thousand words? Are we suppose to believe what the radio stations are saying? Because we know they are getting their info from pro-NW Somalia outlets.


Come on, if you can show the dozens of pics of long line ups in Hargeysa, then show us them in Sool and Sanaag.

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Cowke, the link you posted clearly says eastern sool, is not even sool , but eastern kalabaydh areas, anyways AUN to that innocent commissioner killed the rebels shall be held accountable.

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Eastern Sool because according to somaliland sools lies in the eastern areas where-as puntland constitution says "waqoyi bari"..waqoyi=sool and sanaag and bari=mudug/nugal/bari

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the picture are of hargeisa as its the capital and biggest


does that mean thousands didnt vote in ceerigabo, borame, saylac, berbera.....


why would you need picture when you can it with your eyes..


universal Tv was showing those... i gues you want to put fingers in your ears and close your eyes to the tune of lalalalalalalalala

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I don't foresee a smooth of transiton of power in somaliland. What I foresee is a great backlash if siilanyo enters office and it will be split down tribal lines. Where-as if Riyale stays in power which I think he will Siilanyo will just disappear and las anod will come to puntland and erigavo also.


The whole deal puntland went into with boqor burmadow was to leave that region alone untill silanyo gets into power and siilanyo will hand those regions over peacefully. However if siilanyo doesn't enter office we will use military force against rayale and his stooges.


So really these elections seem interesting and can't wait for the results

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