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Sherban Shabeel

The King of Rats

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" Certain species of rattus norvegicus practice what naturalists call Electing the King of Rats. During a whole day, young males fight amongst each other, killing the weak with their sharp incisors, until only two contenders are left. The winner is proclaimed King and is recognized as the best rat of the tribe. All the other bow their heads, ears tilted back or show their behinds in sign of submission.


He nibbles on their noses, accepting their allegiance. The subjects bring him the best food, the most perfumed females, give him the best alcove in which to sleep in. But he has barely had time to get accustomed to these pleasures when something strange happens.


Two or three of the male subjects, who only hours before had bowed down before their King, descend upon him, biting his throat open and eviscerating him. Then they carefully crack open the King's skull, extract his brain, divide it in pieces and share it with the whole tribe. They hope that consuming this will give everyone some of the supreme power of the individual they had elected King.


Therefore, beware when you are offered a throne. It might be the throne of the King of Rats. "

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Interesing take!


But it's not the good-hearted president that's marching right into the striking defeat. I am sure he knows that one should not stop carrying out one’s aspirations because of the violent acts of a deviant group. Patience is the only ally he currently has, and when the ruthless nature of this rushed war finally starts to sprout and engulf, time will prove what he tried was not wrong.

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Woe unto poor Sheekh Shariif, the good-hearted President. He had no idea what God-forsaken throne he was accepting

Had Sheekh Shariif conducted himself like a Muslim and upheld the principles of Al-Walaa wal Baraa


Had Sheekh Shariif carried himself as a Somali patriot and didn't pledge eternal fealty to Ethiopia and the Antarnashanal Kaamoonity


Had Sheekh Shariif reached out the thoroughbreds he once led and readily deserted in the jungles of Jubba


Had Sheekh Shariif not surronded himself with the men who coined the term "Moori.yaaan'ism" in the Somali lexicon.


Had Sheekh Shariif not 'donated' 116,000 sq km of the Somali sea teeming with rich fisheries and national resources



Had any of that took place, he would have a fighting chance. But as he since proved to all observers, including his fake government: He is a coward. He is a hypocrite. More importantly, above any personal failings, he is a puppet tasked to subdue the Free Somalis of the Horn Africa. And he will disgracefully fail in that mission.


The facts on the ground hang him and condemn him more violently than anything I could say in these forums.


Defend him all you want, homey; history will faithfully record him in it's as annals as the face of Gun'nimo, Gaalo-raac'nimo, and treason.

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Had Sheekh Shariif conducted himself like a Muslim and upheld the principles of Al-Walaa wal Baraa


Had Sheekh Shariif carried himself as a Somali patriot and didn't pledge eternal fealty to Ethiopia and the Antarnashanal Kaamoonity


Had Sheekh Shariif reached out the thoroughbreds he once led and readily deserted in the jungles of Jubba


Had Sheekh Shariif not surronded himself with the men who coined the term "Moori.yaaan'ism" in the Somali lexicon.


Had Sheekh Shariif not 'donated' 116,000 sq km of the Somali sea teeming with rich fisheries and national resources



Had any of that took place, he would have a fighting chance. But as he since proved to all observers, including his fake government: He is a coward. He is a hypocrite. More importantly, above any personal failings, he is a puppet tasked to subdue the Free Somalis of the Horn Africa. And he will disgracefully fail in that mission.


The facts on the ground hang him and condemn him more violently than anything I could say in these forums.


Defend him all you want, homey; history will faithfully record him in it's as annals as the face of Gun'nimo, Gaalo-raac'nimo, and treason.

God stay your wicked tongue, for it does us all great injustice.


In response to your statements:


Shariif has always conducted himself as a Muslim and I DARE YOU to come up with proof that this is not so.


He never pledged allegiance to Ethiopia, nor the international community. He negotiated with Ethiopia to get the troops out and got in touch with the international community, so that he is recognized internationally. If you're not recognized internationally, you're in danger.


May I just add here that the international community doesn't give a rat's (sic) *** about Somalia? You keep portraying outside countries as opportunistic colonizers, but the sad truth is other countries don't give a shit about Somalia anymore. Everyone's lost faith. Furthermore, people who are not Somali and who DO care for Somalia - such as yours truly - are increasingly rare.


But back to your statements:


The President always reached out to the "thoroughbreds" of the jungles of Jubba, and had repeatedly said he wants peace with all rebel groups, but the "thoroughbreds" were too hard-headed to listen. It was either their way or the highway. In that respect, your beloved fighters acted like a silly 5-year old child.


Sheekh Shariif wouldn't have needed to surround himself with warlords if the "thoroughbreds" had stayed loyal to him and supported him. He had to buy the warlords because he couldn't defeat them single-handedly.


"116,000 sq km of the Somali sea teeming with rich fisheries and national resources"??? Really? Who told you that area was teeming with rich fisheries and national resources? I'd like to see some proof if you don't mind. Also, did you ever stop to think that the money from selling that 116,000 square km can finance a whole fishing industry? Imagine how many fishing boats can be bought, how many canning factories can be built! What good is the sea if you can't exploit it?



All in all, you are a master of rhetoric and I would gladly hire you as my Minister of Propaganda should I become a great man someday. But when it comes down to proving your accusations, you don't do so good.


THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON YOU, as you are the accuser. Proove Shariif is a traitor and I will ask you to accept my apologies.


The fact is Shariif didn't betray Somalia. Somalia betrayed him. His old pals should have stayed loyal, but their false pride filled them with envy and pushed them to the brink of madness.


Fight on, my dear homie, fight on! But one day you will tire and will want to sit down. But there will be nothing for you to sit down on, because you will have destroyed everything.

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