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General Duke

Courts capture A/qaybdeed HQ...

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"Waxaan kaliya oo aan aqbalayo waxay tahay in marka hore Maxkamo Islaami laga furo Marka, Baraawe iyo Afgooye, maxay tahay waxaa laga raadinayo Muqdisho" ayuu yiri Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeybdiid).

"Ma Aqbalayo wax aan ka jirin Baraawe, Afgooye, Marko waxaas oo lagu raadinayo Magaalada Muqdisho" ayuu yiri Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid oo sheegay in xalay soo weerareen niman sheeganaya Magaca Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamka balse ay yihiin beel...



Xataa kaaba qabiilkii weynaa Nusdiid ayaaba sheekadooda awalba la ogaa, laakiin duruufaadka jiro ku kaliftay in uu banaanka usoo saaro maanta dhabta jirto.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

A/qaybdeed, should hand over his guns to the courts to spare any blood shed. Whats the point of fighting? His clan has a court it is Alfurqan...

Why should he do that? In his time he refused to hand it over to Aydeed Sr. and I dont think he is willing to hand it over to the Courts either. The Al-Furqaan Court is only a diversion just like those in Dayniile, Balaad, Jowhaar. The core of command of the courts is with Goobale, Delaf, Indha-Caade, Awys et al. The relations between this individuals is sub-clan of which Qeybdiid is not a member thus reluctant to hand over his weapons to a court (Al-Furqaan) which they superficialy created to

expand their dominance.

On the other hand it is emerging that Abukar Cadani a financial backer of the ICU is infuriarated by the attack on Qeybdiid questioining its motive.

ICU or even its core fighters that derive from the same clan as Qeybdiid who were powerful and skilful enough to chase out Qanyare, Caalin, Sudi et al are not really capable of military confronting Qeybdiid. They fear if that was to happen they will loose over 50% of its gains.

Now it is up to them whether to handle this diplomatically or risk the consequneces. On the other hand Qeybdiid could be skillful enough and declare himself and his troops part of the Natinal Army of Somalia who take instructions from the TFG. Thus making him nominally the TFG force in Mogadishu which will give him the immunity of the cease-fire deal reached in Khartoum between the TFG and ICU, I pressume.

The face value if ICU miltary power will diminish if they put Qeybdiid in a position to merge with the TFG.

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Originally posted by Xarago:

quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

A/qaybdeed, should hand over his guns to the courts to spare any blood shed. Whats the point of fighting? His clan has a court it is Alfurqan...

Why should he do that? In his time he refused to hand it over to Aydeed Sr. and I dont think he is willing to hand it over to the Courts either. The Al-Furqaan Court is only a diversion just like those in Dayniile, Balaad, Jowhaar. The core of command of the courts is with Goobale, Delaf, Indha-Caade, Awys et al. The relations between this individuals is sub-clan of which Qeybdiid is not a member thus reluctant to hand over his weapons to a court (Al-Furqaan) which they superficialy created to

expand their dominance.

On the other hand it is emerging that Abukar Cadani a financial backer of the ICU is infuriarated by the attack on Qeybdiid questioining its motive.

ICU or even its core fighters that derive from the same clan as Qeybdiid who were powerful and skilful enough to chase out Qanyare, Caalin, Sudi et al are not really capable of military confronting Qeybdiid. They fear if that was to happen they will loose over 50% of its gains.

Now it is up to them whether to handle this diplomatically or risk the consequneces. On the other hand Qeybdiid could be skillful enough and declare himself and his troops part of the Natinal Army of Somalia who take instructions from the TFG. Thus making him nominally the TFG force in Mogadishu which will give him the immunity of the cease-fire deal reached in Khartoum between the TFG and ICU, I pressume.

The face value if ICU miltary power will diminish if they put Qeybdiid in a position to merge with the TFG.
I think you have wrong information, qeybdid have nothing to confront against the courts he is militarily weaker then Maxamed Dheere and Qanyare.

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

Funny dress!, tuutihii CIA-du u qaybisay ayuu soo xirtay, what kind of signal is he sending out?



You make me laugh, Walaahi! :D:D:D:D ala yaa ila qosla

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A/Qaybdeed neither supported the government nor the courts.


He will only cause more fighting and his power has diminished since his friends in the allaince lost in Mogadishu. The TFG does not need A/qaybdeed, nor his millitias.


His best bet is to hand over all is guns to the court which is close to him. Thus preventing Inda Cade/Aaways from getting his postion.

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