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General Duke

3000 new recruits from Hiiraan are ready for training

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^^^There is enough proof, saxib

..........Here is Fuad Khalaf threatening to close down schools, universities in order to send children to fight..

“Waxaan maanta caddeynayaa in haddii ay dhacdo xabadda ugu horeysa ee dagaalka

Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya ay golaha maxkamaduhu xiri doonaan goobaha ganacsiga,

iskuulada, iyo Jaamacaddaha, macalin kasta iyo arday walba wuxuu ka qeyb geli doonaa

dagaalka Jihaadka ah” ayuu yir Sheekh Fu’aad oo intaasi ku daray in dhalinyarada

Soomaaliyeed ay hadda iska sii xaadiriyaan jiidaha hore ee dagaalka

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^Your proof proves nothing. Where did Khalaf say the students will come from? From the universities and schools (definitely high schools). This means grownup physically-fit students. Khalaf didn't say they will come from elementary or middle schools. As for whether 17-19 year olds are fit for combat; most are fit, and even the ranks of Western armies include combatants of such ages. So, it's still a TFG propaganda. And until we hear from ICU leaders that they used kids unfit for combat, it will remain a TFG propaganda.


As for the pictures, it proves nothing. Those children are there for moral support for ICU fighters.

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^^^Taliban you are making a much a do about nothing saxib, Khalaf said, all schools will be closed, then they paraded yellow shirts and even younger children with guns, so the pictures lie and so does the statement of Mr Khalaf?

Give it up saxib..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Khalaf said, all schools will be closed, then they paraded yellow shirts and even younger children with guns, so the pictures lie and so does the statement of Mr Khalaf?

Give it up saxib..

The pictures are about banaanbax; it's not about fighters going to the frontlines. Along with the young children, grownup girls were also carrying assault rifles; to display a show of support for the ICU. The pictures you have posted have been posted in one or more topics weeks ago; the propaganda behind the posting has been debunked and discredited. So, it still remains a TFG propaganda. There are only two ways you can convince us:


1. Pictures of fallen ICU kids.


2. ICU leaders saying they sent kids unfit for combat to the frontlines.


Until then, it remains what it's; TFG propaganda.

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If this news is true, I wonder what will the general public in Hiiraan[anti occupation pro-ICU region] say when they hear their sons are working for the same occupation forces that bombed their cities and killed some of their citizens.

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^^^Saxib if they parade armed children in a demo and then threaten to close all schools, and then children are captured in war, is all this a propganda from one side, did the TFG make them parade children with guns?

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SYL, the people of Hiiraan have already welcomed and promised to work with the admin set up by the TFG, and thus they know that these boys are becoming part of the new armed forces to be trained by the Ethiopians, Ugandans and others.

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new Iraqi army 300 thousand troops strong


+ 150 thousand occupying troops


- any progress??



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Originally posted by David_Letterman:

new Iraqi army 300 thousand troops strong


+ 150 thousand occupying troops


- any progress??



Good point.

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