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Karaan falls , Cadowe killed Suudi flees

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WAR DEG DEG AH: Xildhibaan Eng Caddow oo ku geeriyooday dagaalkii galabta ka dhacay Kaaraan


War goor dhow na soo gaaray ayaa xaqiijinaya in dagaalkii galabta ka dhacay Degmada Kaaraan uu ku geeriyooday Xildhibaan Maxamed Xuseen Caddow oo loo yaqaanay Eng. Caddow.


Warka ayaa intaa ku daraya in Xildhibaan Eng. Caddow uu ku dhintay dagaalka,hase ahaatee lama xaqiijin karo inuu dagaalka ka qeyb galayay,inkastoo uu maalmihii la soo dhaafay ka mid ahaa Mudanayaashii Baarlamaanka ee ka waday W/Muqdisho abaabulada dagaalka.


Geerida Xildhibaankan oo ka mid ahaa siyaasiyiintii iyo hogaamiye kooxeedyadii,ayaa noqoneysa dhabar jab kale oo Dowladda ay wajaheyso,iyadoona shalay qarax ismiidaamin lagu dilay Wasiirkii Amniga Qaranka Col. Cumar Xaashi, maalin ka horna uu dagaal ka dhacay Hodan ku dhintay Taliyihii Ciidamada Booliska G/Banaadir Cali saciid.


Wixii warar ee ku soo kordha kala soco wararkeena dambe


Hoyga wararka Somaliyed m

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Inj.Caddow oo Ku Dhintey Dagaal Galabtey Ka Dhacay Degmada Kaaraan.


Friday, June 19th, 2009 at 7:22 pm

Horseed Media

News Desk


Weriyaha Horseed Media ee muqdisho ayaa ku soo waramaya in galabtay uu ku dhintey Inj.Maxamed Xuseen Caddow dagaal ka dhacay Degmada Kaaraan ee Muqdisho


Inj.Caddow ayaa ka mid ahaa xildhibaano maalmihii la soo dhaafey abaabul ka wadey Xaafadda Kaaraan halkaas oo hoygiisu ku yaaley.



Inj.Maxamed Xuseen Caddow

Dagaalka galabta oo ahaa mid aad culus ayaa la sheegayaa in Inj.Caddow uu ka soo gaarey Dhaawac halis ah, wax yar kadibna waa nafbaxay.


Inj.Caddow ayaa ka mid ahaa Siyaasiyiintii Muqdisho ee soo caan baxay dhamaadkii sanadihii sagashamaadkii, waxa uu gacansaar weyn lalahaan jirey Hogaamiye Kooxeedkii hore Muuse Suudi Yalaxow.


Sanadkii 2004 Inj. Caddow Rabbi ha u naxariistee waxa uu isu sharaxay xilka madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, waxaa uu ka galay Kaalinta Sadexaad.


Inj. Caddow ayaa ka mid ahaa Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, dilka Caddow ayaa ku soo aadaya maalin kadib markii fal ismiidaamin ah lagu diley Wasiirkii Amniga Qaranka.



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Dagaal xoogan oo haatan ka socda degmada Kaaraan iyo xoogaga mucaaradka oo gudaha u soo galay degmadaasi.


Dagaal aad u xoog badan oo la isku adeegsanayo hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa waxa uu ka socdaa degamada kaaran iyadoo xoogaga ka soo horjeeda dowlada soomaliya ay gudaha u soo galeen iyagoona heysta qeyb ka mid ah degmada kaaraan ee waqooyiga muqdisho.


Dagaalkan ayaa geystay qasaare xoogan iyadoo aan iminka la ogaan karin tirada rasmiga ah ee dadka ay waxyeelada ka soo gaaratay maadaama uu dagaal weli ka socda gudaha degmada kaaraan ee Magaalada Muqdisho.


Maleeshiyaadka xoogaga mucaaradka oo beryihii dhawaa ku suganaa duleedka degmada Kaaraan markii ay halkaasi ka soo bixiyeen ciidamada Dowlada ayaa haatan waxaa u suuro gashay inay gudaha u galaan degmada Kaaraan oo ka mid aheyd goobihii ay gacanta ku heysay dwolada Soomaliya.


Inta badan dadka ku dhaqan degmadaasi ayaa maalmihii dhawaa barac ku jiray waxaana weli halkaasi ku harsan dad aysan u suuro gelin inay barakaacn oo aanan ogeyn meel ay u dhaqaaqaan madaama ay dagaaladu ka socdaan inta badan Magaalada Muqdsiho.


Magaalada muqdisho ayaa waxaa ka socda dagaalo culus iyadoona xasuuq ba'an loo geysanayo shacabka aan waxba galabsan ee nool magaalada muqdisho, shacabka ayaa ah had iyo jeer dadka ay qaasarada lixaadka leh ka soo gaarto dagaalada muqdisho ka socda.


ma jirto wax xabad joojin oo ay labada dhinaca sameynayaan iyadoo sidoo kalena aysan jirin cid isku dayaysa inay kala dhex gasho oo ay ku kala dab qaado labada dhinac waa maleeshiyaadka Mucaaradka iyo Ciidamada Dowlada Soomaliya.


Wixii ku soo kordha wararkani kala soco wararkeena danbe.


Hoyga wararka Somaliyed m

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Muqdisho: War deg deg ah Xoogaga mucaaradka oo la wareegay degmada Kaaraan iyo xildhibaan Ing;Cadaw oo geeriyooday isagoo dagaalka hogaaminaya

19. juni 2009


Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Dagaalo ka qarxay galabta degmada Kaaraan oo u dhaxeeyey ciidamada dawladda iyo xoogaga mucaaradka ayaa sababay in xoogaga mucaaradka ay qabsadaan dhamaan xaafadaha degmada Kaaraan .


Dagaalka oo ahaa mid aad u xoogan waxaa galabta uu galaaftay nolosha dad lagu qiyaasay 15-qof oo uu ku jiro xildhibaan Ing:Cadaw oo ahaa hogaamiyihi dagaalka ee dhinaca dawladda.


Ing:Cadaw ayaa ku dhintay xaafada Mariino xili uu waday gaari uu ku xiranyahay boobaha culus ee loo yaqaano "Dhashiikaha" , waxaana la geeriyooday ridihii qoriga gaariga uu waday iyo laba Askari oo kale.


Mwydka Xildhibaan Cadaw ayaa la geeyey caawa guriga xildhibaan Salaad Cali Jeele oo ku yaala degmada C/casiis .


Xidlhibaano ay ka midyihiim Salad Jeele iyo Suudi Yalaxow ayaa wada guluf dagaal caawa , waxaana ay isku abaabulayaan mar kale dagaalka oo biri la qiyaasayo in uu dib u qarxi karo.


Wixi ku soo kordhaa kala soco xafiiska Muqdisho AllPuntland

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Xoogaga Mucaaradka oo caawa ku hoyanaya guud ahaan Degmada Kaaraan iyo Muuse Suudi oo ka baxay


Inkastoo mararka qaar la maqlayo rasaas goos goos ah ayaa waxaanu jirin wax dagaalo ah, oo caawa ka dhacay Degmada Kaaraan, kadib markii galabta iyo caawa fiidkii inta badan Degmadaas gacanta u gashay Xoogaga Mucaaradka, gaar ahaan Xarakada Alshabaab.


Xoogaga ka soo horjeeda dowladda ayaa ah kuwo guud ahaan caawa ku hoyanaya Degmada,waxaana Dowladda ay weysay mid ka mid ah degmooyinka ugu muhiimsan caasimada ka tirsanaa,taasoo aheyd meelihii dowladda sida tooska gacanta ugu heysato sanadihii u dambeeyay.


Wararka laga helayo degmadaas ayaa sheegaya in dagaaladii galabta ay ku dhinteen ilaa shan ruux oo rayid ah,waxaana la ogeyn qasaaraha kala gaaray ciidamada dowladda iyo kooxaha ka soo horjeeda oo dagaal ba'an dhex maray galabta, inkastoo laga soo saaray ciidamad inta badan degmada kaaraan.


Dagaalkii galabta ayaa waxaa ku dhintay Xildhibaan Eng. Maxamed Xuseen Caddow oo ka mid ahaa xildhibaanadii maalmahan abaabulka ballaaran ka waday W/Muqdisho,inkastoo aanay dowladda wax war ah ka soo saarin qaabka lagu dilay.


Sidoo kale war goor dhow na soo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in Xildhibaan Muuse Suudi Yalaxow uu caawa isaga baxay Degmada Kaaraan, gaar ahaan hoygiisii uu muddo ka deganaa Kaaraan, halkaasoo xarun weyn ugu aheyd xilligii uu ahaa Hogaamiye kooxeedka.


Ka bixitaanka Muuse Suudi ee degmada Kaaraan ayaa ka dambeysay kadib markii ay ku soo fideen degmada xoogaga mucaaradka,inkastoo aanay xaruntiisa ku sugneyn xoogaga,hase yeeshee xubno aad ugu dhow ayaa kula taliyay inuu ka soo baxo.


Lama oga sida ay xaalada noqon doonto iyo waxa berri is badali doona,laakiin waxaa la saadaalinayaa in dagaalada ay halkeeda ka sii bilaaban doonaa,maadaama xoogaga mucaaradka wali ku soo fidayaan magaalada inteeda kale oo wax yar uga harsan tahay.



Hoyga wararka Somaliyed m

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Wallahi, this is an especially blessed Friday.


Allahuma lakal xamd kuluh. Walakal shukr kuluh.

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Gentlemen, after the historical Islamist revolution of the summer of 2006, and as we find ourseleves in the summer of 2009, we are now witnessing the 2nd liberation of Mogadisho from Morrryyaan warlords and Munaafiq peaceniks. A major figure in the Dhoofaaray government was killed today as he was inciting his clan militia to fight, screaming: "Alaaayaaay Tolaaay Ba'aaaaay". Muuse Suudi has been forced to evacuate the bililiqo he has been squatting in.


The delicious irony is that the thoroughbred-mujahid s that were leading the attack are sons of Kaaraan themselves.


Things could not have been more clear, even for the blind that refuse see and the deaf that refuse to hear: On one side, you have Soomali oo isku bahaystay Magaca Ebbee iyo wax-tarka Umada Soomaliyeed. Motivated by the most noble of human sentiment and principles, Guusha waxay uu sugnaatay those who fight likay takoona kalimatullahi hiyal culyaa.


On the other side: Clan zeal, qabyaalad owr-kacsi, isbahasiga Gaalo iyo Gaalo-raac'yaal, calling for Ethiopian help, arming xaaraan-ku-nax morryaaan militia, cowering behind Ugandan tanks. A unqiue amalgamation of Kufr, Nifaaq, and Treason.


The hour of decisive victory draws ever the closer, inshallah. Guul iyo Gobonimo to the Sons of Somalia.


Meeji, Twisted Logic/RR, will you now call upon the Ethiopians to save Kaaraan from the 'foriegn hordes' that have conquered it smile.gif

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^^^Kashafa adeer Al Shabaab have already lost, your clan has lost its over saxib for the south as a power. You obviously dont realise anything, but thats the final verdict.

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Lol@your clan. 2009 aa lagu jiraa, and you're still thinking in terms of clans. I think you'll wake up when the Al-Shabaab flag is waving high above Garowe, just as it waves high above Kaaraan today.


The age of clan is over, abti. I know it's hard to let go of, seeing how it's been drilled into you and all, but really, even you should be able to see the writing on the wall. If clan meant anything 300,000 sq km of Somali soil would not have been conquered by the Sons of Somalia.



If clan meant anything, Abdullahi Yuusuf would not have chosen disgraceful exile in Yemen. (Ouch).


Why ? Because he knows his xaaraan-ku-nax clan milita cannot protect him from the Mujahideen. Just as the xaaraan-ku-nax clan militia of Cumar Xaashi were unable to save him from deserved death.


Caqliga ka shaqaysee, waraa.

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Kashafa: You have lost adeer,you might delude yourself but your whole fake religious hype is based on clan, and like in 2006 this is no more than Pyrrhic victory.


Only the foolish celebrate what they do not know. Sharif ahs lost no doubt, Xasan has lost no doubt. These mauarding Takfiri's will be wiped out. And the brunt will be suffered by your clan and the innocent civilians of Mogadishu.


hip-hop Mujahid get ready to start sending money for relatives who are being made into refugees by your hero's.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

Gentlemen, after the historical Islamist revolution of the summer of 2006, and as we find ourseleves in the summer of 2009, we are now witnessing the 2nd liberation of Mogadisho from Morrryyaan warlords and Munaafiq peaceniks.

This whole framework of political settlement for which the TFG part II is currently based on, was, I believe, conceived in this article of Hirad. But then, the author questioned whether this new experiment--where the two sides, the "fake" Islamists and their rising breed of clerics and the old political elite, if reconciled and merged, could lessen the rate of errors to zero and end the bloodshed and free the people they still hold in hostage. No one knows yet, but as it appears, neither has the upper hand nor is either one of them monolithic.



In his article, Somalia: a country in limbo between Islamism and Tribalism, dated on August 2006,


For now, Somalia is hanging between tribalism and Islamism as a system of government.
In the meantime, and pending the jury’s return on the choice between the two main proposed frames for government in today’s Somalia, can they be boxed in together into one ideology? No one knows! Today though, that is what reconciliation requires of the parties in contention for power in Somalia. Simply put, the coalition of Islamists are themselves denominated by their clannish divides; and the TFG is essentially a contrived juxtaposition of clans under the so-called 4.5-formula.
For the two parties to come to a settlement and form a government together, they will need to endorse one another’s ideologies and acknowledge each other’s structure. And, why not? Both tribalism and Islam have been here—coexisting for centuries.
Actually, what is new is the type of leadership. The wadads (clerics) and waranles (temporal leaders) of old had somehow managed to make it together. It seems that a similar expectation has become the challenge to the current political elite and to the new breed of political clerics, alike. Those two features—ideology and structure—of the differences between the two sides shall remain the knot they will need to work around, if not to resolve them completely. The question is: can they? Will they? What if they cannot? But then, one only hopes that that is the end of the problems. Because, even when, somehow, the division along temporal versus theocratic rule is finally, and if finally, resolved, there comes the next inherent problem.


Our Somali elite are intently bent on obtaining political posts—beyond reason, indeed. Every one of us requires offices for himself and then for his brothers, then for his cousins and, then, distant cousins, because they constitute one’s political party, so far. Ali Elmi Afyare, a Somali poet, had once observed in one of his poems of the sixties:
“Dawlad wada Karraanniyi dunidaba ma joogto eh”.
Roughly translated, it means: “There is no such a government where all of its people hold offices in the government”. This last Cabinet—in which more than one hundred of its two-hundred-and-seve nty-five member parliament held Cabinet posts—was typical. In the end, one wonders if it matters, at all, which ism works. After all, the average Somali citizen had been politically manipulated under the banner of one ism or another since independence in 1960. Former governments used nationalism, exploiting the greater Somalia goal, which only galvanized the neighboring countries towards Somalia and had almost rendered the young Somali Republic isolated in the international political and diplomatic circles. The Islamists and their cohorts seem to be repeating the same mistake today. They are forgetting that we have hardly recuperated from the damages the nation has suffered because of that misguided policy in their propaganda against the neighboring countries. The gullible people have also spent the last two decades without a government, suffering the designs and manipulations of its political elite, which kept them apart, stateless and doomed to become the victims of waste dumping, environmental degradation, poor social services and diminishing economic and industrial infrastructure. It shall be unfair that they do also become divided and manipulated in the name of their Faith this third time around—Islamism—God forbid. Hence I shall end this paper by quoting from the Qur’an again, that it might reach the eyes, ears and hearts of those who are wrongly trying to employ Islam as a political tool. I will conclude this piece with Ayah (256), Surah 2: Albaqarah, which reads as follows: “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.’


Abdalla a. Hirad


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Islamism is the clear uncontested victor in the Somali political landscape. Tribalism, on the other hand, is gasping it's last breath, and you can see it's proponents croaking their feeble arguments on these forums with sensational headlines like: "OMG, ZOMG, REER HEBEL PROMISE 100 YEAR WAR ON THE FIRE-BREATHING FORIEGNERS OF SHABAAB"


But they know they are dying. They know they are the past.


And they are fully cognizant, that we are the Future.


That we are Somalia.


And Somalia is us.

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