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The new isbaheysi

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Isbahaysi cusub oo ay ku mideysan yihiin Golihii Maxkamadaha Islaamka, Barlaamaanka Xorta iyo Jabhadaha ONLF iyo OLF, oo looga dhawaaqay Caasimaada dalka Eriteria ee Asmara


Jimco 09/06/07


Muqdisho - Isbahaysi Kooxo ku kacsan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo tan Dowladda Ethiopia, oo taageero ka helaya Dowladda Eriteria, ayaa lagu asaasay Caasimadda dalka Eriteria ee Asmara.


Ilo-wareedyo ay Idaacadda Codka Maraykanka soo xooraansatay, ayaa lagu ogaaday inay Kooxo ku kacsan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo tan Dowladda Itoobiya ay Isbahaysi ay ku mideysan yihiin kaga dhawaaqeen dabayaaqadii bishii hore ee May Shirweyne ay ku yeesheen Caasimadda dalka Eriteria ee Asmara.


Warbixinadda laga helayo ilo-wareedyo ku dhow xubnaha ugu muhiimsan Kooxaha ku dhawaaaqay Isbahaysiga, waxay Shirweynahaasi ugu magac-dareen “Kulankii Midowga iyo Heshiiska”, iyadoo uu Madaxweynaha dalka Eriteria, Issias Efewerki uu si wadajir isugu keenay ugu yaraan Afar Koxoood oo kala ah Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamka Soomaaliya, Xubnihii hore ee Barlaamaanka Soomaaliya ee la magac baxay Barlamaanka xorta ah iyo Jabhadaha Xoreynta [soomaali Galbeed] National Liberation Front “ONLF” iyo tan Oromadda ee Oroma Liberation Front “OLF”.


Wararku, waxay sheegayaan inay Kulaankaasi ka soo qeyb gaaleen Hoggaamiyaha Guddigii Fulinta ee GMIS, Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo Taliyaha Ciiddamadda ee Jabhadda Xoreynta [soomaali Galbeed] “ONLF” Admiral Maxamed Cumar Cismaan iyo Ra’isul-wasaare-ku-xigeenka Koowaad ee DFKMGS ee gadoodsan, Engineer Xuseen Maxamed Caydiid.


Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa waxay tilmaamayaan in Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed loo magacaabay Madaxa Garabka Siyaasadda ee Isbahaysiga Cusub, halka Admiral Maxamed Cumar Cismaan loo magacaabay Madaxa Garabka Milliteri ee Isbahaysiga mucaadka ku ah Dowladaha Federalka Soomaaliya iyo tan Itoobiya.


Dhinaca kale, Isbahaysiga u midoobay la-dagaalanka Dowladaha Somalia iyo Ethiopia, ayaa waxa uu asaaskiisa ku soo beegmay iyadoo ay Kumanaan Ciiddamo Somali iyo Ethiopian ah ay hawlgallo xooggan ka wadaan gudaha Magaalladda Muqdishu, isla markaana ay ku soo qabteen shixnaddo hub ah oo aad u fara badan, oo qaarkood lagu qariyey dhulka hoostiisa.


Xeeldheerayaasha, ayaa rumeysan in dhismaha Isbahaysigaasi uu carqalladeyn xooggan ku noqon karo dadaalka loogu jiro Deganaanshaha iyo Dib-u-hehsiisiinta dalka Somalia , isla markaana uu dagaalku u xuub-siiban karo Dagaal Saddex Geesood ah oo saamayn ku yeelan doona qeybo ka mid ah dalalka Somalia, Ethiopia iyo Eriteria.


, oo xiganeyso idaacadda

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Here's Geedi barking at this imminent threat to his puppet regime.


Somalia's Government Confirms Opposition Coalition Being Formed in Eritrea


By Alisha Ryu


09 June 2007


Somalia's interim Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi has confirmed a story reported by VOA on Friday about a coalition being established in Eritrea, composed of groups opposed to the Somali government and its main backer, Ethiopia. VOA Correspondent Alisha Ryu has the details from the Somali capital, Mogadishu.


In an interview with VOA, Prime Minister Gedi said his government is closely monitoring the activities of the newly-formed anti-government, anti-Ethiopian coalition, sponsored by Ethiopia's chief rival in the Horn, Eritrea.


On Friday, VOA reported that the coalition, established in late May, is believed made up of at least four major groups: Somalia's defeated Islamic Courts Union, Ethiopia's ****** National Liberation Front and the Oromo Liberation Front rebels, and anti-Ethiopian former parliament members of the Somali transitional government.


Prime Minister Gedi says an immediate goal of the Eritrean-based coalition is to derail a government-hosted Somali national reconciliation conference, scheduled to begin next Saturday in Mogadishu.


"They are pursuing activities that are aimed at spoiling the reconciliation process," he said. "Who is sitting in Asmara with the Eritrean government? They are not taking care of the interests of the Somali people. Those are enemies of the Somali people, and that is why they are forming this coalition. An alliance of Islamic courts and terrorists will never come in this country."


Somalia's interim government took power in Mogadishu in late December, after an Ethiopia-led offensive ended the Islamists' six-month rule.


At the time, the leadership of the Islamic Courts Union was thought to be divided between hardliners, who had formed links with extremist groups like the al-Qaida terror organization, and moderates, who largely did not support radical activities.


For months, western countries, led by the United States, urged Somalia's secular interim government to open a dialogue with Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, the leader of the court's moderate Executive Council and to include moderate Islamists in the national reconciliation talks, aimed at bringing peace to Somalia after 16 years of civil war.


But Prime Minister Gedi and other government officials have firmly opposed inviting any representatives of the Islamic Courts Union to the talks.


On Saturday, the Somali leader noted that Sheik Ahmed has been named political leader of the new coalition in Eritrea, slamming the door for good on western hopes that the interim government could reconcile with moderates in the courts.


"I do not know if you believe that there are moderates and they can join the reconciliation. If you believe it, it is not true," he added.


Many Somalis in war-torn Mogadishu doubt that a reconciliation conference can succeed without including the government's chief opponents.


Hundreds of Islamist supporters and nationalists angry over the presence of Ethiopian troops in the country are said to be active in the violent insurgency in the capital.



Somalia's Government Confirms Opposition Coalition Being Formed in Eritrea

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I think I agree with JB, this is a failure. Above all it is not what we expected from them. Yes they are an opposition, and an opposition with weight regarding their status - both parliament and cabinet members of the TFG - and ofcourse as leaders of the ICU which was the only entity to bring sound governance to Somalia for over 16 years. In this status they were a force to be reckoned with, but when they allign themselves with ONLF and OLF they have diminished their influential factor. Where are they demanding the changes to be made in, Somalia or Ethiopia.

The Eriterean president has surely messed up their priorities.

My suggestion, they surely seriously embark on face-saving mission and re-state their aim - as Somali oppossition.

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The I.C.U were already aligned with these groups in particular the O.N.LF. Jabhada Xoreynta Somali Galbeed(not O.N..L.F) was previously called "Alitixaadka Somali Galbeed". Perhaps they should have not made this alliance so public. One wonders if Zenawi will be led into a regime change in Eritrea by the Americans?

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Ethiopia has been bold in its naked-ambition to illegally invade and occupy Somalia. Equally confronting and bold action should be used to drive it out. Mere opposition politically won't convince it to withdraw.


Although the full details have not been released as yet, alliances of the type thus far announced are well overdue. Ethiopia has been fearing an alliance of this type for decades. Its ironic that the actions it hoped would deter such alliances are the same ones which have precipitated its formation.


The only way to end the occupation is to hurt Ethiopia militarily. At this stage, the Ethiopians cannot be challenged militarily on Somali soil. It can, however, be hurt militarily inside Ethiopia. This was demonstrated by the ONLF's highly successfull attack against a Chinese oil installation. Creating alliances with the ONLF and OLF is strategically sound for that reason. What better way to put pressure on Ethiopia than to threaten it with attacks inside in its own territory while at the same time maintaining pressure politically.


This alliance will not damage the status of men such as Sheikh Sharif and former parliamentarians or their ability to function as a political opposition to the TFG. There are two battles to be fought. The harder one is against the Ethiopian occupation. This group have realised this. They've demonstrated their political astuteness by announcing this alliance at this critical stage.

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Nin aya asago Fataxada akhrisanaya aya mid kale so ag istagey, so kadaba yiri ..’amiin’! Ninki duceysanayay aya ku yiri “wa oroodo amiintada meel kale la tag – o Fataxada Fataxa ha iga darsan”


Anagi ayaba teena la yaban , o tala xumadeena ayey Axmaro dalki ku qabsadeen. Why do we need to enhance the scope, while we are failiing to counter the enemy in a smaller scale. Furthermore , the dilema of ONLF and OLF with its country of origin has existed long time, thus by merging with them are we theoritically accepting that we are in the same category. Knowing for a fact that we were a sovereign nation invaded by a neighbouring country, who could have not done so without the assistance of a big-power (US).

We should be working hard to reverse that action, and producing a reliable, credible and formidable 'united' Somali front to challenge the conspirators in the International platform.

Diplomatic efforts and uniting Somali through this stance will be more credible in countering the enemy we face.

I azlso believe that this 'isbaheeysi' will only be playing to Zenawis tune, and the Eriterean presidents likening. It will not gain anything for the general Somali cause.

The Doha declarationis is far more reaching and addresses the Somali cause.

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^Saxib, this is not 1945. The UN and its false ideals are no longer acknowledged nor respected. Modern day occupations only end by damaging you're enemy either militarily or economically.


Empty proclamations won't convince Ethiopia to withdraw its troops. As for airing ones views on an 'international platform'; don't forget that this very platform failed the Somali people prior to the invasion. Declarations may attract the brief attention of the international community but this will not bother the occupiers. The occupiers are in the country at the pleasure of those that matter in the international community.


Your assertion that we risk placing ourselves in the same category as the ONLF or OLF by aligning ourselves with them does not stick. Alliances

of this nature are nothing new. The hasty assumptions you've drawn about this alliance is totally unfounded. Each group has the goal of defending itself against Ethiopian aggression. Besides, there are clear distinctions between the different wings and their fields of operation.


My contention is that we will waste our time if we restrict our fight to the political field alone. If this path is followed, you may attract audiences from the pretentious left but you'll never make in roads to the real decision makers.

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Anagi ayaba teena la yaban , o tala xumadeena ayey Axmaro dalki ku qabsadeen. Why do we need to enhance the scope, while we are failiing to counter the enemy in a smaller scale. Furthermore , the dilema of ONLF and OLF with its country of origin has existed long time, thus by merging with them are we theoritically accepting that we are in the same category. Knowing for a fact that we were a sovereign nation invaded by a neighbouring country, who could have not done so without the assistance of a big-power (US).

We should be working hard to reverse that action, and producing a reliable, credible and formidable 'united' Somali front to challenge the conspirators in the International platform.

Diplomatic efforts and uniting Somali through this stance will be more credible in countering the enemy we face.

I azlso believe that this 'isbaheeysi' will only be playing to Zenawis tune, and the Eriterean presidents likening. It will not gain anything for the general Somali cause.

The Doha declarationis is far more reaching and addresses the Somali cause

Juje, Maxaa isbaheysigaga laga faaiidi intaad sida ufikireyso? Teeda kale, wax isbahaysa maba jire e isdaji!


ONFL Press Release

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