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General Duke

President Yusuf meets Ghadafi of Libya...

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^^HornAfrique :D , I am tempted to mock your naiveté in thinking ‘some southern parts made progress’ while in fact you are reporting the workings of a placeholder. It’s a sham, adeer.


Generale, the Kismayo matter is a lot more complex issue than Jawhar and Beledweyne (why pick two of the most peaceful cities in the south?). But let’s see how far this old man goes with his newly found pacifist approach toward that city. In my estimate, this TFG won’t be any different than AQasim’s. Like Mr. Qasim, the old man seems to have had no vision beyond winning that seat. He has no strategy for addressing the issues that matter most. But again you may come back and tell me that I am too keen to see things settled and I should rather wait a bit longer and let things take their natural course. But I heard that before.


These are the new (old realities, one may say) actualities on the ground that faces the old man and his TFG.


1- Ethiopia seems to have decided to support the warlords and fund them in the expense of the TFG and its declared policies. What is he gonna do about it?

2- JVA alliance is proving to be shrewder than thought and it’s effectively on the march to legitimize its loot. Efforts by the old man to seduce one of its junior member--I wavered their, I could have said the thug --failed to materialize. Is he gonna bless a loot-derived admin?

3- Tacit American support in the Mogadishu fight. Will he join them and bow for their demands?

4- The secessionist drive is on the march again, and this time it has some thing to show. Ethiopia has opened an embassy in Hargaisa, and the old man and his TFG chose to appease.


As you can see, good Generale (in many fronts) you have no good news to report. The labor continues to intensify, you tell us, while our device tell otherwise. Bal ka tali adeer Dukow.

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Xiine, you are more then welcome to mock adeer. Realize, however, that I find it much more prudent to discuss with you about Bossaso politick then Kismayo's. :D

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^^Not a bad assesment at all, i say. But in Xiin's view no Somali politicking is off the table. I thrive on defying its customary norm, adeer :D . I am not particularly picking on you but I found it kind of a fun to interrupt your (General Duke’s as well) humming merry tunes and inject a needed dose of reality in to it.

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The prospect of the meeting with Gadafi, the despotic regime in libya, is utterly immaterial to the reality in Somalia. The old man should see the solution from the lens of his people, not the cheap shots of Gadafi.

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