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Somaliland and Ethiopia signs "Historic" MoU on access to Red Sea and Establishment of Naval Base

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Well that is for sure why would we give Ethiopia naval base if we dont get something in return Ethiopian airline share  getting a share in Ethiopia telecom , Waxaaso oo dhan Somaliland waxa kala weyn aqoonsiga gooni isutaaga Jamhuuriyada barakaysan eeh Somaliland.


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according to gaylan media  Ethiopia is getting cold feet on the recognition  of Somaliland , there for the Somaliland republic made it clear no bad or naval base with out recognition.  Ethiopia suggested then that they will equally treat Somaliland the same way it treats the federal goverment in order in ay qanciso SL  and also help Somaliland reclaim some of it lost land . How ever that isnt good enough on the SL part  there for according to gaylan media the Ethioopians said they are going to sign the deal with the bunker now how that is going work i dont culusow wu sexeexi for sure to spite SL  and the Ethiopians know we willl not accept ever a Somalia signature to deal for us  thats why they want to exert some pressure on Somaliland to accept their offer according to gaylan media  Biixi is going to accept it just to defy  the bunker i dont think he can he could do it though and wouldnt be blamed how ever it would be a bad legacy  for Somaliland aqoonsi is worth more then anything  lesser then that it is not worth renting out ur land to the Ethiopians . and he to knows he cant sell it there for it isnt going to fly halkaasay marka ku dhamaatay , unless some one concedes or shows some balls, From either side 


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1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

For a 3rd time 

Waa markii lixaad, 6th time since bishii toddobaad ee sanadkii 2022. Waa socdaalo every three months and a week on average. I don't even visit relatives in my city of Toronto that many times in that time frame.

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On 3/17/2024 at 7:29 PM, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Waa markii lixaad, 6th time since bishii toddobaad ee sanadkii 2022. Waa socdaalo every three months and a week on average. I don't even visit relatives in my city of Toronto that many times in that time frame.

anigu mala waxan u malaynaya inu naag meesha ku qabo asmara  with in two months labba goor bu tagay , afewerqi tallow muxu u sheegey .. i heard that hassan sheikh visited in his two year term twice as many countries as adan cadde in his 7 years reign haha 

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1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

 two year term twice as many countries as adan cadde in his 7 years reign haha 

That is not even close, more than 21 years Siyad rule

Eritrean president sometimes doesnt't leave Eritrea, 5 years at times 

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Dowlada Jabuuti oo mar kale ka hadashay mawqifkeeda ku aadan isfahamka Somaliland iyo itoobiya 



Khamiis, Maarso, 28, 2024 (HOL) - Dowlada Jabuuti ayaa markale kasoo horjeedsatay heshiiska Somaliland iyo Itoobiya, iyada oo sheegtay in madaxbannaanida Soomaaliya ay tahay lama taabtaan.

Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada Jabuuti Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf, oo waraysi kooban siiyay MMTV, ayaa sheegay in loo bahanyahay in dib loo soo celiyo xidhiidhkii ka dhexeeyay Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya.

"In xidhiidhka fiican ee Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya dhexmarayay in uu sidii kusoo noqdo hadafkaa ayuu Madaxweyne Ismaaciil Cumar qabaa, markaa gobolkeena dhibaatooyinkiisu way badanyihiin, dhibaato cusubna uma baahnin" ayuu yidhi Wasiir Yuusuf.

Wasiirku waxa uu carabka ku adkeeyay in ay qabaan mawqif ah in la ixtiraamo madaxbannaanida Soomaaliya, isaga oo sheegay in dowlada Jabuuti anay aaminsanayn in Soomaaliya la kala jaro.

Waxa uu sheegay in isfahamkii Somaliland iyo Itoobiya anay wali waxba ka hirgalin, isla markaana  dowladaha Jabuuti iyo Kenya ka shaqaynayaan isku soo dhawaynta Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya.

Waxa uu sheegay in Jabuuti ay hada hayso xilka hoggaanka urur goboleedka IGAD, isla markaana ay masuuliyadi ka saarantahay ilaalinta nabada gobolka, iyo isku haynta dowladaha ururka xubnaha ka ah.

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Have u noticed that this isn’t about Ethiopia gaining access of Ethiopia annexing parts of Somaliland they mention . They mention that they hate what is in for Somaliland which recognition 

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