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Sharjah: Puntland leader meets Range Africa Oil: PICS

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President Faroole in Sharjah


Madaxweyne Farole oo la kulmey shirkadaha shidaalka

23 Jul 23, 2009 - 3:58:37 PM


Cadde oo Farole uga warbixinaya heshiisyada

Madaxweynaha DGPL Mud.Cabdiraxman Farole ayaa 22 July,2009 la kulmey saraakiil ka socota shirkada Range Resources iyo Africa Oil kaas oo ka dhacey Hotelka uu ka dagan yahay Sharjah ee wadanka Imaaraadka Carabta.


Kulankan ayaa salka ku haysay dib-eegis mamulka cusub ku sameynayo heshiisyadii Xukuumadii Cadde Muse la gashay shirkadaha shidaalka kaasoo ay ka qayb galeen Waasirada ka tirsan waftiga Madaxweynaha iyo Agaasimaha hay'ada Batroolka Ciise Maxamud Dholawaa.



Kulanka dowlada & Range Resource

Wadahadaladaan oo socday maalin dhan ayaa la filayaa iney sii socdaan maalmaha soo socda iyada dowlada Puntland dib-u-eegista heshiisyadaan u adeegsatey qareeno ka madax banaan shirkadaha kuwaasoo talo bixin ka baxshay qaabka wax laga badalayo heshiisyadii lala galey shirkadahaan iyada oo la eegayo danta shacabka Puntland ugu jirta habka qaybsiga dakhliga kasoo baxa hadii lasoo saaro shidaal ama macaadin.


Kulankaan ayaa waxaa sidoo kale goob-joog ka ahaa Madaxweynhii hore ee Puntland Gen.Cadde Muse taasoo Madaxweynaha Farole kaga dhageystey warbixino ka ku saabsan heshiisyadii horey loola galey shirkadahaan.



Dadkii ka soo qayb galey xaladii sharjah

Dhinaca kale waxaa 21 July,2009 magaalada Sharjah ka dhacey kulan balaaran oo jaaliyada ku nool wadanka UAE ku soo dhoweyneysay waftiga uu hogaaminayo Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamad farole kaasoo lagu qabtey Hotelka Radison.


Xafladaan oo aad loo soo agaasimey ayaa waxaa hadalo ka jeediyey xubno ka tirsan dadweynaha, Wasiiro, ganacsato iyo Madaxweynaha DGPL Cabdiraxman Farole kaasoo lagu kala warqaatey iyada shacabka ku nool UAE aad u soo dhoweeyeen qaabka cusub ee dowladda Puntland ku shaqeyneyso.



Agaasimaha Batroole

Waxaa dhinaca kale xafladaan goob-joog ahaa Madaxweynahii hore ee Puntland Mud.Cadde Muse.


Madaxweynaha DGPL ayaa soo gaba-gabeyn doona safarkiisa maalmaha soo socda isaga oo ku soo fool leh Puntland.


Xafiiska Warfaafinta ee Madaxweynaha Puntland

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Puntland leaders talking



Director General of Puntland Oil & Minerals ministry



Range director sitting with Puntland President & ex-President Cade

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It is welcome development that Puntland leaders continue to pursue this important sector of the economy. I am sure they realized that without concrete economic progress, the peace may be in danger in the long run. In today's world, the quickest way to develop is to expliot natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals.

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^^^Liquefied Natural Gas [LNG], fisheries and other resources must be used to create jobs and a new state. Wasting time is not our aim, we have wasted 49 years.


More has to be done and we need to invite as many foreign companies as possible to aid our development.

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Exploration Drilling


In Somalia, AOC has identified numerous potentially large prospects in both the Dharoor and Nogal Blocks on seismic and will select future drilling locations in late Q4 2009. In addition, the Company will start its efforts to procure and mobilize a drilling rig.


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Shirkada African Oil oo ayadu hada ka wada hawlaha guud ee baarista Batroolka Puntland, ayaa dhamaadkii sanadkii lasoo dhaafay ee 2008 soo afmeertay baaritaanka goobaha batroolka uu ku jiro ee Dooxada Dharoor ee gobalka Bari, hawlahaasi baaritaanka ah ayaa waxaa fuliyey shirkad hoos tagta African Oil oo lagu magacaabo IMC.


Horseed Media

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all the pictures in the world wont take out oil duke, show me some oil comming out and being sold on the international market and than ill be impressed.


loooooooooooooool, somali's are so simplistic.

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liked the business environment and the sense of professionalism. It's about time NGONGE crosses the artificial fence and apply jinsiyah puntilandiyah al suumaliyah :D




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Originally posted by GAAROODI:

oil duke, show me some oil comming out and being sold on the international market and than ill be impressed.


I am not sure how you thought this was about impressing you? :D

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Somalia: Puntland leader meets oil company executives

24 Jul 24, 2009 - 10:00:28 AM


DUBAI, UAE July 24 (Garowe Online) - The president of Somalia's Puntland regional autonomy, Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole," has held a meeting with executives from oil companies while in Dubai, Radio Garowe reports.


A press release issued from the Puntland President's Office stated that President Farole and members of the delegation met with executives from Range Resources, Ltd., and Africa Oil Corp.


The meeting took place on Wednesday at Millennium Hotel, where Africa Oil executives did a presentation for the Puntland government delegation, including Interior Minister Gen. Abdullahi Jama "Ilkajir" and Petroleum and Minerals Director, Isse Mohamud "Dholowa."



President Farole

and Gen. Muse, ex-Puntland leader

Gen. Mohamud "Adde" Muse, Puntland's former president, was also present at the meeting with the government ministers and oil executives.


President Farole, who won an election in January, has promised that oil contracts will be reviewed by experts before the Puntland administration can move forward with oil drilling.


Then-President Muse signed an agreement with Australia-based Range Resources in Aug. 2005. That agreement has undergone several phases and Canadian explorer Africa Oil signed a joint-venture deal with Range in Jan. 2007.


President Farole's delegation has visited Washington, D.C., Minneapolis and London, before returning to Dubai ahead of an expected stopover in Djibouti.


The Puntland delegation has held important meetings with government officials in the U.S., the U.K. and the U.A.E. The delegation has also attended community events in all four cities visited during this trip.


Located in northeastern Somalia, Puntland considers itself part of a future federal Somalia.


Source: Garowe Online

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loooooool, show me some oil comming out and being sold on the international market and i will be impressed, right now i have been hearing about puntlands invisible oil for the last 5 years and every trip they have the same meeting.


seems more like a PR stunt that actual oil comming out.

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