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Originally posted by mystic:

Adnaan, have you seen how mad the Americans were when 3 thousand of their people were killed on 9/11. They demanded justice and they didn’t shake the enemies hand or kissed the enemies behind.


They had the heart and guts to stand as one, even thou they come from different races and nationalities, while the Somali people who claim to be the same when it comes to race, language, religion and culture massacre each other, sell each other and disrespect each other to the bone.

Walibana they weren’t like any other three thousand, that is if this number is accurate, they could be much higher some one has told that gasses were used in this war as some of the found bodies had no shot marks...ilaahey baaan oge. :(

They were the best we had. They were men who put their lives on the line for their country, ppl and believe. When was the last time you saw such a large number of Somalis with principles other than qabiyaalad? Rare, very rare I think and in fact we have lost a priceless group of libaaxyo we should forever remember them.

Check my thread in the general section.

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some of you seem to be sore losers if ever so any. You were the cheer leaders of those terrorist and etrimemist yet want to speak speak to us about the lose of life. Where was these concerns when the courts were killing prisoners of war. The truth of the matter is this people, there were no lose inocent life. Someone who went to go fight the government of a nation and got shot in the process, should have been shot regardless of war or no war. And this Ethiopian thing, you can chant it to your death beds but it will not make an ounce of difference. Cimamadley got an *** whuppin calami ah and I for one could not be happy. For all of you getting ready to becoming the whores of ethiopian troops, Addis will be very happy to take you in and we will be happy to be rid of you.

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