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Shame one Them, if this is true..............

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And a new low is reached. You wouldn't expect this type of behaviour from the beasts of the wild. Scroll to 2 min 30 sec of the Youtube vid and watch how wretched human beings become when they forsake their faith, when they become calool-uu-shaqaystayaal who will do anything for a few shillings. Waa dad dhintay, oo dhilan. The word dhuli and dayoos is not sufficient to describe them. Watch the vid.


Basically, Proffesor Ibbi tells us the story of a Somali humanoid, a high-ranking officer in the TFG militia who in order to curry favour with an Ethiopian military officer, asked his wife to go sleep with the Tigray najaasah. Actually, the proposition wasn't even his to begin with. The Tigray officer went up to the Malcoon dayoos and told him straight up:" Yo, you got a hot wifey, she looks virtous and clean, can I hit that ?"


His reaction ? Dutifully goes to his wife and asks her to "orod oo naga ceeb astur our beloved Tigray guest, take care of his needs". For Somalia's sake, for Dawladnimo's sake, for Peace and Stability's sake.



Her reaction, being the Somali Muslim women she is, Takes out her shoe and whips him with it. Pronounces him divorced on the spot, ayga dayoos-ka ah.


Nabiga(PBUH) wuxuu dhahay:" Ithaa lam tastaxyi, fasnac maa sh'et" Hadee aathan xishoonin, waxaa rabtid samay. Time and again, dhabdhilifs and their sympathizers have proven themselves to be devoid of Islamnimo and Somalinimo, but I have never thought the day would come when a Somali-isku-sheeg malcoon would ask his wife to go sleep with the Ethiopian occupier.


These are the type of amoral pathalogical people we are up against, and as some of the clan elders insisted that the man and his wife be 'reconciled', there are among us a misguided few who would call for unity, reconcilliation, and compromise with Officer Dayoos and his ilk.


I await the rationalisations(he's only 1 man ! don't genaralise !) and tortured explanations(um, one bad apple....) from our resident TFG cheerleaders.

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Do you actually believe the rubbish and baseless lies Ibbi is uttering. Sxb you are naive.

Illahey SWT uu tobaad keen.

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^^ You are the naive one, Mr. Ex-TFG-supporter-magically-turned-'Somalinimo'-proponet. You call Proffesor Ibbi a liar, yet lap up every wishful bone the Xabashis throw at you ? Pity, duqa, pity.


What is so hard to believe ? That a secular TFG official, a man of your own making idealogically, could stoop so low ? How is he any different from those who call the reported rape of Somali Women PR propoganda ?(if my memory serves me right, you did too) How is he any different from any Qabiil-crazed jaahil who threw his lot with the Xabashis just because the ICU kicked the butts of his adeero to high hell ? How is he any different from those who have prostituted themselves and sold away their faith, their morals, and their principles to Meles Zenawi ? From those who rationalised their way till they found themselves neck-deep in grand treason which history will faithfully record ?


My friend, you are the hopelessly naive one here ee indahaaga reality uu fur.


Proffesor Ibbi and other prominent well-known Somalis have seen and visited this sister who is now in Nairobi, Kenya. Your trying to cast doubt on this incident speaks for itself.

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Kashafa,all that venom spitting due to a hear say? Baal isku noqoo and be rationale your after all a God fearing man so maha,then unless you have prof your in no place to be condemning and accusing.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

^^ You are the naive one, Mr. Ex-TFG-supporter-magically-turned-'Somalinimo'-proponet. You call Proffesor Ibbi a liar, yet lap up every wishful bone the Xabashis throw at you ? Pity, duqa, pity.

Disregarding the rest of your innuendo let me take you up with the 'liar' tag.

Agreeing with you the misery of Ethiopian occupation and the need to resist it in any possible form that could lead to their expulssion does not mean that I have to , as you said, stoop so low and believe the rubbish and ignorance tale narrated by IBBI in this clip. Do you really believe that TFG officials what ever rank accomodate the Tigre forces with the pleasures of their wives, do you sxb.?

And do you realize how this undermines your case against the occupation. Think and think deep before you use 'Tigres are bedding around Somali women' as a propaganda against the occupation sxb.

Hence sxb argue on the basis of the value of the message of Ibbi disregard everything else.

Ibbi used this as tool to ignite the anger of Somalis, and as far as you are concerned he has succeeded.

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:D @Dahia.


Otay, let's assume for a quick minute that I'm crazy. That way we don't have to focus on me and my 'venom' and focus on the story. Good ? Aight.


Now two questions for your fair and balanced(fox news motto) person


a) What grounds do you have to call this a false story ? By that primitive pathetic logic(have proof, then act. No proof, no action. Let Rome burn, we fiddle. Bring proof), do you also contest the reported docuemented rape of your Somali sisters ? After all, according the Ethiopians, it never happened. There's no proof. Do you have a video of the actual rape ? the mass massacres ? the war crimes ? No ? Then it's hearsay. Never happened. Every back to business.



b) Assume the story is true, what then ? Lemme guess: "Ilaahay ha cafiyo, God is merciful, let them forgive each other and reconcile and save their marriage, and let him continue to serve his country"

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This topic is making me puke, it is this kind of trash that best deserve such picture:




These men stil claim to be Islamists and have the high moral ground...

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