
Former Kulmiye Minister warns against shady plans for Wajaale

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Axmed Muumin Seed oo ka Dayriyay Dhaqdhaqaaqyo Guracan oo Xukuumaddu ka wado Wajaale

by Qaran News | Oct 20, 2023

Axmed Muumin Seed oo ka Dayriyay Dhaqdhaqaaqyo Guracan oo Xukuumaddu ka wado Wajaale

Hargeysa(Qaran news)-Siyaasiga Axmed Muumin Seed ayaa ka dayriyay dhaqdhaqaaqyo guracan oo xukuumaddu ka wado magaalada Wajaale oo ay horumarka kagala dagaalayso muwaadiniin qaar kalena xuquuq dheeraad ah ku siinayso.

Sudaasna wuxuu ku sheegay qoraal uu soo saaray oo u qornaa sidan:-

“Walee Wajaale Waxa Ka Soo Socdiyo Wabiga Yaa Weyn

Wajaale warka ka soo yeedhayaa ma wanaagsana, damiirka uma wanaagsana, dawladnimada uma wanaagsana, dadnimada uma wanaagsana, damaceena dal-madaxbanaan ahna uma wanaagsana.

Wajaale xukuumadu waxa ay ka wadaa qorshe ay ku weecinayso jidkii laamiga ahaa ee Barbara corridor ee hore Survey-ga loogu sameeyay, kaas oo lagu waday in uu maro Waqooyiga magaalada, isaga oo markaas 4km oo kaliya ku gaadhi lahaa badhtama Wajaale & Xuduuda Ethiopia, waxana ay xukuumadu geed dheer u fuushan tahay sidii ay jidkaas ugu leexin lahayd dhinaca Koonfureed ee Wajaale, taas oo markaa jidka ka dhigaysa mid masaafo dhan 10km oo jihada Koonfureed ah ku gaadhaya Wajaale iyo xuduuda Ethiopia.

Waa habdhaqan ku dhisan talo guracan, waa kala-godobsasho iyo xad-gudub badheedh ah in ay xukuumadu is hortaagto wado 4km ah oo dhex-maraysay beeraha iyo dhulka dad muwaadiniin ah, iskuna qaawiso sidii ay jidkaas uga leexin lahayd majarahiisa iyada oo u leexinaysa dhinaca beero kale oo ay leeyihiin muwaadiniin kale oo ay xukuumadu isku qancisay in ay dadka kale ka xaq iyo xuquuq badan yihiin.

Dabcan, qorshahaas waa mid aan laga fiirsan, waa mid god-dheer ku ridaysa kalsoonidii lagu qabay in beelaha ku somaliland wax wada yeelan karaan. Waa mid mugdi iyo kala aamin bax u horseedaya bulshada, soona cimri-dadajinaya himiladeena ah helitaanka dal la wada leeyahay, loona siman yahay qaybsiga khayraadkiisa.

Xaalka sidaas ah waxa uu waajibinaya in masiirkeena wax wada lahaasho la iska waydiiyo su’aasha ah “side ayaa dawladnimo & khayraad loola wadaagi karnaa dadka iyo xukuumada is huwan ee 4km oo jid ah u quudhi la’ dad ay wax isku darsadeen?

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxa aan shacabka reer Somaliland ugu baaqaya in ay amniga ilaashadaan, sidoo kalena waxa aan xukuumada ugu baaqayaa in qorshahaas shaydaan ay faraha kala baxdo, jidkaasna u dayso tubtii hore loogu sahmiyay, kana shaqayso danta guud iyo maslaxada dadka degaanka Wajaale ee ay kala godobsanayso.

Eebe Ha Idin Waafajiyo Talada Wanaagsan.”


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Galbeedi what’s this issue exactly about and what consequences or impact does it have on people? And how long has this been known or been in pipeline. 

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1 hour ago, Arafaat said:

Wajaale xukuumadu waxa ay ka wadaa qorshe ay ku weecinayso jidkii laamiga ahaa ee Barbara corridor ee hore Survey-ga loogu sameeyay, kaas oo lagu waday in uu maro Waqooyiga magaalada, isaga oo markaas 4km oo kaliya ku gaadhi lahaa badhtama Wajaale & Xuduuda Ethiopia, waxana ay xukuumadu geed dheer u fuushan tahay sidii ay jidkaas ugu leexin lahayd dhinaca Koonfureed ee Wajaale, taas oo markaa jidka ka dhigaysa mid masaafo dhan 10km oo jihada Koonfureed ah ku gaadhaya Wajaale iyo xuduuda Ethiopia.

Why reroute? Trouble with nomads: a) They jump the gun without the facts in, and b) Almost always leave out crucial details whilst shouting from the roof tops only to find out it was a mere storm in a tea cup. Now, even if so, for whatever the reason, surely reer Wajaale could build 10km to connect to the route, could they not? I read reer Bursaalax, Mudug took it upon themselves to build asphalt road to connect their city to Tuur dibi. 

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I don’t think the issue is about funds for the road infrastructure itself, reer Awdal were actually the first community decades ago to mobilize funds and build  the main road from Kalabaydh to Dilla/ Borama. Think the issue is about strategic (clan) access or economic control of the main road to Ethiopia.

But you are right we don’t the know exact details of the road and issue at hand. And the issue can get out of hand and might fuel tension if not addressed sooner then later. 

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On 10/21/2023 at 5:15 PM, Illyria said:

Now, even if so, for whatever the reason, surely reer Wajaale could build 10km to connect to the route

I thought Illyria was a guy who traveled extensively to the north and had enough knowledge to the mechanics of developments and how it is managed and allocated. Of course you could build a road in your village and connect some neighboring towns, but trade routes and major development roads paid by others are strictly controlled and jerrymandered.

The issues here is that  the road supposed to cross some towns belonging to the Awdal community before it goes west to Ethiopia. Now the new design totally deviates from the 6 km or so that supposed to cross Awdal side but made to deviate further to 13 km is the issue. They wouldn't even allow the road to cross or reach our settlement.


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10 hours ago, galbeedi said:

I thought Illyria was a guy who traveled extensively to the north and had enough knowledge to the mechanics of developments and how it is managed and allocated. Of course you could build a road in your village and connect some neighboring towns, but trade routes and major development roads paid by others are strictly controlled and jerrymandered.

The issues here is that  the road supposed to cross some towns belonging to the Awdal community before it goes west to Ethiopia. Now the new design totally deviates from the 6 km or so that supposed to cross Awdal side but made to deviate further to 13 km is the issue. They wouldn't even allow the road to cross or reach our settlement.


I must admit I am not that familiar with the Wajaale trade route, nor the Cali Xaydh / Zeylac one. Thanks for the background info. It just boggles the mind as to why they would do such an insane thing.

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