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Las Anod Water Project Completed

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Las Anod(QARAN)-The Somaliland Ministry of Water and Natural Resources and the Sool Regional administration along with water development agencies have completed the installation of a water filteration complex in Las Anod.


The complex of several water wells have been installed with purification and filtration systems to cleanse and make the water of city drinkable for its residents. This is the first such project to take place in Las Anod and comes after the resumption of Somaliland authority in the region.


The new water purification complex consist of five wells spread across the city which are designed to provide hygenic household water for the residents of Las Anod. Previously, the residents of Las Anod relied upon infrequent water supplies from nearby villages.


These new water development plants have been welcomed by the residents of Las Anod and comes after a pledge made to the them region by the President of Somaliland, Mudane Dahir Rayale Kahin upon the resumption of Somaliland authority in the region last year.


The Governor of Sool, Mudane Ali Sandulle stated that this the fourth project carried out in the region since the resumption of Somaliland authority last year. The other projects include the reconstruction of the regional administration facilities, communications developments including roads and telecommunications, drought relief and the refurbishment of the local hospitals and clinics.


Mudane Ali Sandulle called on the residents of the region to work with the Somaliland government to improve the lives of the residents of the city after years of neglect under the Puntland local administration.



Source Qarannews


Las Anod

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Laascanood,(Qarannews)-Wasaaradda Macdanta iyo Boyaha Somaliland iyo maamulka gobolka Sool, ay iskaashnayaan hay'ado ayaa ku guuleystay in ay Shan ceel oo Biyo macaan ah ka dhexsameeyaan gudaha Magaalada Laascaanood.


Ceelashan ayaa waxaa Lagu macaaneeyey Mashiinada Biyaha macaaneeya,mashiinadan ayaa kala safaynaynaha Biyaha Adag ee Ceelasha oo wixii wasakh ahna debeda ku tuuraya wixii Biyaha nadiifta ahna Taangiga ku wareejinaya, mashruucani waa mashruucii Biyood ee ugu horeyey oo la geliyo Magaalada waana markii ugu horeysey oo Biyo macaan laga Cabo Ceelasha Magaalada Laascaanood, taasi oo guri kasta oo magaalada ku yaala la galin doono biyo macaan waana markii ugu horaysay ee ayarintani dhacdo.


Shantan Ceel ayaa ku kala yaala meelo kala durugsan oo magaalada gudeheeda ah shaqadooduna siwanaagsan ayey u socotaa oo aad ayaa dadka looga waraabinayaa, arintan ayaa wax wayn ka bedeshey baahidii Biyaha Macaanaa ee Tuulooyinka Lagasoo dhaamin jirey kuwaasi oo ay aad ugu adkayd dadweynaha badidiisa in ay meel ka dheer magaalada u doontaan biyo macaan.


Arintan ayaa Shacabka Laascaanood ay aad ugu faraxsanyihiin taasi oo ay yiqiinsadeen in ay arintani horudhac u tahay hadalkii ama balan qaadkii Maxawayne Riyaalle uu hore u sheegay taasi oo uu qeexay in Laascaanood ay wax qabad ay u baahan tahay sida biyo macaan iyo waxyaale kaleba, taasi oo ay dadweynaha reer Laascanood aad u soo dhaweeyeen isla markaasna aad ugu riyaaqeen adeegaasi ay fulisay xukumada Somaliland, taasi oo ay dadka reer Laascanood ay aad ugu hambalyaynayaan xukumada iyo maamulka gobolka Sool oo ka midho dhaliyay balamihii ay u qaadeen shicibka reer Laascanood taasi oo ay ku cel celiyeen in ay soo saari doonaan biyo macaan oo wada gaadhi doona dhamaan magaalda taasi oo ay hore ugu guuldarsyteen dawladihii soo maray gobolka Sool, gaar ahaan magaalada Laascanood oo ay ugu danbeeyeen maamulkii laga saaray magaalda ee Puntland.


Dhanka kalena Gudomiyaha gobolka Sool mudane Cali Sandulle Ayaa ka war bixiyey Mashruucan Shanta Ceel ah sida ay ku hirgaleen iyo Cida Maalgelisey wuxuuna yidhi ‘Mashruucani waa mashruucii 4'aad ee fula ilaa iyo intii Somaliland ay gacanta ku dhigtay Laascaanood waxaana ka horeeyey Mashruucii Dibu habayntii Xarumahii Dawlada,Mashruucii Laamiga,Mashruucii Abaaraha iyo Kan oo ah Kii shanaad oo sidii la doonayey u fulay markaa Dawladu waxay u soo jeedaa oo diyaar u tahay in ay Gobolka soo gaadhsiiso gobolada kale ee Somaliland sidaas darteed waa in lala shaqeeyee dawlada wax qabada keedana laga faaidaystaa,

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Xaaji where you working on this project ?


if you were your lucky bro .... I wouldn't mind going back home for a short stint to work on a development related project

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